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3rd Time Lucky 45p

Personally I'd rather follow what green aqua do in there filters as they are aquascaping pros not fish bio load pros as for better to have too much isnt that reducing flow and is the aquascaping saying flow is king
Hi all,
but the way I look at it it is better to have too much than not enough.
Only if it doesn't impede water flow, you don't actually need very much biological media in a planted tank.
though he is all about fish bio loads not planted tank and plant mass that is why he crams them full of biological media
I agree that the media set-up he has is much better than the original set-up, but not because "Biohome" is intrinsically any better than coarse sponge, floating cell media etc.

The big think for me is that water flow through the filter is improved and more flow means more oxygen and more oxygen means more biological filtration capacity. The fine pore space etc of the Biohome just isn't relevant.

He has a product to sell. I'm sure he is sincere in his belief that it is the best biological filter media, but if it is, it isn't for the reasons he thinks.

cheers Darrel
All I'm saying is these guys no more about a planted tank and it's working than the pimp my filter guy
A empty tray or trays less filled with the media allows more flow and the increases oxygen it dont need to be stacked with media like he does
All I'm saying is these guys no more about a planted tank and it's working than the pimp my filter guy
A empty tray or trays less filled with the media allows more flow and the increases oxygen it dont need to be stacked with media like he does

Well it depends of the scape too...green aqua are salesman too, they are not gonna say that the included media of the brand they sell is not optimal.

Bio media is more expensive than foam hence why the filter brand aren't putting a lot in their product.
Hi all,
A empty tray or trays less filled with the media allows more flow and the increases oxygen it dont need to be stacked with media like he does
I've not tried "Biohome", but working on the premise that it is quite a good biological media, I think some of the reason is the actual shape of the pellets themselves.

They are quite big and they don't pack tight and that allows a lot of spaces between them. My guess is that even in the fully stuffed, pimped filter all the trays of "Biohome" are exposed to oxygen rich water.

It is back to <"werewolves"> or <"biocenosis bucket"> really, something might work, but not necessarily for the reasons given. It is a bit like a great footballer being very superstitious, and having to follow the same pre-match ritual and becoming upset if they aren't the last one out of the changing room etc.. It doesn't make any sense but it matters to them.

cheers Darrel
Hi all,
@dw1305 there is also a Biohome gravel ,much smaller pebbles of scintered glass about 2 - 7mm in diameter mostly
I'm not surprised, because it is nice round grains I'd expect that it will still work pretty well.

I'm using <"Eheim Substrat Pro">, which I think is similar and is a good media. I wouldn't go out of my way to buy the "coco-pops", but it has come with a couple of 2nd Hand filters I've purchased and I've used it.

I do have some issues, I've just looked at the <"Biohome media page"> and it says
Please note: Tanks with heavy stock and feeding (e.g. cichlid, goldfish, predator or fry tanks) and marine tanks may require 1.5kg - 2kg per 100 litres to achieve the full cycle filtration which will result in the reduction of nitrates. Do not worry about plant growth being affected in a tank which reads zero nitrates - the nitrate is processed into soluble nitrogen which is easily used by plants, boosting their growth.
Which would ring all sorts of alarm bells for me.

cheers Darrel
that was a lot of info watched both videos and agree with you all it shows the standard media can be massivly improved from the sponges in the baskets.

Any recomendations to change one of the sponges then i will cut the sponge down to use as pre filter think i will keep the plastic biological in the net bag as i also added some fluval tubes that i had and i will change another blue mechanical sponge for more biological and keep 1 large blue sponge and in the top tray were there is a red sponge i could add wool.

Any recomendations for decent biological would be helpful ?

Also any information on the differnce that more biological filtration could make would be good.

P.s still dosing the staghorn with a few mill of liquid carbon daily.

Thanks dean

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Quick update did a trim this morning again and water change and pre filter clean and staghorn seems to have gone by the most part and tank doing well feeling like a change soon bur a shame as plants have grown so well already wish i had a bigger tank.

I will reuse some i imagine and probably give rest away or sell but not quite yet.


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Mate I'd hang on this is starting to turn in to a lovely scape
Just saying

Wow thanks so much j never thought id hear that but ill take it. I want more bucephalandra in next setup

Thanks mate

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Quick update, i am exited to do a different scape and want a lot less plants next time and use a lot of epiphytes etc and more room for fish, i still need to get myself some more hardscape materials etc then going to empty the tank and rescape but not quite yet.

Thanks everyone for all your help and support its been greatly appreciated and i couldnt have done it without you ,you have helped me achive what i wanted and growing of the plants healthily , sure i will need your help plenty with next scape.

Thanks dean7cd279c704293e718110a05a2ab549b7.jpg

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