Thanks I will check that video out and give the moss a trim tomorrow when I do the water change tomorrow.Great list of plants
But 😉
I’d add some fast growing stems to the mix, eg, Tropica Auxiliary plants
(in my soft water nothing grows faster than H zosterfolia, even from the 1-2-Grow cup )
I recommend trimming the moss back to the wood - you can save all the trimmed bits and add elsewhere (if you want more moss on wood) as quickly shown in this GF video
(Jurijs mit JS does a more in-depth moss vid for this technique ..... one of my favourite Green Aqua video moments is when FO tells B he needs to Trim That Moss )
Apologies for all the Suggestions
I have got a couple of types of Rotala on the list for some fast growing stems but knowing me I am bound to leave the shop with more than I ordered next Friday 🙂
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