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ADA 60fs Last Chance

Hi there the light is a hagen glo unit it has 1 x 24w bulb in a life glo bulb, yeah that's the main problem never had decent growth at all just melt and yes I have always had decent PH readings just carried out water change and taking readings will post later, this tank has totally done my head in but I must be doing something wrong somewhere, I cleaned rocks and also glass then drained water squeezed filter sponges (pics above of the media in the filter) I had to swap the atomiser back onto the outlet as no difference and came home twice to found air lock in filter and not working at all think due to such high bps, couple questions after water change should I dose micro and macro or just the one due on that day ? also do you dose daily or do you have a 1 day break like the instructions recommend ? also cannot fit the skim facing forward as spray bar along length of back and so shallow unable to put below it. just took a quick video of flow from spray bar give me 5 and will upload, and getting melt with light is 48cm from surface


sorry about quality
Thanks dean
So you think maybe add another bulb but will this not just create more melt and more problems ? Everyone usually says remove a bulb to make easier with the lower light, can low light make plants melt ? I do have another bulb I could add also any help on the other questions i asked would be great

Thanks dean
Hi Deano, after water change I dose whichever I should on that day, I tend not to take a rest day on my nano tanks due to always doing 3 water changes a week (at least), plants will also die from lack of light and it manifests itself in the same way as co2 starvation ie melt not often a hobbyist has too little light but it is possible, you seem to have a good ph drop, yellow dc an overpowered filter through a spraybar and you still seem to have no growth, in my grasslands nano roughly the same dimensions as your tank even though algae proliferated in the end through a few issues I still had growth from the plants, personally I would try more light just to see if the plants will grow.
Going to do that mate will add another bulb when finish work tonight see what happens thanks must be hard work on a large tank doing daily water changes seems to take long enough on mine lol only 1 25L barrel but after cleaning etc still takes 45 mins or so , still require a soft brush was in sainsburys yesterday totally forgot

Thanks Dean
changed my tank over other day to my new cabinet I built much bigger task than I thought took around 5 hours but looks ten times better as cannot see FE or filter anymore so really happy with that also the flow is very powerful and have the outlet along side the skim both facing same direction tool a short vid of the flow right after switched on so can see the mucky water flowing around the tank, couldn't reseat putting the red plants in as love them and still alive lol also planted some long grass around rocks and the long plant in my precious tank cannot remember the name of also tried diffuser and flow seems to be good also I think In tank diffusers look better than inline atomiser set at around 3 BPS or so, here is some pics












Quite like the layout even though chucked together in 10 mins or so lol kept it low and hooping works well and get nice carpet without melt and good growth, think was hard to get spray at angles correctly in such a shallow tank and also found enheim skim and rock etc caused huge barriers for flow so hope works as this tanks last chance, getting some monte carlo ordered now to fill in the scape as I say looks much better not entirely happy with layout but just want growth that's all

Thanks dean
today after work water cleared obviously very bare and need some plant mass in there getting 3 pots monte carlo ordered

Thanks Dean
Rotala rotundifolia? Looks good mate 🙂 defiantly looks nicer on the cabinet

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don't think I have that plant in there mate, the plants you gave me are in there but have algae on the leaves but the leaves are very small hopefully get some shrimp in there in few weeks to eat it off lol the cabinet is nothing special but better then looking at the fe and filter plus bairn started wanting to touch the fe etc so needed it moved, just hope the strong flow and seems better flow helps things and also the intank diffuser

I gave you r. rotundifolia is just needs some growing to get the nice pink long leaves they where young stems 🙂 I looks nice mate it made the tank look a bit out of place on the large surface and I like the rustic look you have going on 🙂

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Looksvery nice , I like the rustic look as mentioned ^^^ ,
It looks like you may have recycled a pallet ?
What happened to the last scape?
Hope this goes well for you 🙂

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Melted mate hoping have more success with the improved flow ( very strong I think) ordered 3 pots of tropica Monte Carlo, and yes few pallets from work and couple other pieces and clashed it together with 3 coats of matt varnish good enough I suppose, carried out a 80% water change yesterday along with wiping the glass and cleaning the rocks then dosed micro, just making sure doing nothing wrong lol I found some algae on the plants Ali give me a month ago but think its from previous scape, don't want many variety or of plants so only adding the Monte Carlo just hope dont get melt, daily I check drop checker and temp and dose 7.5ml micro/macro

Thanks Dean
My Monte Carlo was suffering from ' too much flow' syndrome. The 1-2 grow plants are great- zero melt but they do need really good co2 distribution. I guess 20x flow was too much for it in mine
Keep getting a sort of scorched substrate were its turn orange as if burnt any ideas why ?



Also some algae on grass etc


An not much colour in the reds

Thanks Dean