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90x30x30 low maintenance

Thank you - hmm, sounds like a particularly sensitive species...? It's a shame as I really love the look of it. I'm glad you've got some that is working for your tank. I'll probably give it a try and see what happens.
It might be that the ones I bought were infected with something at the farm? For the ones I tried propagating, perhaps I cut them with scissors that weren't sharp enough. Their rhizomes can get quite thick.

Sharing couple of pictures! So weird that these aren't Corydoras anymore

Brochis sp CW155
20240617_224024 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr

Hoplisoma caudimaculatum and one Hoplisoma sp CW027
20240617_224239 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr
I took a day off work today so I did a big water change this morning.

Was looking at the tank and realised that one of my ember tetras seems to have sustained a bit of damage on his dorsal fin. The tip of his dorsal looks pretty much gone. I do recall having one with a dodgy dorsal fin but that was years ago so I don't think it's this same individual. Doesn't look like it's rotting or fuzzy so I'm hoping it heals over soon. When I picked up my CW027s they all had torn up dorsals which healed up in a matter of days so I think he will be fine.

Anyway, here's a picture of more fish:

CW027 and CW051
20240619_215113 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr
Not sure what happened but I saw a little rotting on the Anubias 'jade, where I last made a cut. I suspect that I didn't cut cleanly enough that time. I really should get a new pair of scissors. Had to remove a chunk of rhizome but thankfully it wasn't a lot.

Here's what's left of it which is still a good amount plus the one I propagated is growing.
20240621_213800 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr

Happy to see some new growth on the Anubias coffeefolia
20240621_212850 by Lenny Lim, on Flickr