HiHi @Chuunofish
Which remineralizer did you use with your RO water and did you follow the manufacturer's recommendations about how much to use?
I using marin tropic remineralise dosing at 20mls per 100ltrs. Which is correct target for 4dh
HiHi @Chuunofish
Which remineralizer did you use with your RO water and did you follow the manufacturer's recommendations about how much to use?
I using marin tropic remineralise dosing at 20mls per 100ltrs. Which is correct target for 4dh
You can <"just use some tap water"> to give you some dGH/dKH. The hardness is all from dissolved limestone (CaCO3) and it gives you <"1:1 dGH (the Ca++) and dKH (2HCO3-)">.I am using RO as water is very hard kh 17+
I using marin tropic remineralise dosing at 20mls per 100ltrs. Which is correct target for 4dh
ThanksAssuming marin tropic remineralise
View attachment 164496
So 200g/750Lx 100L = 26.667 grams per 100litres
Works out quite costly IMO, and DIY dry salts will be well worth your time
View attachment 164501
To make life easy toss in after water change
Magnesium Sulphate one teaspoon
Calcium Chloride one teaspoon
Potassium Bicarbonate three teaspoons
and call it done
View attachment 164502
Money you save pays for your DIY ferts and still in pocket, once staghorn sorted some spare cash for new plants
We don't know the actual Ca:Mg:K ratio of the product, but 3:1:12 Ca:Mg:K sounds good to me, plus tank will be more stable IMO using single salts rather than a multi salt mix, as not every teaspoon will be the same in a multi salt mix, due to salts size and density of the individual salts will vary
Also the stated filter output is assumed with no hoses and no media. For instance I run two external filters which according to data sheets will give litres 2800 per hour. In reality, I probably achieve half of that and use powerheads to make up shortfall. Along with not overpacking media as mentioned by others, I believe that by having the shortest length hoses possible will help with flow, particularly the outlet hoseBased on between the 2 filters I have 6 x flow 2100ltrs per hours how much more should I aim for?