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AL's 130ltr Jungle

Took a few pics on my phone tonight as the tank is looking pretty damn happy! Having a little bit of melt on my Pogo since the trim last week but also a lot of new growth so hoping it will thicken out! My Moss is also going mental... Growing loads and looking really really clean! Quite chuffed 🙂 Think the additional Amano's I got last week are helping...

Moss with one of my monster Amano's (came out of the sump in my local MH!)


Cardinals together!


Male Ram (had my first batch of eggs this week!)


FTS so I can keep track of growth 🙂


Going to order some LED strips this week - some blues for a bit of moonlight and probably some whites to make it brighter at the front!
Bought more plants!

Anubias barteri var.nana mounted on a new piece of wood at the rear with some Microsorum pteropus 'Narrow' - some more Lilaeopsis for the foreground, some Hygrophila at the back with the Vallis and some large Anubias barteri var barteri on the wood on the right hand side.

Move a few crypts to fill the centre and make it look a bit more like a jungle!

So after the recent plant additions I wasn't happy with the closed up centre... Moved the Lilaeopsis to create more of a path leading to the rear and moved one of the Crypts over to open it up. The gap now leads through to show the detail of some of the wood and even better, the fish are swimming through the newly formed gap!

New gap (yes, I know the Pogo needs some love!)




Male Ram with some new additions; Rathbun's Bloodfin Tetra purchased from my local Maidenhead Aquatics (Shirley - based within Notcutts) - they caught my eye as they had a nice green tinge to their bodies in the shop - once added to my tank they coloured up almost instantly and are showing strong red colouration through their bellies and tails - really pleased with them!


Obligatory FTS:


Intend to give it a really good trim this week to give a little more shape in some areas!
Had a pruning session yesterday! May have gone a little mental but it really needed doing. Hoping the trim will promote fresh new growth throughout!
Got my DSLR out to take some better quality pics again...

Rathbun's Bloodfin Tetra:





Gold Rams:




Also happy to report that despite a fairly heavy fish stock (well, overstocked realistically) my Nitrite is still 0 and my Nitrates are only reading 1 on the JBL kit! Says a lot for over filtering an aquarium really, very pleased!
The wood was from Prestwood Pet Zone

There are many similar and nicer pieces in Sweet Knowle Aquatics also!

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Been a while since i've updated! Have been working away in Kent for the last few weeks so the tank has had very little attention from me! A dose of ferts at the weekend, one small waterchange in the last month and a bit of food chucked in when somebody remembers :lol:

For all of that though I have no algae issues, have lost not a single fish and I have had plenty of plant growth 🙂 The only really change I have made is the addition of a more powerful Koralia to boost flow a little - this has definitely helped CO2 distribution around the tank - my Pogo looks loads better!


Next time I have a whole weekend at home I intend to do a big water change and a decent prune of the plants again - really need to thin that moss out!
Oh yeah... The Lilaeopsis went a while ago - was sending out shoots all over the place but turned yellow so it got moved on 🙁 I like it now the front is clearer anyway - tank looks cleaner!
Quite shot of my male Ram - growing a lot and showing great colours!


FTS from last weekend - little cloudy as it was feeding time!

Few new pics...Corys:


Male Ram still nice and colourful and growing by the week,,


FTS following some changes - got rid of the Pogo as it just wouldn't grow. Was getting the odd offshoot but it as mainly just a collection area for detritus. Also moved my smaller piece of wood to the front (with Anubias and narrow Java Fern already attached) and shifted a couple of crypts.


Still need to go back over the whole tank and tidy up the odd leaf and loss strand of moss...
Only other plans currently are to get a bigger filter to try and get the tank a little cleaner/negate the requirement for the powerhead. 🙂
Your tank is looking very good :thumbup: . You should be pleased with it, the plants all look very healthy and your ram is looking very full of colour :thumbup:
So I popped in to my usual MH aquatics and had a chat with my old boss. Told him I was looking to upgrade my filter (despite the 1000U I was using being well over rated for my tank anyway) - struck a deal on an Aqua Manta EFX 1500 (1500l/ph, rated to 450 litres, holds around 20 litres of water itself!) - due to the gap between my bed and my cabinet being quite small I had to stick the filter in the other side. Slight size difference...!


Twice the size easily...! Transferred over my biological media and off she went 🙂 Has a brilliant self priming function so its genuinely effortless to operate. Barely fits in the cabinet and is a heavy old beast to move though!


Had to use the new fittings etc as the pipework is a lot bigger. All went together easily though and best of all: a full length spraybar! (my arm isn't as fat as it looks in that picture, honestly!)


And an FTS after it was installed. Quite a lot of sediment billowing around thanks to the extra flow. Tank looks a lot more open now as I have removed the powerhead and there is no longer a spraybar on the right hand side.


Within an hour the tank looked visibly cleaner and nicer! This morning it was even better... Suspect the water is a lot clearer as there is a nice big bag of carbon in there now 🙂 Am back away for work all week so will be interested to see how it looks after a week!
Quick pic I took earlier with my S3... Pulled out the Hygrophilia and some moss earlier - still a bit of sediment flying around.


Intrigued to see how manky the floss is already - probably swap it out on Saturday 🙂 Will get the Canon out too and take some more proper pics!
Well as expected the floss and generally the entire filter was pretty manky! Well worth giving it a clean after this first week of it running. Found half a Cardinal in there too... Oops!
Gave it all a good clean out and refreshed the floss - looks great again this evening 🙂

To celebrate, decided to add to my fish stock! Picked up this lovely little 'Bulldog Plec' - nice greyish blue in colour with great markings. Quite small and has been very active this evening.


And an FTS as of this evening...

its coming along Al, now you have a bigger filter you should see some inprovement the the amount of debris in the tank, judging by the crypts you should really try and do some 90% waterchanges and really rough up all the plants to shake it all loose and vacuum the mosses well. You will see a massive improvement in plant health in a short space of time if you do it 3 or 4 times a week. Only concern would be the GBR as it may not appreciate large regular waterchanges....
Thanks Mister B - in the flesh it looked alright but on camera it looked ****. So I've changed it!

Powerglo front, Osram Cool Daylight rear:


Excuse the sediment 🙂

Extra pic from last night - added some more Vallis yesterday plus some additional female Apistogramma to keep my male happy 🙂
