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Hi all,

They are lovely.

I'd like to try some other snails <"Freshwater Nerite | NatureSpot">, but I would need to use <"harder, more alkaline, water">. I have considered a tank specifically for <"Theodoxus fluviatilis"> and Cherry Shrimps, mainly native mosses, unheated and harder water.

cheers Darrel

Nice to know. I have Pomacea Lineata around here in pantanal guys… do you know how to run a desinfection on them? they are full of that flat worm that eat dwarf shrimps… that thing proliferate like a plague in my hydroponics once…
do you know how to run a desinfection on them? they are full of that flat worm that eat dwarf shrimps… that thing proliferate like a plague in my hydroponics once…
Usually a dose of panacur (dog dewormer) will kill those worms! There are mentions that panacur can also kill some snail species! so I would test it first before dosing the entire tank. 0.1 gram per 35 liters!
Hi all,
I have Pomacea Lineata around here in pantanal guys
I've never kept <"Apple Snails"> (Pomacea spp.), but other members will have done <"Mystery/Apple Snails Eat Plants?">.
do you know how to run a desinfection on them? they are full of that flat worm that eat dwarf shrimps… that thing proliferate like a plague in my hydroponics once…
Usually a dose of panacur (dog dewormer) will kill those worms!
Fenbendazole (Panacur) is <"effective against flatworms">, but not leeches, and I'd probably be <"more concerned with these">.

cheers Darrel
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Usually a dose of panacur (dog dewormer) will kill those worms! There are mentions that panacur can also kill some snail species! so I would test it first before dosing the entire tank. 0.1 gram per 35 liters!
thank you, will collect some and then do some trials… be back with photos! 🙂