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60 Lush

Thanks for your kind words :D It's not the sharp precise aquascape, but I'm enjoying its own messy jungly vibe.
Anyone else enjoy the view when sitting on the floor looking up into their tank?
Mini update and advice request.

The weeping moss seems to be giving me some little new lighter green ends, which is great. Some crisping on the emersed bit but also new growth up there too. I put one tiny straggle of tripartita up there, just to see what would happen, one end in the water the rest on the moss. It quickly dried out but now has tiny little new emersed leaves. This is the kind of simple pleasure that this hobby is full of!

Another highlight from this evening's brief trim and top up was seeing three Otos hanging out. (Eye spy in the image below) Having only seen two at once for quite a while I was beginning to wonder if I've been somehow failing to provide properly for them. Actually, I should request advice here too. Is a single Hakari algae disc per night broken up into a few pieces enough for 6 given that the shrimp also love them?

Last, see the image of my marsilea/blanket weed(?)/parva/BBA carpet. What would you do? I'm hoping the BBA will calm down now the CO2 is off. Not sure the marsilea gets enough light really, maybe go for just a parva carpet?


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