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ADA60P “take a hike”

Wow, lovely colours you got here ! (low nitrogen or "azote" for french- ok, got it !) Thank you for sharing ! :woot::clap:
I went to the website (thanks for the link!) and it's not about low Nitrogen (A, "Azote" for french) but low Nitrates (NO3, "Nitrates" for french). But I may be wrong, getting a bit confused about those english/french names.
One of my tank, using EI dry salts fert is getting 29ppm of NO3 per week, what means I should reduce by 5 the amount im currently giving? I can't figure out right now how I could do that, will think about it !

What's your fertilisation routine, if I may ask, please ? (i will re-read the thread, looking if you already told us about this and apologize in advance if you did ! ^^)

Edit : No, you didn't talk about your fertilisation yet, i am safe ! Wooohoo ! lol 😉
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I went to the website (thanks for the link!) and it's not about low Nitrogen (A, "Azote" for french) but low Nitrates (NO3, "Nitrates" for french). But I may be wrong, getting a bit confused about those english/french names.
One of my tank, using EI dry salts fert is getting 29ppm of NO3 per week, what means I should reduce by 5 the amount im currently giving? I can't figure out right now how I could do that, will think about it !

What's your fertilisation routine, if I may ask, please ? (i will re-read the thread, looking if you already told us about this and apologize in advance if you did ! ^^)

Edit : No, you didn't talk about your fertilisation yet, i am safe ! Wooohoo ! lol 😉

Sorry I just realized I never gave you an answer.

Yes, it’s low levels of No3 that can help boost red coloration on some plants.

I use the ADA fertilization regime and actually don’t add any phosphates or No3 at all, other then what’s available in the substrate.
Daily ferts include 2ml of Green brighty Mineral - which is a trace mix. And 2ml of Green brighty neutral K - which is a potassium fertilizer.
The ADA system let’s you rely more heavily on the substrate, which in return let’s you get away with dosing very lean
And after 6/7 months, when the soil can't give enough Macro to the plants?
And after 6/7 months, when the soil can't give enough Macro to the plants?

You add some bottom tabs to the substrate like Tropica or ADA multi bottom, but usually it’s around the half year mark I feel like re-scaping anyways. But people have kept tanks running for years this way
Yeah I can't find anyone in Europe offering them either. Don't suppose you would have the details for the company you used in Singapore?
Sorry for necroing this part of the thread, but you could use heather for the same look. If you collect the heather, boil it for roughly 10 min. and then let it dry for a couple of weeks, you will be able to strip all the leaves of it and you will have something that looks very similar to the sengani roots.

I have tested heather in shrimp aquariums and for making moss trees, and it doesn't seem to leech many tannins or affect the reproduction rates of Neocaridina davidii. Heather is very durable and resistant, this I have tested by leaving it for close to two years in a water filled bucket in our garden shed, and when I drained the water the heather had no signs of loosing its structural integrity.

This could be a cheap alternative to importing sengani roots.
Beautiful fish, always loved them. They seem very fragile and shy though, nice to see those in your 60p.
Beautiful fish, always loved them. They seem very fragile and shy though, nice to see those in your 60p.

Thanks, I’m really enjoying them.

They are actually not that shy, only if you make sudden movements or stick a camera in their face. 😀
Most of the time they are pretty active all over the tank with lots of personality.

They are eating well, and showing healthy behavior and coloration, although high tech acuascapes isn’t a very natural environment for them. The water is soft acidic and I reduced the flow so they appear happy at the moment 🙂