The hardscape and plants are obstacles and the filter outlet might struggle circulating the water around the tank. In larger tanks, the water flow might also not be able to reach the opposite side of the tank. It really depends on the size of the tank, on the impact of the hardscape and plants, and the mechanism you use to circulate the water (spray bar, jet nozzle, lily pipe, ...)
A power head/wave maker/circulation pump is a simple and effective way to improve the overall water circulation not only near the substrate level but all around the tank. This is important because it improves the overall distribution of CO2 and nutrients, which will contributes to healthy plant growth (and less algae). Now, you do not want to blast the plants (and livestock) with a strong current of water. So, you will to need to adjust the placement and direction of the flow as well as the output of the power head (easier if you get a power head with controllable output). It will be a matter of trying out different placements until the flow and circulation are optimized. IMO, it is much simpler to improve circulation if you add a power head. Using just the filter outlet works in smaller tanks but is harder to optimize.