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A 90cm New Beginning

Gorgeous aquarium :wideyed:

Which substrate are you using?

Thank you Alto, the hardscape and substrate will be Seiryu Rock and Redmoor wood with ProdiBio Aquagroth Soil, topped off with ProdiBio AquaShrimp Powder in the back and ADA La Plata Sand in the front.
OK the first draft of the main hardscape seems to be turning into an island form with a central canyon\pathway through he middle, it is bound to change over the next couple of days but i thought i would share the starting point. All comments and suggestions welcome.


OK so i have just hit my first snag, as you may have seen if you have been following this journal i have applied a frosted film to the background and the right side pain, i have now realised that the rubber suction cups for the glassware which need to go on the right hand side will not vacuum themselves to the glass because of the textured film :banghead:
So if anyone has any suggestive how i can secure glassware without suckers i am all ears.
Personally I hate the plastic pipe holders and if they don't fit properly the seem to increase the chances of breaking the lily pips I'd rather just remove the frosting on the right hand side why do you need it
Personally I hate the plastic pipe holders and if they don't fit properly the seem to increase the chances of breaking the lily pips I'd rather just remove the frosting on the right hand side why do you need it
Removing is an option Jay, I will give the pipe holders a go but if they look bulky or threaten to damage the glassware they will have to go, meanwhile i will keep thinking.

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So after a few more tweaks this is where I finished today, I'm pretty happy with it and I am planning on adding some fine detail and the substrate tomorrow.


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Personally I hate the plastic pipe holders and if they don't fit properly the seem to increase the chances of breaking the lily pips I'd rather just remove the frosting on the right hand side why do you need it
The gets my vote too 😉
after a few more tweaks this is where I finished today, I'm pretty happy with it and I am planning on adding some fine detail and the substrate tomorrow.
I suggest forgoing Filipe Oliveira advice and add the sand AFTER planting - watch his Green Aqua workshop videos 🙂

Looks great, hardscape looks very well balanced.
I ordered some colour changing leds for backlighting the other day. Hope it has the same effect as yours although I think the frosting helps with this effect. Looking forward to more updates :thumbup:
Added the soil and sand, now working on some detail with crushed rock and Baikal, also have some small pieces of wood to add in around the rocks later. Of course when i added the soil it found every gap in the rock work, so plugged the holes with filter floss and small rocks, which seemed to do the trick nicely..




Driftwood work looks nice to me.

Rockwork could easily be improved;

The front Line is too straight; you could create 'accident' by adding stones to break the Line and make it more natural.

The path is nice but I'm missing some small stones in the way.

Try to think; 'how would this path look in the nature?' Add different size of stones, branches and put them randomly for example.

Keep up, it's already looking nice
Driftwood work looks nice to me.

Rockwork could easily be improved;

The front Line is too straight; you could create 'accident' by adding stones to break the Line and make it more natural.

The path is nice but I'm missing some small stones in the way.

Try to think; 'how would this path look in the nature?' Add different size of stones, branches and put them randomly for example.

Keep up, it's already looking nice
Thanks, all good points, I was planning a few mossy rocks in the front to break up that straight line a bit. Will play around with the path and try to get some more detail and depth in there.

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