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tropica aquarium soil

  1. D

    Substrate advice needed

    Dear all, I am in the process of rescaping a tank which has 7 year old ecocomplete capped with fine black sand. The ecomplete has a 1/1.5inch depth and the sand is about 2 cm. Over the course of the last 7 years, some of the ecocomplete has founds it's way ontoo of the sand, although this...
  2. Snailracer10cc

    Tropica soil

    Hello all! Never used tropica soil before and have got some for my new 70 litre set up. Can you put the soil in the tank with sand and leave it without water in? I’m planning on playing around with all my hardscape for a few weeks before I plan on planting so I know I’m happy with my choice of...
  3. C

    60x40x40 90l first attempt at an aquascape

    Hi guys I'm a new member here. attempting my first aquascape and my first planted tank. currently waiting on my c02 diffuser and lily pipes Equipment: Tank: APS ultra clear 60cm 90l Filter: Aquael UltraMax 2000 Lights: Chihiro's RGB A series 45 watt Hardscape: red moor wood and Dark Mini...
  4. CooKieS

    45x27x30, ‘Apocalypse Now!’

    Hi there, So lots of changes on my plans; -My beloved 60p is now sold and is going to it’s new home end of this week. -My 17l shrimp nano is now going without co2 and temporary host the betta from the 60p. -Got an 45x30x27 from Viv (same quality as Ada 45p) to replace the 60p. Equipment...
  5. CooKieS

    60x40x40cm Dragon stone iwagumi

    Hi there, Just settled this scape today for an Friend, though it was an good Idea to create an journal :-) He's an beginner so nothing too fancy here, just an kinda iwagumi setup full of easy plants. ;-) Tech: 60x40x40cm, optiwhite rimless tank, 96liters Twinstar e600 led JBL e901 filter...
  6. CooKieS

    Ada 60P, 'behind blue eyes'

    Hi, I'm actually planning the hardscape of my 2020 contest tank, as Always my beloved 60p. Rocks: seiryu stones Soil material: la plata Sand, Aqua gravel Roots: -senganni -river Wood -talawa Wood This will be an mixed style tank, jungly in the foreground and more NA style in the background...
  7. CooKieS

    40x28x30 "The Ent" 30liters CLOSED

    Hi there, So my plan was to rescape my 60p and use this small 30liters tank as an temporary Home for my living stock during the rescape...BUT, I found that my lovely jungle Roots faits perfectly in there so...let's sell my livestock and scape this nano for an dragon betta! :-) Here's the Gear...
  8. G

    Substrate advice - Tropica Aquarium Soil vs Fluval Plant & Shrimps Stratum

    hello guys, so i went today to the aquarium design centre and bought Tropica Aquarium Soil 3kg for my new 50litre aquarium. I did the setup and think I need more substrate so i ordered on amazon the Fluval Plant & Shrimps Stratum 4kg. Should i put the fluval on top of the tropica, mix them or...
  9. Majsa

    Filling up soil

    Hi, I feel my CPD's and shrimp need more space and so they are getting an upgrade from 40L tank to 54L (60x30x30). It will probably take months to set it up since I cannot afford buying all the equipment at once...The idea is to go for a heavily planted nature scape with both stone and wood. I...
  10. Andy Lees

    Using Tropica Aquarium Soil Powder

    Hello all. Looking for some advice. I have a Fluval spec V at min with Eco Complete as substrate. Not had a good time with eco to be honest mainly with plants not wanting to root into it etc. My main question is as i have an established filter and a small shoal of Ember Tetras would it be safe...
  11. CooKieS

    Simple nature aquarium - 36x22x26

    Hi, Launched this scape for a friend yesterday; Optiwhite 36x22x26cm approx 6gallons Asia wood Seiryu stones Ada amazonia Tropica powder Jbl mineral soil Sunsun filter Chihiros A series 360 Pressurised CO2 Glass lily pipes Fissidens fontanus Marsilea crenata Rotala green Rotala rotundifolia...
  12. CooKieS

    Iwagumi 45x30x30 'rock'n roll'

    Hi everyone, Forget my bad english, I'm french. :D Here's my second aquascape (first one was an messy fluval edge) and my first iwagumi; My inspiration was George Farmer's incredible iwagumi 'one pot challenge', mixed with some mountain scape. Specs: -Equipement: -optiwhite tank 45x30x30...
  13. stu_

    Red Ryuboku

    Tank-Optiwhite 60x41x30 Lights-Arcadia AF128F- 2x15W T8 Filter-TetraTec EX1200 Substrate- Tropica Substrate and Unipac Fiji (coarse) Pressurised C02 Hardscape- Redmoor Plants- 1-2 Stau Repens, 1-2 Lilaeopsis brasiliensis,Hairgrass,Xmas moss,Crypt Amoricum,Crypt Willisii,Crypt...