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ADA live demo in the UK

Not jealous at all 😛😀
hi all

i hope they won't cancel the event it be a shame.

unfortunately the virus has caused a huge problem all around the world. sick of hearing the word corona virus. every where i go people look at me and ask of im Chinese haha. but when i say NO they automatically go on about it.

i don't like the fact that they think all asian has got the virus. it can be anybody now. it a shame really. there was a young lad walking down central london he turn around to see who shouted out loud (coronavirus) the other guy though that he was giving him a bad look so he punch he face and gave him a broken cheek bone. wtf man

anyways im not annoyed about this just sad that people have to go through this pain.

not pointing fingers at you guys just saying what i feel right now 🙁
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hi all

i hope they won't cancel the event it be a shame.

unfortunately the virus has caused a huge problem all around the world. sick of hearing the word corona virus. every where i go people look at me and ask of im Chinese haha. but when i say NO they automatically go on about it.

i don't like the fact that they think all asian has got the virus. it can be anybody now. it a shame really. there was a young lad walking down central london he turn around to see who shouted out loud (coronavirus) the other guy though that he was giving him a bad look so he punch he face and gave him a broken cheek bone. wtf man

anyways im not annoyed about this just sad that people have to go through this pain.

not pointing fingers at you guys just saying what i feel right now 🙁
Hey Ryan, I think everyone is sick and tired of hearing about the virus, but it sounds like you're having a tougher time than most, which I'm sorry about.
It seems to have become a black shroud descending over humanity with an inescapable inevitability. But what will be will be.
Meantime, gallows humour aside, I'm doing my best to forget about it, and avoid the news which has become far more virulent...
It really is ridiculous the extent of fear this is creating. I am saddened by peoples burgeoning Xenophobia that it starting to rear its ugly head.
Signs up in all GP and Chemists advising no stock of Purell and Face Masks. Was asked if I had been to Asia recently as was wearing a Godzilla Tshirt, had to laugh them away.
3 Cases here at the moment with one in Belper under self isolation.
Hi all,
I'm doing my best to forget about it, and avoiding the news which has become far more virulent...
I was talking to a colleague, who is an epidemiologist, and she said that it will eventually infect nearly everybody, unless they live on a remote island where the resident population neither have visitors or ever leave the island.

Her reasoning was that the only those people who have survived infection have any antibodies against the disease, and that it will already be widely enough spread around the world, so the "genie" is out of the bottle.

cheers Darrel
hi all
look like the event has been cancel by the virus.

hopefully when things get better we can all meet up and have a good time. every one take care and keep safe ok

here a message from the event.

Cancellation of ADA private event in Kew Gardens

Due to advice issued by the UK government, ‘The World of Nature Aquarium’, scheduled to take place on May 18, 2020 at the the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew has been cancelled.

We realise that many of you will be disappointed by this unfortunate news, however, we are committed to taking measures to limit the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and to protect your safety.

Your understanding is highly appreciated. We would like to hold this event at another time after the situation is recovered and we look forward to seeing you then.
Well I'm guessing if they do host another those who were booked in originally will be the first to be invited. I hope...