I think the key here is just to be a bit more precise than 'Amazon'. Especially as many people use it as a catchall phrase for anything found in the many waterways of the Amazon basin, or even the whole of South America! Although clearwater habitats probably only account for something like 1% of the available fish habitats there's nothing to stop you picking one of them for your biotope.
As Teapot posted, Ivan Mikolji's youtube channel and website (
http://www.aquatic-experts.com/freshwater.html) contains a wealth of inspiration for clearwater habitats in Venzuela and with a bit of searching you can find lots of other stuff, particulalrly on youtube.
This is a pretty good article from PFK (not often I say that!) about Brazilian clearwater habitats -
http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/content.php?sid=5004. Nice pictures and some plant lists at least!
Some aquatic plants in this Amazon pantanl video -