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Advice needed, just brought a new tank :)

Thanks Clive, the idea was really to get things working faster when it comes to overall water quality and plants, I have no intention of adding any fauna until late July/early August.

Great advice though which I wasn't thinking about some aspects of it so all feedback is always good and helps me learn, never had a low tech tank so this is going to be interesting 😉

Many thanks again 🙂
Just playing around with the new tank, so far added the extra florescent tuve to the tank, the 18w was too big to fit in the hood so had to get another 15w, so now have 2x15w T8.
For filtration going to use the internal filter for the time being, will see if I need something else at a later stage, should be ok for a shrimp tank, I do have a couple of Eheim Aquaballs that I can use if necessary.
Add a black background and also created the mesh for the moss wall that I am also going to setup for this tank, will be great for the shrimp.
The substrate went in this evening, ADA Aquasoil, and was playing around with some bits of wood/rocks I had laying around.

Here some photos:




Wood and all is not final, was just messing about with the stuff I have to hand. 🙂
I like that main bit of wood, it's really structural and creates a nice hidey hole underneath.

Looking forward to seeing how this turns out 🙂
Idea is to cover the wood in different types of mosses. I have 3 types so far! 😉
Trying to decide if I am going to create a moss wall of Xmas moss or weeping moss! since I have quite a bit of weeping moss I might use that, the portion I got of xmas moss is not that big to great the wall yet.
You could have a mixed moss wall, would look especially good if they are different shades of green, would add interest.
Egmel said:
You could have a mixed moss wall, would look especially good if they are different shades of green, would add interest.
Very true, the xmas moss is much lighter than the weeping! might look good to mix them up! thinking of creating a wall for the right hand side of the filter also. Thanks for the idea 😉
Just filled the tank last night, I used water from my other tank to fill it up, just wanted to check everything was running properly, going to do another water change this weekend and see if I have time to do some planting 🙂
Found this chart, will be usefull if someone is planning a shrimp only tank too:


Got a couple of plants last weekend for mine, now getting some mosses for the wall and then we will see.
Trying to find some rocks too and better looking wood than what I have on the previous photos.
What about the Sulwesi shrimp mate? Aren't they slightly different water conditions? I don't think I've ever seen then kept with cherrys or bees before...

Also, how long after filling will you wait? The AS can throw things silly for the first few weeks, or are you planning lots of water changes?

I don't think you should mix mosses too much tbh.. it might look messy after a while. A full wall of weeping moss looks great (as shown on aquamoss.net and AquaticMagic, here). You could then grow flame moss on small stones, and something stylish and easy to maintain like Fissidens fontanus on the wood.

Throw in some bamboo shelters too. They look cheesy but you can always hide them. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bamboo-Shelter-fo ... dZViewItem
Thanks James, I don't think the Sulwesi need different water conditions, I don't plan to add any stock to the tank until late July. I have used filter sponges from my other tank as the sponges are the same size to get the filter going and have been doing water changes every other two days, hopefully after 4 weeks the substrate will be ready too.

The idea of the mosses is to create a moss wall of weeping or xmas moss and then use two others on the wood, not much really, I also have a couple of mosses on the other tank. So won't be mixing too many of them in one go. 😉

Thanks for the bamboo shelter idea, looks interesting. 🙂
Thanks James 😉

Just finished planting the tank, created the weeping moss wall to cover the entire back its looking cool.
Covered some tree branches in mosses also and a stone and planted some crypts, java fern and anubias.
Will post some photos once it clears.
This is how the tank is looking after some planting! I don't want a fancy scape, just something that looks ok and is perfect for the shrimp.




Stones and wood I haven't finalized yet, as before just stuff I had laying around 🙂
aaronnorth said:
looks good, like the last pic, how much moss did you buy to do that wall?
Got an envelope full from Ed 😉 then a donation to UKAPS 😛