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40x28x30 "The Ent" 30liters CLOSED

Normal Glass 40x28x30cm tank, curves edges
I tend to assume that last digit is tank height 🙂
I’ve the Flat Nano + running on an ADA 30C
(30 min 25%, 4h 75%, 30min 25%, then 2h 5% ), mostly it’s just basics, but melt has been minimal even in the shaded area, Eriocaulon cinereum (polaris?) seems to have doubled since August 3
(I need to adjust light position)
Black Samurai Betta only if you’re not too concerned about shrimp loss - I’ve yet to keep a Plakat that hasn’t deviously engineered Shrimp Removal (dark coloured shrimp seem to fare better as long as they remain well hidden)
Go for the Betta, those Rasboras need a surprising amount of swimming space. Also if you plan to keep the tank open topped pull have jumpers. I started with ten and am now down to five, and that’s with a a mesh screen as a cover!


a betta will love that tank, plenty of places to explore and tight spaces to swim through
Thanks guys,

I think melting is due to ammonia pike (I should have used the.old.tropica.soil from my 60p instead of New one...), I will make some Big WC in the next days to help,. unfortunately UG and myriophyllum Guyana are suffering a lot.:hungover:

Got a lot.of.brown diatoms everywhere on the rocks.too, as Always when starting a New tank with New soil...😵

I will definitively go for the betta, those brevibora are going in my future 60p aquascape, thanks guys.:thumbup:
Hi guys,

Unfortunately the news aren't good, my tank is infested with what seems black mould, plants ,.rocks, Roots everything is covered, even Sand!

Once a plant is infested, it dies very quickly! (Already Lost the UG and the myriophyllum Guyana)

It doesn't look like traditionnel fungus on New Wood and it spreads everywhere, even on Glass , the water is smelly too...Never had such an mess!

Tank is 13 days old, 80% WC every 2-3 days
6h light daily
CO2 24/24h, yellow drop checker
New tropica power soil
Daily 1ml liquid carbon
Daily 1ml brighty K
Chihiros doctor

Here's the pics, thanks for you help guys ...

Damn.. That sucks. Never experienced anything like that myself. Hope there's someone that is able to help.
That looks to me like the result of a massive organic load. If you ain't already, do massive daily water changes, load your filter with high surface area media, and give some thought to chucking a load of fast growing stems in until it matures and put some shrimp in. Either way, I'm sure it'll pass.
That looks to me like the result of a massive organic load. If you ain't already, do massive daily water changes, load your filter with high surface area media, and give some thought to chucking a load of fast growing stems in until it matures and put some shrimp in. Either way, I'm sure it'll pass.

Yes Tim, I think the Ent is the cause of all this mess, should have boiled it first...

My filter is loaded with media and is from my old 60p so already cycled, it has some New seachem purigen bag in it.
I'm already doing Big WC...no results yet.
I added some MC and HM as fast growing plants Yesterday, they seem ok for now
I've try to put 2 of my tiger blue shrimps to help, they died the next day😕:facepalm:
There is actually 2 clithons snails and some pest snails in it, they seem to love to graze the fungus but I.would need an army of those...

I'm actually thinking of spraying all the scape with h2o2 solution but that would be the last thing I would try :sick:

Let's continue the WC and see how it goes, thanks for the support Tim!
So Disappointing when this happens

Try “mystery snails” or some of the larger Nerites - they seem more interested in strange wood slimes
Sometimes Otocinclus are keen wood cleaners, but they seem more discerning than the mystery snails

I’d try Seachem Excel before peroxide

Shame about the blue tigers 🙁
Hi there,

Unfortunately I dismantled this tank this morning, the Ent doesn't seem to like water, it was an mess and I haven't had time to take Care of it because I need to work on my next 60p setup so I basically saved the plants that wasn't in too Bad shape (buces and anubias) and throw away the rest.

Black violet fungus was everywhere, including the filter, I've cleaned everything and put the filter on my 17l shrimp setup.

That's part of the fun, sometimes it just go wrong!

I will now close this journal and open a New one about my future 60p setup.

Wish there was a dislike button but fair play for taking it on the chin and onwards and upwards, strangely I find the planning of a new scape one of the enjoyable parts of all this

Looking forward to your next 60P scape 😉