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ADA 60fs Last Chance

I find it hard to believe it is flow as this 10 x thing is relatively new & I grew plants for 20 years with very low flow.
Two main criteria are required ... light & Co2.... everything else we discus like substrate, ferts & water changes are second to light & Co2.
Fitting the atomiser in front of the filter wont increase the amount of Co2 in the water, in fact it wont be as effective as a mist! (might look better though)

Test you PH get a 1.4 drop before light & that will at least prove you have enough Co2 going in, then you only are left with light.

I guess the other option is, Dean is laughing his socks off at all of us & really he has a 6' tank brisling with plants 🙂

Laughed there mate wish I had a tank like that but I really don't, I am sure doing everything right I am water change to 80% every other day etc but plants continue to have a dirty look about them and getting melt , when I so maintenance I drain water clean rocks and wood and glass and squeeze out filter sponges once a week along with the other media in tank water I drained and clean Lilly pipes, the holes I drilled in the spray bar arnt all straight but straight enough, wanting bigger tank soon so might invest in led light unit but nothing crazy expensive, will post ph reading ASAP as still at work, sure last week I posted as was getting excellent drop above 1

Thanks Dean
Darren, a 1.4 drop in PH is not necessarily a magic number but it is something I read by Tom Barr.
He aims for a 1.2-1.4 drop in PH to obtain the amazing tanks he keeps.
The problem is that this sort of drop would very often kill any fish present unless you really have very high oxygen levels as well & to be honest I would not recommend this to anyone who keeps fish.
Apart from being a world leading expert on keeping plants Tom also uses a sump & trickle tower & those two things allow him to maintain those sort of levels.
Deano with your water change do you drain water then clean plants rocks glass etc or clean plants rocks glass then change water ?
Normally I drain water below rocks then give quick scrub am as for plants don't really clean plants as rips them out, any recommendations are great ?

Ph readings today bear in mind did water change last night

6.30 am-7.6

Thanks Dean
Ok I use a wide head paintbrush artist type to brush over rocks and plant leaves in my nanos even use them to clen glass around substrate silicone etc then change water or the crap stays in the tank mate, just gotta be gentle in smaller tanks.
Brilliant will try that will have to get a very soft brush and brush over the leaves and rocks before draining water u usually use a tooth brush for rocks and silicone but will do that tomorrow water change mate

Thanks Dean
Will have a look when get a chance mate hopefully over crimbo period artist brushes so not paint brushes as such a proper soft small brush I need , must takes ages to do all leaves etc

Thanks Dean
thanks for that tim and taking time to take a pic, that brush I perfect manageable size so will defo get one, finish work sunday so might go have a look Monday thanks mate, and I know this sounds stupid but what is meant by RO water and I know PH its always higher when done water change but at work tomorrow will check at 6.30am in morning then check at 5.30pm tomorrow night best can do 🙄 until finish on Sunday anyway.

If I am getting a good PH drop what you think should be my next cause of action then you think the light might be too powerful for tank unless its very high and get no growth, just don't understand how pumping in huge amounts of co2 doesn't make amazing growth with the high light, I thought higher more powerful light meant adding more co2 to feed the plants and give the energy to grow

thanks dean
Hey mate ro water reverse osmosis everything removed pure water I think :crazy: I do know in soft water you need to drop the ph more (at least 1 point) harder water half or so but then mr Barr drops his ph by 1.4 which as fox fish stated would kill most fish/shrimp etc but mr Barr runs very good surface agitation + high lighting which will max oxygenation of the water column keeping livestock tip top.
It is ADA Africana. I have it and my Montecarlo is doing well

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Hellow everybody can I firstly wish everyone a happy chrismas and a happy new year and wish you all the best

And now my tank, still not got a soft brush as shops crazy and seeing more melt , sick now as seems to never stop lol moved the light up and think going to put the diffuser on the outlet side, getting good ph readings but still melt

Thanks dean
hi tim sorry for late reply, the back is only place to fot skimmer really and no the melt is in middle loads of it now even though light raised will measure the height tomorrow been busy few days so back to normality now and hopefully get this on the right track

Thanks dean