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A Long Start, another Iwagumi story

Ryan Thang
Good to see that you still keeping up the hobby, i had nosy at your last thread, tank looked amazing, hope it still running. Did you even managed to the save any of the moss i sent you? 😉
I planing on simple Iwagumi scape, using a single carpet of Utricularia graminifolia, as always failed in my previous attempts due to my amano shrimp taking a liking to any clusters i planted. I though a dry start would give me the best of success, finger and toes crossed.
Hello mate. Glad you like it. Yes its still running. Just too lazy to update the journal. Im working on my mini gallery at the moment so will have some updates.
I cant remember but what moss was it again? Fissiden moss mayabe
Thanks Dantrasy,
With regard to my filter, i was consider sticking with the ADA route and using Bio cubes and active carbon for the first couple of month and then change the active carbon to the Bio Rio, and then only Bio Rio but this route is quite expensive, thou with this in mind I have actually got hold of some ADA bio cubes and ADA active carbon but not enough to fully fill the filter. The chap that i brought most of my equipment off very kindly gave me a couple bags of ceramic tubes and also bag of floss. So was considering using some ceramic tube at the bottom of the filter top with the bio cube and followed by the active carbon and then some floss. However i am open to some advise regarding what i can use in the filter as an alternative to ADA filter media given how expensive their stuff is. Also as i'm starting with DSM for month or two, teh subtract would have partical cycled by the time i turn my filter, so no really sure if i need to the used the active carbon or not as suggest open for advise for filter media following a DSM.

Hello Andrew,
Sorry about the maplin link, i just google it and didn't really check the website thoroughly, fingers crossed mine is still working then, if not it to old timers again as not paying £50 for a replacement one, if i recall correctly i only paid £25 for mine.:greedy:

Hello Leesay,
I did look at energenie other smart system on thier way site, they also do a 4 way smart socket that can be controlled via your phone or table but you also need to buy their hub unit, these two unit combined isn't cheap, as Andrew has suggested £50 is a difficult pill to sallow after only pay half this the first time around. I'm going to test the socket over the week end hope they are still working.:nailbiting:

Hello Ryan Thang
Look forward to seeing some update photos, if i remember correctly it was Fissiden moss, if you recall teh envolpe if snet you them in was riped opened when they arrive and moss has dryed out bit, sorry about that.:sorry:
Its time for a bit of a update.

UG arrived today 🙂, thought 5 pots would have been sufficient but could have done with one more pot, oh well.

Here some photos.



Some other good news, my programmable 6 way power socket is still working 🙂, have programmed light to come for 11 hours each day.

Having seen some clever folks using a frogger to mist tank during DSM period, I have picked up a cheap usb donut humidifier from amazon. You only need to put the donut in a small pot of water and it will generate a fine mistwhen it powers on. i using one of the pots that UG came in, I will program it to turn on at certain intervals to mist tank while i am at work, fingers crossed that this will work, as it makes it simpler for me.😛

Here's a photo of it in operation, seems to be working.


I will will need to refilled pot of water in the morning, which will allow a bit of a air change.

I have also added a small shelf in the cabinet to hold the step down transformers i need for all my equipment, this will keep things a bit more tide.🙂 ALway keep all my electrics off the floor can only be a good thing should the worst happen and i get a leak.


I will be keeping a eye on this weekend to ensure it working as planned.


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It looks brilliant and the idea of a shelf is good. I have just had one of those ‘why didn’t I think of this befor moments!’
Thanks for commenting and likes guys 🙂
just have to be patient now and hope it starts to carpet. :nailbiting:

I can get a bit Ocd with keeping everything neat and tidy, I actually had the transformer packs on some bricks but didn't like the look plus it didn't give much space for the tubing, Inline heater and atomiser, I also got to install some double taps so it going to get quite cramped in there.

I seen a really good deal two portion of mini leaf needle Bruces, I had plans to wait until after Dsm, but really good deal. So these will get added once they arrive, also got hold of some more Ug to fill the back of the slope.

I am now also consider some stems perhaps some Rotala sp. Colorata in the top left corner, to add a bit of colour and help with cycling period once I flood tank.
Thought it was time for a bit of an update, it’s been 2.5 week since I started the DSM.

Well thing are moving along quite slowly, had to content with some melting in first week, I read in one of journals that using Rhizotonic plant fertilizers during their UG DSM they saw some benefit, but I must have used a little too much as the melt happen shortly after I started mixing with humidifier water :arghh:, so have reverted back to go old tap water and melt seem to stopped, thou it could have been an coincidence, anyway things have settled fingers crossed.

I can defiantly see some growth.


Photo taken straight after planting.



Photo taken this morning.

Yeah that’s Bucephalandra ‘Deep Purple’ you see running up the Oyishi stone (central stone). I just stuff it into the cracks in the stone and hope that the root with attached to stone during DSM period.


Did experiencing a little melt on some leafs, but it seem to be doing ok now for the time being, thou have noticed that some leafs are turn yellow so may need to spray buces with some ferts? Hope it will survive the DSM.

I’m keeping humidity as high as possible in there using the humidifier, but finding that I do need to drain water occasionally to ensure water level doesn’t get to high, that bit of tubing you can see in front in the above photo is there to allow me to drain water below the substrate.

Other than daily refilling the pot with water, which also allow tank to air, and occasionally draining the tank is pretty left on its own, both the lights and humidifier are on a timer, lights comes for 10 hours, and the humidifier turns on for 15 minutes every 2.5 hours during this time.

Just waiting for UG to carpet more or less all over, to give it the best chances of success before I fill tank, hoping as I keep the humidity very high that I won’t experience the major melt that typically occurs after the DSM period, finger crossed. :nailbiting:

Like I said will be a slow burner, but lots to do this time of year so no worries.

Planning ahead, as suggested considering plant some red stems in back, certainly got sufficiently lighting for it! but haven’t decided what stem, would welcome any suggestions.

I have also started to think about the filter, I recently purchase an EF-2 Booster to use as pre-filter (was only £13 off Ebay) to ease maintenance as much as possible given as it a new tank, filter going get a load of gunt during the initial start up period. Also the ADA ES600 filter is essential a tall metal tube which doesn’t come with any compartments, which I imagine will make cleaning I bit of mare.

in main filter planning on using the ceramic tube topped with active carbon, which I will replace with Bio Rio after the initial start-up period once I have flooded tank and top off with some floss.

Thou am concerned using a pre-filter could overly effect flow, given flow is king in a planted tanks. Dose anyone have experience using a pre-filter? Could install a wave make if required, but hoping that I won’t need to, the EF-2 Booster dose come with some pads which I could cut up to reduce drag?

Would welcome any suggestion/ advise…

Thanks for looking.

As it has been a number of weeks since my last update, thought I would provide a bit an update.

I change name of aquascape to ‘The Long Start’ for obvious reasons, will need to come up for a better name once it flooded.

As suggested it is still in a DSM, partly because of xmas break, not really had much time but mainly because I’m holding off flooding until the UG has fully carpeted, to gave it the best chance of survival once I flooded it, also read that UG spread outwardly faster during an DSM.



As you can see the UG is almost fully carpeted now.

I’ve added some Ludwigia sp. Mini Super Red to the background for some added colour, which seems to be really doing well in DSM.

About 2 weeks ago I also added some fissiden moss using the blender method, in hopes that some will adhere to the stones.


The Bucephalandra ‘Deep Purple’ is doing really well, getting loads of new growth, the plant rhizome/root are clearly visible now and speading, I didn’t use any super glue when I first planted, just wedge into cracks of the main stone.


I’m have upped the periods of misting to 15 minutes every 1.5 hour 24/7.

I have also order a few portions of h. pinnatifida, I love this plant.

Won’t be long now when of flood tank.:nailbiting:

Thanks for looking.
Thanks for comments chaps,

Fingers crossed that I don't get a major melt off once I have flooded, hopefully the amount of misting might help the transition from emersed to immersed state. (Might even increase interval of misting).

You probably right shouldn't call this Dsm, it should be called Msm.

Checking the Moss this morning looks like even after forthright it still not adhered to stones, might have to go down the route of superglue method. 🙁
Well thought thought i would provide a bit of an update on my scape.

I finally flooded my tank, it been flooded for little over 11 days.

Here's what my scape looked like after a few days after flooding.

I have a small LED colored strip to back of tank.

I've picked up an DIM12C dimmer unit to used with my ADA Moonlights, after reading the following thread:
Keeping it relatively low light to start with, have been running the Moonlights at 50% of output, light comes on for 6 hours a day.

Since i haven't got any livestock yet, I've crank up the Co2 to help the transition from the DSM or should i say MSM (Misting start method) 😉. Co2 is being provided via a inline UP diffuser, can't even count the number of BPS. Co2 comes on 2.5 hours before lights on and turns off 1.5 hours before lights off. Drop checker is bright green, almost yellow by the time light comes on.

I've done a limited PH profile (not had an opportunely to a full day profile):

1 hours before Co2 turns on: 6.6/6.7 ph
1 hours after Co2 turns on: 6.3/6.4 ph

Planning to keep it fauna free until the plants have settled.

Have also been doing 50% plus water changing every 3/4 days.

The filter seems to be providing plenty of flow, the stems at the back of the scape are slowly swaying as is the top of the UG, plenty of Co2 micro bubble in tank, was concerned that filter wouldn't provide sufficient flow so pick up a tiny pump but looks like i don't need to use in tank, so using it simplify water changes.

I also got Twinstar in tank, initially had it under outlet, but relocated to other side of tank to minimizing gassing off from the surface, since moving Twinstar diffuser to opposite side of tank, I've notice that it injects the micro bubbles less often😕.

After flooding i've had deal with a little diatoms which is quite common for a newly started scape, as I've got no clean up crew hoping the semi regular water changes will help keep it at bay. Also had a little green algae, but i think that more to do with over misting during the DSM, thou it seems to clearing up, just got a some left on rocks, but can't scrub the rock clean, as have some Fissden moss on rocks that seem to growing, can see some tiny leave forming.

Unfortunately the UG is melting quite a bit, and has gotten quite leggy in places, assume its just transitioning. I was expecting this, hopefully its got enough enough root mass to survive the transition :nailbiting:. Its also another reason why I've not added any fauna, to give my UG the best chance of survival, last time i tried UG my shrimp destroyed any UG clumps i planted with in a matter of days.

Here's how my scape looked today, photos taken a few hours ago.

I am currently EI dosing, but having read that UG doesn't like Nitrates, am not including any KNO3 in my dosing regime, but have doubled amount of Potassium Phosphate in my dosage.

Aside from the UG the Bucephalandra ‘Deep Purple, Ludwigia sp. Mini Super Red and H. Pinnatifida seem to be transitioning well, they don't appear to be melting like the UG, thou the Ludwigia sp seem to have loss a bit of color, assume it due to the reduction in light.

Thanks for looking.
I would turn up the gas.....

Thanks Foxfish, already got C02 crank quite high, my plant are all pearling, but i only notice this once Co turns off, but i guess turn it a little more cant hurt, worst i i'll need to refill my Co2 sooner. Thou i do have second canister to ensure I never find myself in a situation running out of C02.