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ADA60P “take a hike”

Looking awesome is the light screen on full or dimmed? & do you just put it on for viewing or use a timer?
Looking awesome is the light screen on full or dimmed? & do you just put it on for viewing or use a timer?

I have it on full intensity all the time, it’s plugged in the same timer as the main light.
That scape will look quite the same as your last one once grown in.

I consider it an refinement rather than a revolution - I took the parts I really enjoyed from the previous scape and improved on the parts where I personally think it lagged.
Keeping one scape at a time, this is the best way to improve on a specific style, for me at least.😀
Love your work shinobi, such bold and vivid colours, here and with agent orange, do you mind if I ask where you get your roots from?

Thanks Ray!

Unfortunatly I was unable to find any Senggani within Europe, so I had to buy it from Singapore.
I had a friend who also wanted some, so we where able to split the rather expensive shipping cost
That sengani root stock :clap:

I hope to ever get some for a reasonable price.... the shipping is expensive and also can get trouble at customs.

Nice clean setup Marc :thumbup:

Thanks mate!

Hope Thomas is able to help you out with gettin some - demand was higher than expected so he raided some of my stash last week 😱
Thanks Ray!

Unfortunatly I was unable to find any Senggani within Europe, so I had to buy it from Singapore.
I had a friend who also wanted some, so we where able to split the rather expensive shipping cost
View attachment 116922

Yeah I can't find anyone in Europe offering them either. Don't suppose you would have the details for the company you used in Singapore?