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Alum in planted tank (not dipping)


New Member
1 May 2023
I have a newly set up no filter nano tank. The plants I used have hitchhikers populating my nano tank. I am now seeing snails and eggs on my dwarf hair grass. Lots of them!!! A snail population boom! I plan to put in Caridina shrimps but I hold that off due to snails infestation.

Has anyone tried alum treatment in planted tank (no livestocks yet)? I have 60% of the area planted with 3 types of mosses, crypts, some fast growing stem plants, Anubis and Bucephalandra. Would the alum kill my plants and beneficial bacteria? I’ve used old tank aquasoil with new aquasoil and sand. I am sure my nano tank has good amount of beneficial bacteria. Not cloudy and plants are doing fine. It’s almost two weeks old now.

I need your expert advice if I can go ahead with treating my nano tank with alum. I have potassium aluminum sulfate.
Hi all,
I am now seeing snails and eggs on my dwarf hair grass. Lots of them!!! A snail population boom! I plan to put in Caridina shrimps but I hold that off due to snails infestation.
Snails and shrimps are a great mix <"Benefits of Snails for a Shrimp Aquarium - Shrimp and Snail Breeder">. You can always control the snails with a snail trap or hand baiting etc.

This is what @LondonDragon does <"Practical application of lean fertilizer dosing">
I need your expert advice if I can go ahead with treating my nano tank with alum. I have potassium aluminum sulfate.
I honestly wouldn't, as far as I'm concerned snails are an <"unalloyed good thing"> and there may be long term effects from the aluminium (Al), although it is unlikely.

cheers Darrel
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I am not a fan of snails, but I might just have to accept them as inhabitants of my nano! Whew! I don’t want to pollute my nano with chemicals as well, so having snails might be a good indicator 🙃

Thanks Darrel for offering a perspective on snails!
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