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60P - Colour by numbers

yeah i was catching up on some of the new plant species on tropica's web site and i saw Hygrophila serpyllum as a possible candidate as well.

but honestly i don't care what it is, if it's aquatic or not, i just wanted to setup a tank and get my hands wet after my hiatus. get back into the water change habits, letting my filter cycle etc. I am not going to add any inhabitants to this tank, so when this carpets time has come ( the bottle says 3-6 months ), i will rip it out and try some of the other seeds as well. i can imagine people getting upset if these seeds ruin an existing tank, or if they turn out not to be aquatic when they say aquatic on the bottle, but for the few pounds these cost, you can't expect too much..

and while elocharis does produce seeds:


i doubt harvesting eleocharis seeds are viable in the quantities required to sell them.

the seeds they are selling are most likely bog grass or agrostis, those grasses you see next to rivers and wet areas, that look so much like hairgrass, and they are covered in little seed heads, it's tempting to try some underwater, but they always die..

I went away for a week, and couldn't keep up with my water changes, so I got an outbreak of rhizo
a big water change, and a couple of ottos later, and it is already looking brighter! gotta love ottos!


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i finally hooked up a cannister, so no more HOF filter 😎

i still need a couple of u bends and a new one way valve and then i can reconnect the co2. its fresh aquasoil and a newly cycling filter, so the haze might be the beginnings of green water, or a bacterial bloom, but i will let it run its course instead of trying to fight it..


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    WhatsApp Image 2025-02-17 at 08.03.59_d5db2017.jpg
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