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30CM Cube shrimp tank

Plants arrived today so tied the mini java fern to the wood which had been tied to a big slate. Added tropica substrate additive and then the ADA Africana on top. The 3l bag was more than enough for a 30cm cube. Added water, planted stems then topped up.

Looks like this now.



I find I much prefer the Africana to the Amazonia. The colour is so rich and the pictures do it no justice.
Lots of bubbles on the glass but couldn't resist a few pictures as I'm really pleased with how it has come out.
Blooming heck you don't hang about!!
Very nice work... Just thinking out loud here..
but if you spun that wood round like 15deg anti clockwise(looking down on it)
one it would the hide the fact its been cut and two look more appealing as if its rooting out towards you?!🙄
Just the ramblings of an overworked mad man..
Hi defector, the wood roots actually do come forwards too. It isn't too clear but the tank is designed to be viewed from the left hand corner. The roots point to 6 o clock and 9 o'clock.
Oh and the plants should eventually hide the main body of wood. The left hand corner should be the only unplanted area once everything fills in.
Tim, thanks, there is hydrocotyle t Japan to climb around the rocks but left corner is to be bare river bed.
I have moved the rocks more to the foreground and put some round pelia in amongst the rocks. The tank seems to have passed through the bacterial bloom stage and the water has cleared so hopefully my new filter is maturing.




Thanks for looking
Lighting is on for just 4hrs a day and plants are showing new shoots/growth.
looks great! how long are you going to cycle for before adding the puffers?
I'll wait until its been running 3 weeks then put my lone amano shrimp in. Prob wait another couple of weeks but will be able to move over the puffers filter media with them so shouldn't have any probs. It's a large plant mass in a small tank.
Removed any dead plant material tonight and trimmed the stems, 50%water change and it looks even better.
Well my lone amano had gone walkabout without me knowing it so I put a couple of low grade crs in to play canary. They were very happy in the tank so I felt it safe to add the puffers a few days later. Unfortunately the crs are so happy they have gone all ninja on me and are proving impossible to catch. I feel it will only be a matter of time before the puffers take an interest 🙁
I have found a great way to keep the puffers occupied without overfeeding or having rotting snail remains. I collect the pond snail egg sacs from my outdoor tank and put lots of them in the puffers tank. The puffers have a great time hunting out the tiny snails once they've 'hatched' and the snails are small enough that they can be eaten whole. My puffers used to beg for food every time I looked at the tank but now they are too busy.
Oh and I've just ordered a tmc 400 tile from charterhouse aquatics for 52 pounds delivered!
All the plants have been trimmed back so not looking great but will take a pic tonight. Added a lot more pelia at the front too.
The tank looks very natural Lindy. A lovely green corner. 🙂 I bet your hubby is enjoying it too. He might actually take up the hobby. But maybe you guys can have 2 tanks instead of one ,...so there's no risk of falling out :lol: Looking forward to seeing this progress beautifully. Have a great journey.🙂
I have found a great way to keep the puffers occupied without overfeeding or having rotting snail remains. I collect the pond snail egg sacs from my outdoor tank and put lots of them in the puffers tank. The puffers have a great time hunting out the tiny snails once they've 'hatched' and the snails are small enough that they can be eaten whole. My puffers used to beg for food every time I looked at the tank but now they are too busy.

I have done that in the past with mine. Always fun to watch them hunting around for food.
Really liking how you have used the wood to make interesting areas for them to explore 🙂.
Thanks faizel but hubby has his own interests, long sword fencing for one, so I can do what I like with both of MY tanks lol.
Thanks Gill, they seem to be enjoying their new home. I ended up putting the lampeyes in with them as they'd been in the same holding tank and had got on really well. The lampeyes shoal and move quickly so the puffers don't seem to get a chance to have a go and the puffers have given the lampeyes confidence enough to be hand fed blood worms. I just need to find the newly hatched lampeyes quickly as there are many mouths waiting although the floating plants do provide a little shelter. I've rescued one already.
Anyone want an adult pair(male+female) of dwarf puffers? I'm totally addicted to shrimp now.
Have installed the TMC mini 400 tile although I'm not going to use it until I get back from my hols, I want to be around to watch out for algae and raise it if needs be. The shimmer is beautiful, like dappled sunlight on a stream bed.


I have hung the light 20cm high but expect to have to raise it or may get a dimmer from ikea for it.



The Hygrophilia Pinnatifida has lots of new growth after its trim back and the shrimp are as happy as Larry, 3 are berried.


An insitu pic, excuse the baby fence and general clutter.

This forum is a wonderful escape from my 2.5yr old who has been singing 'the wheels on the bus' ALL day and expects parental participation😵
