As I was reading I was thinking, I hope you document the process. So yes please from me.
It's the first time I've tried it and if it wasn't for other folk journaling their builds on other fora, I wouldn't know where to start lol!
Phase 1 started last night; bunging up one end with expanding foam. Don't zoom in too closely as the rug is in dire need of vacuuming!
This is where the tank's at now; the gap just left of centre is where the log is going. Because the branch in the middle will be holding some of the weight, I thought it best to anchor it a bit more. Cue even more expanding foam! Gratuitously included the Anubias Pangolino in the second shot.

I'm still having issues with balancing the misting and ventilation, particularly now the heating is on and the relative humidity has dropped. I'm struggling to get enough moisture in the background for the mosses to get going properly. They're doing well, if slowly (I keep reminding myself that it
is moss and it
is winter) in the lower half where the cork is wicking the water from the "pond". The yellow cherry shrimp in there are all plugging along well, I don't think they will breed in this temperature (maxing out around 19C, pushing 20C if the sun comes out and dropping to 17C) so if they still don't want to breed by the end of summer, I'll pop a wee heater in to keep it around 22C.
I spotted this Platycerium in the bargain bin at Homebase for £2.95 last week so home it came. Removed it from its hanging basket and mounted it on some cork. I've only ever seen one other shop selling them (excluding online) so was quite pleased.
The open fronted drip wall is also having issues (besides the ever present fungus gnats), again it's an issue with keeping the moisture at the right level. This time it's mechanical failure, or rather a failure on my part to foresee the issue with algae growing in the tubing and blocking the drip nozzles, that's to blame. I feel like I spend half my life adjusting the nozzles! A redesign is in order, but I'm not sure which way to go yet. Irrigation seep hose may be my next move but I've yet to find out if that comes in different diameters. Failing that, I might jut go with a single length of hose and melt hole sin it like a spray bar...

The tank itself is doing quite nicely, by no means an aquascape and certainly not a biotope, but I think it replicates the imbellis habitat quite nicely so hopefully the new girls will feel at home. I'm slowly training the Hydrocotyle leucocephala from the tank and up the wall to soften the transition a bit. This should work well
if I can get the moisture level stable. Even with some periods of drying out more than I'd like, the mosses and liverworts are beginning to take hold and bothe Crypts and the Buce are enjoying there positions. The Phaeleonopsis (from the bargain bin at Homebase again) is putting on new growth since being put on the wall. The poor thing has endured being knocked out of its pot several times by one of the dogs as well as arriving with mealy bugs, but it goes to show how tolerant these hybrids are. There's a reason I keep plants this way and that is because I constantly forget to water them and they never survive!