Beginning a new tank with algae free plants - what sterile TC is very much promoted for - & waiting on the few algae spores present in environment to inoculate & prosper
is rather a different scenario than beginning same tank with an excellent algae source in situ ...
Some people seem to constantly battle algae, others seem to have very little algae developing ... if you feel confident in managing the algae, then bring over the MC
OTOH a single
in vitro cup of MC goes a long ways
I did an impulsive rescape on my 90cm (OK so most of my rescapes are sudden decisions
🙄 ) - I did break up the MC mat & plant rather ungently (it all floated up after the gentle re-plant
) - it responded with excellent growth & is filling in much faster than if beginning with emerse culture MC (given my usual lazy aquarist conditions
Tropica has switched over some of their 1-2-Grow to a new cup & liquid media system - the other day I saw
Ranunculus inundates &
Rotala 'Bonsai' in both cup systems, plants in the new cups looked much more like (very nice) submerse growth.