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60cm dry start...

Iain Sutherland

Global Moderator
7 Jul 2011
Afternoon all,

Being as we are moving house in January I didn't want to start a new tank right now. However the other half would like a low tech ram tank, so this dry start has been going 4 weeks.

really wanted to try the yoghurt blender method with mini fissidens, so I bit the bullet and blended up £100 worth of mini in the hope it would work. It has taken really well, to my suprise, no mould or melting issues.

I spray once a day and uncover a few hours a day.

Just iphone pics at the moment :(


The wood isn't ideal but it's what I had :p

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Hi Iain, Nice Scape:thumbup: The fiss will take off no problem ;) When you pull down the scape. And dry the rock for weeks even months. As soon as you place them in water the fiss will bounce back into life:cool::cool:
seen that with fissidens font, its nails!! I hope its the same with the mini as it made me cry blending 3 tiny little mesh screens on a hope and prayer....
blended up £100 worth of mini
blown away by your courage :wideyed:


What other plants do you have growing emersed in there?

Looks like you've left some nice rock "paths" & loads of secret places for the rams :)

(& so kind of you to set up this tank just for the other half ;))
£100 you mad!......nice start though Iain:thumbup:
thats what ed said when i asked for it.... it'll be mad when each rock sells for £150 covered in mini ;)

What other plants do you have growing emersed in there?
Murdannia keisak
Ludwigia 'super red'
Hygro pinnatifida
mixed small bucephalandra
Riccardia Chamedryfolia
Fissidens nobilis mini
cryptocoryne albida

(& so kind of you to set up this tank just for the other half ;))
gotta keep her involved or i'll end up in the shed :p
my maths says £1200 :eek: just need to find some like minded fools who pay silly money for aquatic plants :lol:
You got a point....there are a few out there....Mmmmmmnnnnnn:greedy::cigar::D
looks ace. you seem to have some fossilized brains as hardscape. :)
I didn't know mini Fissidens was that expensive! Might have started an air mule convoy carrying mini fissidens to you guys :D