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algae problem


and looks like the hair algae still grown a bit dust from glass already gone but now have to find a way how to get rid of hair algae any ideas??
As discussed previously, hair algae is a CO2/flow issue, therefore there are only three ways to fix it:
1. Either inject CO2 at a higher rate or supplement with liquid carbon.
2. Lower the light even more than you already have done.
3. Add more flow.

Until you address these issues you cannot hope to eradicate hair algae. It is very possible, given more time, such as a few weeks/months that the plants will adapt to the current values you have now. However, if you lack the patience to wait for this to happen, then the three actions above (in any combination) are the only way to quickly accomplish this. 😉


I will go for fluval fx5 and koralia 2 or 3 which I hope help a lot with my flow problem just wait for just wait whenI get paid as I can not buy any more things in this month GF not to happy if I spend to much in one month :lol:

CO2 is already bit high and if I add any more it will harm my fish so no chance for this for now I dose 15ml easycarbo a day do I have to change this ??

Thanks Albert
There are a few 2nd hand koralia 2 and 3s on eBay now with a starting price of 99p and no bids. Finish in two days. Maybe you can get a bargain

My tank looks everyday worst than day before I do not know what to do my moss nearly die same as glosso and hair algae can I do anything to get rid of this?
alzak said:

I will go for fluval fx5 and koralia 2 or 3 which I hope help a lot with my flow problem just wait for just wait whenI get paid as I can not buy any more things in this month GF not to happy if I spend to much in one month :lol:

CO2 is already bit high and if I add any more it will harm my fish so no chance for this for now I dose 15ml easycarbo a day do I have to change this ??

Thanks Albert

I'd suggest rethinking the CO2 issue.
That + consider reducing the light intensity.

You are not going to get very far otherwise.

Tom Barr

I already reduce my light and now is 120w for 370l so looks fine

I already find out what's happend with my moss I have 14 SAE and looks like they like my moss not the hair algae