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Aaron's 216l journal!

Re: Aaron's 240l journal!

loving the spoons,just remind me never to ask you about dosing.......pmsl
a dash of this a pinch of that an a smidgen of the other
Re: Aaron's 240l journal!

soton_dave said:
loving the spoons,just remind me never to ask you about dosing.......pmsl
a dash of this a pinch of that an a smidgen of the other

lol :lol:

they are exact measurements:

smidgen, pinch and dash which are 1/32nd, 1/16th and 1/8th of a teaspoon respectively.
Re: Aaron's 240l journal!

Aaron...someone has pinched your tank must have been while you were watching the football :shock: ...and where are the plants mate!!!!! 😀
Re: Aaron's 240l journal!

MA couldnt get the tank i wanted, (15" height), they could only get 12" which is no good, they ordered it in case i wanted it but they are going to return it. So now, i am going with 18" height, which is better, i must of missed this on the list the 1st time i looked 🙄
He did try to ring up and change the order but i dont think they would do it, so it could be another 2weeks before i recieve the tank 🙁
