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55l medium tech

Thanks, yes they’re fun little fish. I was hoping to get the odd fry in the tank but no luck so far. Ended up ordering them online (from Abyss Aquatics) as they were a little hard to track down
Good job with the cabinet, it's the first thing I was curious about, and something I'd also like to try building at some poin
Thanks, and yes go for it. I got the plywood cut to size by a timber merchants which took the hard work out of it. Might add a bit more detail on it at some point.
Hi all,
Any nutrient deficiency pros willing to hazard a guess?

Looks like the Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) may have suffered / be suffering from iron (Fe) and / or magnesium (Mg) deficiency. It is the <"net reticulation interveinal chlorosis"> - <"Frogbit web pattern damage">.
I’ve decided to remove all the floating plants
You probably don't need them now, but because <"they aren't CO2 limited"> they tend to show nutrient deficiencies (in the water column) more easily than submerged plants, where CO2 limitation is an extra factor to account for.

cheers Darrel
Can you provide more details, i wanted to diy a cabinet but struggling to find where to cut plywood.
I got mine cut to size at Alsford timber - I’m sure there’s lots of local alternatives if you look for timber merchants for the building trade. The plywood i got was just called “hardwood plywood” - Link here - which is generic tropical hardwood, no details provided but it looks a bit like birch or eucalyptus. You’ll want to either get some matching edge banding to iron on (a bit fiddly to trim) or get the edges banded when cut to size.