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495litre - Simple

Finally got them eating from my hand in Day 2! I am still very cautious about how they would do in the tank. I still have CO2 at 1 bps. Just going to dose potassium and phosphorus. Will skip nitrate (calcium) for now. I am hoping the bioload will provide the N for the plants.

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I have never used co2 in a discus tank so cant help on that - they must be quite relaxed for you to hand feed them on the second day :thumbup: - what are you feeding them?
I have never used co2 in a discus tank so cant help on that - they must be quite relaxed for you to hand feed them on the second day - what are you feeding them?
I am feeding them beef heart. They had been handfed beef heart for the past two weeks by the seller. So I am just mimicking the same activities to help them settle in faster.

I am only feeding a pinch at a time.

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beef heart is a good food for them but as you doing in moderation - they do need other foods as well like flake and pellets, dont feed bloodworm it has no nutritional value. I used to make a food with minced prawns/mussels/dried tubifex worms/peas/flake and vitamins my fish used to wolf it down.

Now stop post pics of your fish!!!! :lol:
It has been almost 1 month since the introduction of the 7 wild discus into the tank. As expected, I had to do some major changes to my routine and I thought it was time to update.

Previously, I had 6 pieces of Buce Sp. Kishii (aka Skeleton King) - labelled Plant 1 to 6. Here's an update.

Plant 1 and 2 had completely withered away.
Plant 3 was going the same way as Plant 2 but I decided to shift it to Plant 5 location since it was doing ok.
Plant 4 is holding on.. but I don't think it will last.
Plant 6 is doing ok but not fantastic.

I fear I will eventually lose all of them given that the priority is now on the discus.

I also had a water lily at the right side of the tank. Sadly it is withering away despite my best effort to out a few root tabs around it.

The rest of the plants are doing ok but I am monitoring them closely as I have stopped dosing nitrates and phosphates. This is because the bioload of my tank had gone up a fair bit. I am only maintaining potassium and CO2.

My pH pen is due for a calibration so don't really know my pH for now. But kH is between 2 and 3 and gH is around 9 and 10. Nitrite and Ammonia is zero and Nitrate is around 40 ppm.

Without further ado... here's the current pictures of my tank...

20170312_184207.jpg 20170312_184301.jpg

I guess the discus had pretty much taken over the tank and the plants and the scape are now their background... I suppose that is much preferred as opposed to the discus being in the background and plants in the foreground.20170312_184344.jpg
Can you spot the trick to get the discus all lined up in direction for the photo shoot?

You have some delicious cookies in your hand at the right? 🙂
Beautiful fish, leaves all those gaudy, plastic looking morphs way behined. But that's just my opinion

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Thank you!

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F... the plants , especially for wild caught discus , they've never seen any ! Magnificent fish ! If I were you I would order some botanicals from Tannin Aquatics , ASAP ! 😉:clap::thumbup: