Hey all,
As the name suggests I am Sophie, and this cube is my personal test of patience and my first one since my childhood/teens.
So welcome to amateur hour!
I have endless amount of patience for people, but when it comes to tasks and projects? You best bet I want results IMMEDIATELY or I am prone to a little self aimed disgruntlement. Certain interests will also dominate my brainspace and life until they feel "complete", so this is also a mini test of my occupational balance. It's been a week and I have said "leave it alone" multiple times an hour.
The cube is life the cube is love.

Things I admit do not come naturally to me - maths and chemistry.... dear lord the chemistry. Thankfully it is easier to process when it is attached to why/how ecosystems and beings are alive but I may ask some very "please spoon feed me" questions!
So... specs.
- 30x30x30cm 25litre glass cube! Got it off all pond solutions in a new years sale.

- A cheap 5w LED light with a single blue spec bulb in there amongst the white. I also have terrestrial plant R&B grow lights dimmed right down for plants around the cube (who are all currently moved) but the tank catches the lights without them insitu, im yet to see an issue this early on but watching out for excessive algae just in case.
- Cheap 25w heater (my room is an ice cave in winter so set at 26°c ive not seen it go above 20° yet, using both internal food grade thermometer and a stick on tank one) I will want to add cherry shrimp and ramshorn snails, they should survive those temps next winter right?
-co2, whose paying for it? You? I jest, not bothering with that on a tiny tank, i did buy liquid, but reviews and research tell me it may be best to scrap it and wing it o'naturale (except all the other not so natural stuff we chuck in) and before anyone suggests the yeast method - im super allergic to yeast, a life without proper bread is dismal.
-HOB filter, fluval AC20. Shocked how silent this filter is. I would say it throws the water down into the tank more than across the surface but a few folks have given me tips for that!

- substrate, you can guess who I copied here, nutribase, pond compost, some fancy black I was given. Root tabs tucked in there. All the rocks in the tank I collected on beaches and walks, all YEARS old, scrubbed, non-porous and made safe. There is a fossil in there somewhere.

My water is HARD. I'm in Norfolk, England. Limescale for days. PH sits right off the bat at 7.6 and has stayed at 7.6 and that seems comfy for future shrimp and snails, but I can imagine some of my plants will sulk? I treated tao water left out for a few days with aqua essential. It was clear beyond some upheaval of substrate and messing about with plants. Ive had a couple days of pure milky water but its mostly been crystal clear with a little build up now of tanins and some biofilm lurking.
.... I'll make another journal post shortly with more timelapse photos, but I have life to do (hideous, I know, the cube... it calls me...), I got a load of un-ID'd plants in there that maybe some lovely folks can help with, all except the anubias and floaters (who were lab babies) came from an established cycled tank with live in a betta, and I'll include my ammonia/nitrite after one week, but I have not added anything to the tank to aid the cycle AS OF YET.
As the name suggests I am Sophie, and this cube is my personal test of patience and my first one since my childhood/teens.
So welcome to amateur hour!
I have endless amount of patience for people, but when it comes to tasks and projects? You best bet I want results IMMEDIATELY or I am prone to a little self aimed disgruntlement. Certain interests will also dominate my brainspace and life until they feel "complete", so this is also a mini test of my occupational balance. It's been a week and I have said "leave it alone" multiple times an hour.
The cube is life the cube is love.

Things I admit do not come naturally to me - maths and chemistry.... dear lord the chemistry. Thankfully it is easier to process when it is attached to why/how ecosystems and beings are alive but I may ask some very "please spoon feed me" questions!
So... specs.
- 30x30x30cm 25litre glass cube! Got it off all pond solutions in a new years sale.

- A cheap 5w LED light with a single blue spec bulb in there amongst the white. I also have terrestrial plant R&B grow lights dimmed right down for plants around the cube (who are all currently moved) but the tank catches the lights without them insitu, im yet to see an issue this early on but watching out for excessive algae just in case.
- Cheap 25w heater (my room is an ice cave in winter so set at 26°c ive not seen it go above 20° yet, using both internal food grade thermometer and a stick on tank one) I will want to add cherry shrimp and ramshorn snails, they should survive those temps next winter right?
-co2, whose paying for it? You? I jest, not bothering with that on a tiny tank, i did buy liquid, but reviews and research tell me it may be best to scrap it and wing it o'naturale (except all the other not so natural stuff we chuck in) and before anyone suggests the yeast method - im super allergic to yeast, a life without proper bread is dismal.
-HOB filter, fluval AC20. Shocked how silent this filter is. I would say it throws the water down into the tank more than across the surface but a few folks have given me tips for that!

- substrate, you can guess who I copied here, nutribase, pond compost, some fancy black I was given. Root tabs tucked in there. All the rocks in the tank I collected on beaches and walks, all YEARS old, scrubbed, non-porous and made safe. There is a fossil in there somewhere.

My water is HARD. I'm in Norfolk, England. Limescale for days. PH sits right off the bat at 7.6 and has stayed at 7.6 and that seems comfy for future shrimp and snails, but I can imagine some of my plants will sulk? I treated tao water left out for a few days with aqua essential. It was clear beyond some upheaval of substrate and messing about with plants. Ive had a couple days of pure milky water but its mostly been crystal clear with a little build up now of tanins and some biofilm lurking.
.... I'll make another journal post shortly with more timelapse photos, but I have life to do (hideous, I know, the cube... it calls me...), I got a load of un-ID'd plants in there that maybe some lovely folks can help with, all except the anubias and floaters (who were lab babies) came from an established cycled tank with live in a betta, and I'll include my ammonia/nitrite after one week, but I have not added anything to the tank to aid the cycle AS OF YET.