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Amazon Sword plants going black and rotting please Help meeeee please

Thank you fellas.
So I have a small pond supplying me with duck weed and small water lettuce which the fish go mad for BUT funny enough I netted it all out 2 days ago as was Pd off of bits flying around in circulation.
I did have the Eheim 300 running in the original tank ( 90ltr) with the swords for around a year with stone media/ sponge & filter wool and was always Glass Clear and pristine plants??
NOW🤔🤔 I do have Devils Ivy ( potho ) which I added to the tank about 10 days ago???


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Hi all,
I did have the Eheim 300 running in the original tank ( 90ltr) with the swords for around a year with stone media/ sponge & filter wool and was always Glass Clear and pristine plants??
Fine if you keep it maintained, my problem is that I'm not a very conscientious filter cleaner, so I just like to have <"non-clog media in the filter body">, because, for me, <"out of sight can quickly become forgotten about">.
I do have Devils Ivy ( potho ) which I added to the tank about 10 days ago???
<"Perfect">, emergent plants have the <"aerial advantage"> of access to CO2 and oxygen.


cheers Darrel
Glad that’s ok then with the Ivy 😃 rd the Filter I guess I’m a bit Anal with checking cleaning em etc so I’ve slowed down a bit to let gud stuff buil up
WOW! to each and every one of you and the messages too …THANK YOU!
So I did 2 x 50% water changes over a week. I did a Bleach Dip on the Swords with FANTASTIC Results.
I changed pots to Pond pots and in 7 Days my plants look like this with not a single Beard Algae hair Algae to be seen!! 🙏🙏
( oh …. And more root tabs )


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Super awesome!! I do love a success story!