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AL's 130ltr Jungle

Cycle is over!! Been quite a quick one - fishlessly cycled, tested last night and re-tested this morning. No Ammonia or Nitrite, Nitrates showing as 1ppm... Happy with that! All come down from the last week or two!

So the inevitable... Fish time! Decided a while ago that I wanted some Otto's in there first of all to add a small amount of bio load and give a bit of interest in the tank 🙂



So there are 4 Otto's, 5 Amano Shrimp and a couple of Assassin Snails as i've spotted a few pest snails knocking about! Also added a few bunches of Vallis to add some more height to the rear...

First water change today! Did 14-15 litres of the 110-120ish capacity (with displacement taken in to account...). Filters were minging! Changed the floss and recovered two Amano's from the filter... Bloody things!
Trimmed off a few leaves and cleaned the glass 🙂 Nitrite undetectable and Nitrate reduced from 1 to 0.5! Glad i'm running RO tbh...

Need to get another gas cylinder this week and start thinking about some decent ferts for long term use - any suggestions for the easiest/reasonably priced option?
Thanks for that suggestion bud... I do intend to have a fairly heavy fish load (decent shoal of Tetra and a pair of Rams plus maybe one small L number...) so the TNC Lite looks a good option for me!
Plants Alive stock it too so can buy more Crypts at the same time! 😛
Couple of quick pics from yesterday following the trim & W/C:



Seem to have an outbreak of small snails at present so hoping my Assassins get on with it now! In other news i've already emptied by original JBL gas cylinder... remembered I had this in the garage:


JBL valve fits perfectly, set to 1bps - running nicely!


Oh, may have purchased a shoal of something today... 😀
Stuck to my original plan (back when I decided I wanted a planted tank...) to go with Cardinals as my shoal in this setup! I feel its hard to beat the impact of their colours against the greenery/dark background. Happily they are also cruising about through the plants and in the water column - look great!


Glassware has arrived from Tankscape this morning! Ordered Sunday evening and arrived this morning... Really pleased with that! Never realised they were based about 10 minutes from me!


CO2 diffuser and a drop checker 🙂

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Haha good spot! Only the bottle thought... Products are sh*t 🙂

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Forgot to bring my new Glassware home from work so no playing about with that tonight 🙁

Did manage to catch a cool pick of an Otto/Amano double team doing some cleaning though...

Another equipment mod tonight... Always wanted my spraybar aiming down the tank rather than across it but the supplied pieces were too long (with the fittings etc taken in to account):


So a quick trim (with an original item for comparison) and voila... Fits lovely!


Cardinals seem happier with the changed flow... Trying the tank with the powerhead off for a day or two to see how it affects conditions in general...


FTS with the spraybar on the right. May also spot the new glass drop checker in the back left and the glass diffuser on the right - chucking loads of micro bubbles around the tank now! Can see that the flow is loads better )


Now I really just need to leave it and let it grow in for a while!
Another equipment mod tonight... Always wanted my spraybar aiming down the tank rather than across it but the supplied pieces were too long (with the fittings etc taken in to account):


So a quick trim (with an original item for comparison) and voila... Fits lovely!


Cardinals seem happier with the changed flow... Trying the tank with the powerhead off for a day or two to see how it affects conditions in general...


FTS with the spraybar on the right. May also spot the new glass drop checker in the back left and the glass diffuser on the right - chucking loads of micro bubbles around the tank now! Can see that the flow is loads better )


Now I really just need to leave it and let it grow in for a while!
FINALLY got the Canon out to take some decent-ish pics...



The Java Moss is really taking off now... Looks a lot cleaner since I changed the flow in the tank!


Close up of the centre/right hand side:


Newest addition(s)... Pair of Gold Rams! Not had Rams before but in love with them already - active and feeding from day one - very pleased!


Angled FTS:


Full frontal FTS:


Here I want to add a big thanks to Dave, Scott, Paul and Chris at Maidenhead Aquatics in Shirley - helpful guys and a great shop! Now for the tank to grow in 🙂