Due an update I think.
The confessional door thuds behind me and the curtain is drawn back - 'Father, I've been neglecting my tank'
I did clean the pre filter, top up and switch over to clean lily pipes at some point but basically I've done nothing for a good six/eight weeks two of which I was away for.
Found one of my Otos lying crispy on a floating plant. Not sure how that happened or when. Would have thought it could easily wiggle off if it got scared and jumped up by accident. Good news is that I saw three others in a group, so you never know, I still maybe have five of them alive.
It would seem that I'm reaching the end of the glorious no need to fertilize period as I near 1 year since set up. Floating plants are not as prolific, but this is why they are here; deploy the duck weed index! Any feedback welcome!
Down to only one or two tiny red root no-ters (as I like to call them) and the older leaves of the salvinia are brown.
Marsilea carpet is looking pretty meh, effected by the BBA I've been embracing nearby. I pulled up some and going with a Bacopa 'carpet' (planted one stem at a time - it never divides when trimmed for me) for now and hoping to migrate over to mostly parva in time.
The rotala is looking very ropey, neglect combined with the water level getting lower and lower has not been good. I'm a bit skeptical that a dramatic trim would work, but I took a chunk of mess out. Maybe if I replant the non crispy tops, but that is for another day.
Pogostemon similarly didn't enjoy the low water levels and the myriophylum is all but gone. Sad times.
Leaving this slightly mad straggley piece of 53B in there for now I enjoy how you can get the stem of an emersed bit to burst out all over with small submerged leaves. My other emersed growth didn't cope with the water level drop. EDIT - Then removed anyway as it was obscuring the general shape and the reds behind.
Here's the before and after maintenance. I should probably get to cleaning the filter at some point. Selling shrimp very occasionally gives me the motivation to do the prefilter (there are generally lots in there) but I've not done the rest of the canister since setting up the tank...