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90x45x45 "Llyn Peninsula"

Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Thanks for the comments all

SteveUK said:
Stu, that's a sweet setup mate! :clap: What are you plans?
Ive always wanted to do a traditional iwagumi. Seems a bit out of fashion at the mo but I really want to have a go. Problem is all that manzi wood in the tank keeps tempting me... 🙂

These rocks would be for the iwagumi

saintly said:
class stu! 😀

looking forward to a quality scape.
Cheers Mark, Im hoping for one but not really done this size before so Ill see how it goes.

James Marshall said:
I remember you mentioning this tank some time ago, Stu.
With so long spent waiting for it's arrival, i'm sure you've had time to plan something quite spectacular.
I look forward to seeing it as it develops.
Cheers James, its in my head, just got to put it into 3D.

JamesM said:
I'm going to be slightly picky and say I don't like the way the front fascia of the cabinet doesn't hide the top panel, but other than that I want one :thumbup:
I'd agree with that James. its the only main difference to the ADA cabs apart from the side half moon holes. Still its close enough and the cab is built well enough that I havent really noticed it 🙂

George Farmer said:
I remember Stu showing me the lighting brackets at the Oliver Knott Day @ TGM. It was like he was showing me his new born baby - you could see the pride in his face. And rightly so too.

Beautiful hardware mate. I'm sure you'll do it all justice too with a crakin' 'scape and photography to boot.

Another one to watch!
Ha ha! nice one george, i remember dragging you to my cam bag to show you! I couldnt wait to get them fitted at the time and still cant! Old tank is getting drained on sat so it can be moved to fit the new Radiator. then the new one can go into position 😀

Some closeup pics for andyh

Side, brackets not fixed yet

10mm ADA Thermo from TGM. Fits perfectly

Inside of cab with hoels i asked for drilled for electric cables

Tank with camping matt base. doesnt look too bad when not up close

Inside of cab
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!


That looks excellent! The build quality and finish seems very good I have to admit I am considering something similar for the lounge!

I really like your quick release brackets, they look heavily over engineered, which i think is a great look.

I bet your looking forward to the weekend to get started :thumbup:
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Love it! It's like the aquatic version of a Rolls Royce. Beautifully designed and engineered in every respect.

I'm loving the ADA thermometer, especially. I note they're not too expensive either.

I can almost feel your excitement about getting it hardscaped and planted. Mixed with some nerves, perhaps? The pressure is on to come up with something special to match the hardware, I expect... 😉

Nice one!
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

wow stu its like buying a 7D :lol: superb mate have fun,
regards john.
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Cheers all 🙂

andyh said:

That looks excellent! The build quality and finish seems very good I have to admit I am considering something similar for the lounge!

I really like your quick release brackets, they look heavily over engineered, which i think is a great look.

I bet your looking forward to the weekend to get started :thumbup:
Go for it andy!

The weekend at the moment is fitting shower, drain old fishtank, move old fishtank, fill back up so nothing dies, fit radiator, remove old radiator then decorate the hole! Oh, and halloween party at friends for the kids.

Not much time for doing the new tank me thinks 🙁

George Farmer said:
Love it! It's like the aquatic version of a Rolls Royce. Beautifully designed and engineered in every respect.

I'm loving the ADA thermometer, especially. I note they're not too expensive either.

I can almost feel your excitement about getting it hardscaped and planted. Mixed with some nerves, perhaps? The pressure is on to come up with something special to match the hardware, I expect... 😉

Nice one!
Lots of nerves George, I really dont want to bodge this up!

Yup, the ADA thermos aren't a bad price when you compare them to a decent digi thermo plus they look loads better with no wires. I picked up the last 10mm one before the Oli Knott demo as I didnt want to miss it. theyve probably got more in now though
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Hi stuworrall,

-Tank is beautiful
-Its measurements are good
-Tank's stand in metalic is also beautiful
-Manzi woods are nice but can't say the same for their layout.
-Light hanger has great craftmanship on it.But being in one peace may cause problems in transportation.It can be diffucult to carry with one man and it may bend.It may diffucult to match it with the stand below it.Also it can not be used on an other tank.I think it can be turned into something more user friendly.For this:
-You will cut the hanging pipe right in the middle and shorten it from each end about 10-15 cm(or an amount looks appropriate).
-The ends will be put into pipes about 50-60cm long and a little bit wider. Then you open holes for screws.What is important here is to fit the pipes eachother tightly.
Such changes won't look ugly and will give you more flexibility.
I tried to simply illustrate what I wrote.



Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

ilaymir said:
-Tank is beautiful
-Its measurements are good
-Tank's stand in metalic is also beautiful
ilaymir said:
-Manzi woods are nice but can't say the same for their layout.
Didnt you read my original post? the tank was delivered, the manzi wood was picked up off the floor in a big pile. then dropped in the tank in one big heap. THERE IS NO LAYOUT HERE
ilaymir said:
-Light hanger has great craftmanship on it.But being in one peace may cause problems in transportation.
transportation is no problem as its done all the transporting its going to need by getting from the makers to my house. If I need to move it it fits in my estate just fine.
ilaymir said:
It can be diffucult to carry with one man and it may bend.
Its stainless and light and not difficult to carry. It wont bend, its welded stainless steel 🙄
ilaymir said:
It may diffucult to match it with the stand below it.Also it can not be used on an other tank.I think it can be turned into something more user friendly.For this:
-You will cut the hanging pipe right in the middle and shorten it from each end about 10-15 cm(or an amount looks appropriate).
-The ends will be put into pipes about 50-60cm long and a little bit wider. Then you open holes for screws.What is important here is to fit the pipes eachother tightly.
Such changes won't look ugly and will give you more flexibility.
I disagree. I think it would look fugugly if I chopped it in the middle and would spoil its lines. Also the light hanger has been custom made for the tank. its not meant for any other tank
ilaymir said:
I tried to simply illustrate what I wrote.
Yeah, please dont change my photos again without asking first. thanks
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Hi Stuworral. Just read your journal and i must say the tank looks amazing AND the lighting braket. Which i think looks the dogs. The CUSTOM made lighting bracket looks amazing on the tank which i think anybody would be happy if it graced there living room. Cant wait to see the tank with water in. Many Thanks ROB
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Hey Stu

Just wanted to say that i thought your tank, stand and light hanger are all stunning in design, i am not sure were others are coming from with this. Its actually better than most of the available kits out there, and the fact you have put it all together in such a bespoke manner shows real vision.

My background is in product design and engineering and its only now i wish i was back at university with a engineering grant to build something like this with cad, cnc, state of the art wood workshop at my disposal. I know i wouldn't struggle to fill my time! Unfortunately i wasted my time designing new chain tension systems for downhill mountain bikes. When really i should of been designing aquariums cabinets etc. :crazy: :crazy:

Looking forward to seeing the tank coming together!
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

That tank is so beutiful, I bet you're kind of nervous about scaping it! I would use that great open top for some protruding manitza wood action or emergant growth, I'm sure a gumi would look awsome as well....

Have fun, T
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Hey Stu,

I second Mark....Go for GUMI +1 :thumbup: a full scale.
You done island style for your 60cm shrimptank.
You done Nature style for your rio 125l back 2008
Its gonna be a great Gumi in this 90cm tank..

Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Unfortunately Ive got nothing done this weekend as my parents house had an attempted burglary at the weekend so I was there most of my time and meeting up with the police and boarding a window so all the grand plans of showers, radiators then tanks fell out of favour! everything is sorted now though so after my shower is wired tonight by the sparky I should be back on it! (fingers crossed)

robert1989 said:
Hi Stuworral. Just read your journal and i must say the tank looks amazing AND the lighting braket. Which i think looks the dogs. The CUSTOM made lighting bracket looks amazing on the tank which i think anybody would be happy if it graced there living room. Cant wait to see the tank with water in. Many Thanks ROB
Thanks Rob, most kind of you

ashpitt said:
Hey Stu,
I second Mark....Go for GUMI +1 :thumbup: a full scale.
You done island style for your 60cm shrimptank.
You done Nature style for your rio 125l back 2008
Its gonna be a great Gumi in this 90cm tank..
I think youre right ashpitt. Although ive yet to see the quarry rock I got in the tank so im not sure how it will look yet.

TBRO said:
That tank is so beutiful, I bet you're kind of nervous about scaping it! I would use that great open top for some protruding manitza wood action or emergant growth, I'm sure a gumi would look awsome as well....
Very nervous mate 🙂 but I think the manzi will be delayed to the next scape or a re-jig or my aquacube as thats pretyt much grown in now.

saintly said:
Gumi stu, GUMI!!!!

woods boring :lol: any ways, fashion? dont follow the pack mate.
Nah, no fashion here. just doing what will appeal to me at the mo 😀
andyh said:
Hey Stu

Just wanted to say that i thought your tank, stand and light hanger are all stunning in design, i am not sure were others are coming from with this. Its actually better than most of the available kits out there, and the fact you have put it all together in such a bespoke manner shows real vision.

My background is in product design and engineering and its only now i wish i was back at university with a engineering grant to build something like this with cad, cnc, state of the art wood workshop at my disposal. I know i wouldn't struggle to fill my time! Unfortunately i wasted my time designing new chain tension systems for downhill mountain bikes. When really i should of been designing aquariums cabinets etc. :crazy: :crazy:

Looking forward to seeing the tank coming together!
:lol: I could just see the lecturers looking over there spectacles at the mad fish chap making cabinets on their CNC machines! What I wouldnt give for a garage full of that stuff! (my background was mech eng before I drifted into computers 🙂 )
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

Yawn, another Iwagumi?! :lol:

Just kidding mate. Your set-up's style would suit that very well.

And hey, if you want to lend me some of that sexy wood, Stu...?

And sorry to hear about the attempted burgularly. :thumbdown:
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

George Farmer said:
Yawn, another Iwagumi?! :lol:

Just kidding mate. Your set-up's style would suit that very well.

And hey, if you want to lend me some of that sexy wood, Stu...?

And sorry to hear about the attempted burgularly. :thumbdown:
Cheers George, burglers are scum. Three houses in a row got done but luckily they couldnt get into my parents but damaged the windows trying :evil:

Im afraid it will have to be the boring gumi for now and I would send the wood down but ive got an evil plan looming for my 60cm shrimp tank :shifty: That ones under wraps though until I can actually sort out my ideas for it
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

How's this coming along, Stu?

I'm very very close to ordering an opti-white 80x45x45 with the same cabinet...

Fancy knocking up a lighting bracket for me!!??
Re: 90x45x45 has arrived!

George Farmer said:
How's this coming along, Stu?

I'm very very close to ordering an opti-white 80x45x45 with the same cabinet...

Fancy knocking up a lighting bracket for me!!??
Will send you a PM re the bracket 🙂

The new radiator was put up last weekend, old rad removed along with the 1962 wallpaper behind it and then decorated and the tank was finally put in place this weekend

so.... it begins 😀
