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90x60x40 from scratch build


24 Dec 2012
Got a bit bored of the 45 cube found it sort of limiting. ( id like more plants) .

Has taken a while to decide on dimensions and im hoping ive gone the correct route to be able to accommodate my idea.
Anyway few pics so far been on hold due to the high rainfall and humidity here atm. Sealer is all cured just need to leak test when weather is better, first trim a few bits of sealer im not happy with, im having to learn to not be so fusy as no one stocks a tank of these messurements in ultra clear glass here or even wanted to try the build haha. 20230424_072744.jpg
Not the timber i would have use overseas but i think it will hold up cant even move it alone . 19mm ply on 3"x2".
Undecided on colour and weather its going to be single or duel door yet but j knew i wanted better access to plumbing at the rear rear that i can get my hands through. 20230507_160152.jpg20230506_124206.jpg20230429_181359.jpg20230506_120734.jpg
Had a nice dry day so been sanding and priming, was concidering leaving it white but i like these 3 colours so may just get some twin pack mixed up and save on the resin/appoxy top coat20230514_153809.jpg
Great DIY project! Do you happen to have pics of the tank build? Working with glass is something I definitely don’t dare to try yet.

PS nice shed in the background.
Looking great ! One note, this tank is to close to the wood stove if it's used for heating in the winter.

As its about 3ft from the stove It would atually be fine in this house when the fire was in operation the wall behing the fire dosen't even get hot as the wet back sucked most the heat (its a big room open plan to dining and office, 2 storey with single glazed windows its a timber house so very airy , too airy 😂 .

No intentions of putting it by the fire anyway due to asthetics thanks for your concern . More of a concearn in the summer the heater is off a lot of the time and its constant water top ups as we are in newzealand.
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Great DIY project! Do you happen to have pics of the tank build? Working with glass is something I definitely don’t dare to try yet.

PS nice shed in the background.
Thanks, hardest bit is the calculations, then get the glass cut, im a little disapointed they didnt polish the botton edge when that was cut. Too far of a drive to go back just for that, so ill have to live with it. One sisde pannel is a little off if im honest.

it was hard to get my request across as the guy who cut the glass in Chinese and i speak no mandarin other than hello.

think ill inject the sealer if i do it again rather than the traditional method, its best to play with old glass first as trying to get the minimal sealer look isnt fun at all still trimming to do. I couldnt afford a viv aquarium here and they dont make one in these messurement, this tank cost about $ 460 glass sealer including travel vs 1200 for a viv in 90x45x45. I wanted more depth as im no the best scaper its hard to create that illusion of depth like some of the great scaper on here .

The shed is a garage more like a shed though, the shed has my gym in it. 20230219_145405.jpg
Dry day so doing a few bits, had paint mixed not quite the green i asked for ,this is more narrow boat green, may a20230521_140425.jpg20230521_140413.jpgs well barly twist the fire extinguishers😂🤦‍♂️ , removed all my dragon stone from other tank and stripped some plants to give away i dont want. This cabinet sure is overkill and would hold 4 time the weight im putting on it im sure.20230521_140342.jpg
Lots still to do detailing wise but 6hrs was all i had sunday. So it sort of thrown together if im honest, still glass pipes to add second 2217 ,custom heater set up, finish door on cabinet bit more goldern tree when its in stock. Two chihiros shades to source . 20230718_202124.jpg20230718_202023.jpg20230718_202046.jpg
Hi all, tanks a mess atm due to work stuff. Messing with co2 today as its the weekend and i can keep an eye on things. Very impressed with the micro bubbles from this very cheapo ali express diffuser more like a smoke than a mist.


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I really love the dimensions of that tank. And the scape inside looks excellent too!
Thankyou, when its a bit tidier ill get a few pics up.
Hi, i forgotten what the standard home mix was for liquid ferts, i had a look through threads, im just after the basic liquid macro and micro ingredient and how much per m1/ ltr , i need to disolve, any links would be great thank. Think when i was in uk i used apfuk's standard one. Thanks in advance.
Hi all,
i forgotten what the standard home mix was for liquid ferts, i had a look through threads, im just after the basic liquid macro and micro ingredient and how much per m1/ ltr , i need to disolve, any links would be great thank
You can get all the details from the IFC spreadsheet, if you are an Excel user? <"IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator">

Can you get a <"hydroponic mix">? Ideally one <"without any ammonia (NH3)">. I'm using <"Solufeed 2 : 1 : 4">, but there should be an alternative available to you in New Zealand from Yara etc. <"YaraTera - Soluble fertilisers for fertigation | Yara New Zealand">.

These are @Zeus. comments <"Nowhere to buy trace elements!!">
Based on the above I would probably dose 1.5g/100Litres/week after @dw1305 input and add a little extra Fe if the plants developed Fe deficiency
which would yield
N.B. I have increased the dose to 1.5g/100Litres/week for all Solufeeds NPK and trace products below

cheers Darrel

cheers Darrel
Hi all,

You can get all the details from the IFC spreadsheet, if you are an Excel user? <"IFC Aquarium Fertilizer Calculator">

Can you get a <"hydroponic mix">? Ideally one <"without any ammonia (NH3)">. I'm using <"Solufeed 2 : 1 : 4">, but there should be an alternative available to you in New Zealand from Yara etc. <"YaraTera - Soluble fertilisers for fertigation | Yara New Zealand">.

These are @Zeus. comments <"Nowhere to buy trace elements!!">

cheers Darrel

cheers Darrel
The comparison table is just a guide for the Solufeeds products based on the same dose, I used 1.5g/week l100L as a rough guide to compare the relative ranges/ratios of the ppms for NO3, PO4,K ,Mg and Fe for a given dose. The latest release of the IFC the products can be selected and you can target NO3 or use a given dose of the products and see which best suits your needs.

Both Myself and @Hanuman felt/decided that we wouldn't give an advised dose for either products as Solufeed don't give one either for our tanks, some folk are using the products as it suits their needs. The IFC just gives an easy way to see what ppms your dosing (once the IFC interface is mastered)