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ADA Solar RGB vs Kessil A360x vs ONF Flat One+ vs Chihiros Vivid 2 for 300gal planted tank

Hi Folks,

There are other aquarium lighting manufacturers out there. When I replace the light fixture on my main tank - hopefully this year - I'm seriously considering these German suppliers:

I have no commercial interest in either of these companies.

I am in no way trying to sway your judgement but I like the fact that both these companies provide the 'technical' details that I consider important when evaluating lighting products.

I was already looking at these, yes.

Daytime Pendix (also German) are another option: pendix LED System – daytime

But they are all just ugly to me. Industrial... Nothing compared to ADA or Kessil; these two are very different in style, but both very very good looking lights.

I'm really saddened to learn that many seem to share the opinion that Kessils are noisy... I was really warming up to these, but I certainly am trying to avoid any additional noise and having for of these with a noisy fan would not be the best choice probably 🙁
Regarding the plants, I've not yet chosen the exact list of species yet... My inspiration for the build will be Josh Sim's "Congo" 2017 IAPLC winning aquascape.


Hey @aeneas

Sticking with the lighting aspect of this scape... there’s a ton of obstruction if you choose to do something similar. This is really important, your scape ain’t moving. Point source lighting will undoubtedly leave you with difficult to grow spots. It’s only a limitation if you choose to inappropriately plant in those areas. From your shortlist this would only really apply to the Kessils, but if you like shimmer in a scape like this, then point source can make your scape. If you find it distracting then diffused light units are your friend.

Colour rendition: The ADA Solar RGB’s give excellent colour rendition across reds and greens. The ONF Flat One wins on oranges though and gives a warmer feel. The Kessils are great with the greens but majorly lacking compared to the ADA and ONF on reds. You’ll mainly be thinking about how well these lights present the colour of your plants but don’t forget your fish!

Heat, noise and aesthetics: The ADA and ONF are passively cooled and obviously silent. Kessil’s being fan cooled will make noise (note on this and your other thread you said you were looking for silent).




(Note: A160’s not A360X’s although have borrowed the latter to try it out)

ADA Solar RGB’s run cool. The ONF does get warm if using 50% intensity upwards. Kessils also get warm. This will matter in regards to longevity but it’s not the only factor.

Aesthetics wise on how these units can be suspended, this is entirely subjective and down to what you like the look of.

Growth, glare and intensity control: All three lights can do the job - as they should at these price points. The ADA has no intensity control though, both ONF and Kessil give you this very important feature. The ADA has shades for what it’s worth (they are very bright), the ONF doesn’t but running at lower intensities it isn’t as much of an issue, the Kessils can light up your ceiling with a swimming pool ripple effect if you like feeling that you’re on holiday.

The Chihiros unit I cannot comment on as have no experience of it.

I am currently building a new 1100L (240cm L x 65cm W x 70cm H) planted "nature aquarium" style discus tank.

Appreciate you are putting considerable thought into this. It’s a big project that has to account for temperature, appropriate flow for discus, distribution and good lighting to depth to grow plants.

If push came to shove, would be going with two 120cm ONF Flat One units suspended. Brilliant colour rendition, punch PAR to depth, adjustable to find the sweet spot with the warmer running temps, aesthetically minimalist in design, out the way for maintenance, intensity and timer adjustable using the app. Most importantly future proof if you ever change things up, they are potentially powerful enough to grow anything and can be turned down to be suitable to any plant species as well.

Hope this helps @aeneas
@Geoffrey Rea, this is brilliant! I greatly appreciate the thorough and very insightful feedback!
ONF Flat One+ does seem to be a great alternative to ADA lights with the added features on top of it.
You also identified my priorities quite accurately: (a) function, (b) aesthetics, (c) noise.
Your feedback gives me some great guidance for further research and reading, but I think we are moving in the right direction 🙂
Dont know much about high end lighting Tommy at Green aqua just done video on lighting lnteresting though only mainly discussing what Green Aqua sell . Ada comes out on top for lighting and algae🙂
If push came to shove, would be going with two 120cm ONF Flat One units suspended. Brilliant colour rendition, punch PAR to depth, adjustable to find the sweet spot with the warmer running temps, aesthetically minimalist in design, out the way for maintenance, intensity and timer adjustable using the app. Most importantly future proof if you ever change things up, they are potentially powerful enough to grow anything and can be turned down to be suitable to any plant species as well.

Hmm... now looking at the ONF website... it seems their ONF Flat One+ is not yet available in 120cm. The max they have is 90cm. 2x120cm would be ideal. 2x90cm would probably not be enough...
I need to get in touch with them if a 120cm is coming.

...would someone know how to calculate for the tank of this size if 2x90cm model of the ONF Flat One+ could provide sufficient lighting?
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I’m assuming you’ve a decent budget for lighting, I’d be inclined to go a similar route to this private client tank set up by Filipe Oliveira and Aquaflora - and use a combination of luminaire and “spot” lights
(My vote goes to ONF + Kessil (Prime has improved greatly in light function (and software actually runs) but it’s far from the “look” and build quality of Kessil - I’ve 3 A160’s and all are virtually silent, if you do receive a noisy Kessil, return immediately)

(I believe Jurijs mit JS mentioned some time ago that Hilfeseite offered custom LED builds)

If you look at the various “big” tanks on FAAO channel, there are a couple contrasts with relatively low lighting vs much higher lighting
if 2x90cm model of the ONF Flat One+ could provide sufficient lighting?
Much depends on your aquascape design and plant species
I think 2 x 90cm ONF would be fine in terms of covering the 240 cm length (while there will be some shade effects at the edges, this is actually an important contribution to the aesthetics of that Josh Sim scape)
You will also have shade effects across that 65cm (front to back) depth

If you want more even lighting across the entire tank, then a series of Prime/Kessil or mix of luminaire/spot etc

Aquaflora 1400 litre Nature Aquarium

1800 L Treescape
3 60's are higher wattage than 2 90's
When spacing don't think even if you want more even coverage.
it seems their ONF Flat One+ is not yet available in 120cm.

It appears this is the case, apologies @aeneas .

Has been a while since looking at ONF Flat One units. Back then the 120cm prototype was being tested and in the pipeline:


A 120cm unit was hung over a tank somewhere. Maybe it never made it all the way into production. My bad.

I need to get in touch with them if a 120cm is coming.

Would be interested to hear what they say @aeneas if you get the chance.
...my wife dismissed the idea of shimmering... she says it looks cute for a while, but having that always "on" would drive her crazy. She likes the peaceful nature of aquariums and the elegance of discus fish in there. So Kessils and other spot lights are out 😉

Upon much further reading reviews, viewing youtubes, making inquiries with manufacturers, and your feedback, I am reassessing my "priority list" to:

(a) ONF Flat One+:
PROS: nicest design, good programmability, good colour rendering.
CONS: not sure about the sizing... only available in 60cm or 90cm models. ONF said we should use 3-4 units. 3 units would look nice... spread across the tank, it would leave approx 20-30cm space between the units and probably nice light distribution. But the question is, whether 3 units will really be powerful enough??? Can anyone help me calculate that? If not enough, I just don't know how to spread this better... 4 units would be ugly (back-to-back stitching 4x60=240)... unless I do 2x90cm in front and 2x60cm in the rear, maybe slightly elevated so it is not complete "carpet coverage"... not sure how that would look like.
@Geoffrey Rea, ONF responded "currently we do not have plans for Flat One 120 cm".

(b) GHL Mitras LX 7004:
PROS: good integration with the rest of GHL automation & Profilux system. Seem like very high quality lights. Good programmability.
CONS: very "industrial" design. Not ugly in any way... just industrial. Not sure yet whether I'm warming up to such concept... Anyone here any experience with Mitras?
Here are a couple of images from the GHL facebook page:

@Wookii, it seems Mitras are still much less "lazer-focused" than Kessils... yes, there is a bit of shimmer but nowhere near as intensive as Kessils. This is acceptable 😉

Further thinking about the two models... can I have your honest opinion whether these light spectrums mean anything? As far as I undestand both of these lights are fully programmable and one can change profile of more red / more green / more blue as much as one wants? However, still... here is what I found as the default spectrum at 100% intensity:

ONF Flat One+:
GHL Mitras LX7004:

Would this mean that I will not get as much "pop" out of the red colour plants with the Mitras, or would I be able to "tweak" the red spectrum? Not sure how these programmable LED lights work...
Yes, reds will be very muted with the Mitras, as will greens - they’ll likely have a considerable yellow cast to the colour rendition. The ONF’s use the combination RGB LED’s with, I believe, a single white LED (from memory), which is why their colour rendition is so good as mentioned by @Geoffrey Rea.

Edit: Scratch that, I’m thinking of the Life Aqua Master Pro RGB LED lights that Aquarium Gardens sell - so I’m not sure of the exact LED’s used by ONF - but looking at the spectrum peaks, likely the combination RGB LED’s.
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As you can see from the spectrum chart, the GHL are more geared for the marine/reef side of the hobby, where a blue spectrum is preferred, whereas the onf has spikes in blue, red and green.

They are both programmable though so you can tweak the colour spectrum to suit, this does of course mean that the light will be on less than full power usually.
As you can see from the spectrum chart, the GHL are more geared for the marine/reef side of the hobby, where a blue spectrum is preferred, whereas the onf has spikes in blue, red and green.

They are both programmable though so you can tweak the colour spectrum to suit, this does of course mean that the light will be on less than full power usually.
Dimming just the royal blue channel will make it more natural.
You'll lose very little output.
All rgb based lights are a compromise between natural and exaggerated colors with a loss or weakening of intermediate shades.

A visual might help.
All rgb based lights are a compromise between natural and exaggerated colors with a loss or weakening of intermediate shades.
Hi @oreo57

But, as you will be very much aware, LED lighting developments are moving at a fast pace. So, we now have RGB+W lighting. And, I'm pleased to know that there is a move to true full-spectrum lighting such as that being developed by Kyocera:

I don't want to steer this thread off-course. So, I apologize to the OP. I hope this post may serve to inform rather than detract.

Hi @oreo57

But, as you will be very much aware, LED lighting developments are moving at a fast pace. So, we now have RGB+W lighting. And, I'm pleased to know that there is a move to true full-spectrum lighting such as that being developed by Kyocera:

I don't want to steer this thread off-course. So, I apologize to the OP. I hope this post may serve to inform rather than detract.


That looks very interesting John, I’d like to see that in action, particularly is it’s pictured form factor - do you know when these are likely to be available for sale (Google only seems to bring up that press release)?
Thank you all for great contributions, wonderful discussion and helping me reach my decision. We will be going with the GHL Mitras! 🙂

I still need to check whether I'll need to go with 4 modules of the more powerful LX7006 or would 4 modules of LX7004 suffice for suitable illumination.

BTW, if anyone is still interested in direct comparison of the fan noise of the spot lights, AquaOwner has just published a head-to-head comparison (incl. Kessils and AI):
In German, but self explanatory.
^^ Would be good to know what he is saying, but I don’t speak German, but that doesn’t reflect my own experiences on the fan noise on the A360X vs the AI Prime - the fan noise on the Kessil was very loud with all the LED’s on 100% (including those that can only be turned on using the WiFi dongle).
That looks very interesting John, I’d like to see that in action, particularly is it’s pictured form factor - do you know when these are likely to be available for sale (Google only seems to bring up that press release)?
Hi Gareth (@Wookii)

Unfortunately, no. And, it all seems to have gone quiet. Even their UK website isn't very helpful. I'd be happy to contact them when I can find time!
