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60p - Agent Orange AKA 'Roof on Fire'

You can consider getting a glass intake with integrated surface skimmer.

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I used one on one of my old scapes worked a treat, you can get them relativity easily and cheaply now, thou when i first used tone they were not that common.

Work so well that i opted to use one on my new scape, thou this time round i am using Stainless steel pipes.

I've also considered this option. Although I really like having the skimmer externally for easy cleaning and extra flow... also I'm really happy with the performance of my Cal intake, so will wait and see what insane price ADA will put on the new Vuppa
Looking nice, but be aware that your elatine hydropiper will soon be overtaken by the eleocharis and MC and it will die under them...had this case in my 60F

It's too slow growing to compete against fast growing carpeting plants like hc,Mc, eleocharis... 🙁
Looking nice, but be aware that your elatine hydropiper will soon be overtaken by the eleocharis and MC and it will die under them...had this case in my 60F

It's too slow growing to compete against fast growing carpeting plants like hc,Mc, eleocharis... 🙁

Yeah i trim back the MC often to keep it separate, it really grows like a weed.
The Eleocharis i cant do much about at the moment, I haven't trimmed it so it dosnt spread all that much yet. Guess I could try to keep it trimmed level with EH if it spreads to much
Well you can try too trim it down but the strong rooting system of the eleocharis will uproot the very small roots of the elatine sooner as you might think...maybe you can try to avoid this buy using transparent plastic sheet?
Nice looking little tank, beautiful plants.. :thumbup: I wonder how did you come up with the title Agent Orange? I know it as a herbicide defoliant agent used in the Vietnam war.. The title gives a funny contradictive contrast with the healthy lush green plants and beautifull colered tips. 🙂
Nice looking little tank, beautiful plants.. :thumbup: I wonder how did you come up with the title Agent Orange? I know it as a herbicide defoliant agent used in the Vietnam war.. The title gives a funny contradictive contrast with the healthy lush green plants and beautifull colered tips. 🙂

Exactly (;
Well you can try too trim it down but the strong rooting system of the eleocharis will uproot the very small roots of the elatine sooner as you might think...maybe you can try to avoid this buy using transparent plastic sheet?

Not sure what you mean with the plastic sheet?
For separation in the substrate or...? 🙂

Actually I'm surprised by the roots of EH, from the tank edges, they seem to stretch 5 cm or so into the substrate far deeper than stuff like HC. I will keep an eye out for it, but if nature takes over I'm OK with that as well 🙂 still a big relief from the constant trimming of HC
Yes substrate separation. 😉

Roots of elatine are long but very fine in comparaison of the giant roots of the eleocharis.

Let the nature do the job, this is just my expérience with this awesome mini carpeting plant, next Time I'll use it with slow growers like crypto parva, marsilea...
🙂Very nice indeed. Love the way the stems are coming along.
The rock to the left i would consider planting something like Blyxa along side where the Glosso is to add abit of plant hieght and contrast to that area?
🙂Very nice indeed. Love the way the stems are coming along.
The rock to the left i would consider planting something like Blyxa along side where the Glosso is to add abit of plant hieght and contrast to that area?

Really wanted to add Blyxa, but can't seem to get it anywhere in Denmark unfortunately /: Aquasabi my go-to site for plants outside of the Tropica catalogue, didn't have it either last time I checked