diy pipes
Here's how to make cheap, nice looking pipes.
1. Order in
some PVC pipe - for 16/22 hose use 16mm (internal)/20mm pipe. (Eheim hard plastic green tubing is 14/20 so this actually gives better flow than the Eheim supplied stuff).
2. Get a
pipe bending spring. 15mm is fine - it has to be a bit less than the internal diameter of the PVC pipe.
3. Put a painstripping gun on the floor and rotate the pipe with the spring inside it over the heat until it begins to 'sag' a little. If it blisters you've gone too hot.
4. Bend the pipe, slowly, a little at a time.
5. Carefully does it. Bend it section by section. Water under the tap 'sets' a section quickly. Best to pull the spring out for each new 'bend' otherwise it can get stuck - the picture below is an example of what not to do! Spring basically got stuck.
(Have done a lilly before by blowing into the pipe while blocked at the end, but now can't be bothered!)
Need long stems on this tank
6. For the intakes have tried three methods:
...drilling small holes. Not perfect - constantly get plants stuck, especially HC.
...supergluing a piece of cheap sieve netting over a cut out portion. Jury is out, though is unexpectedly and unattractively glaring white under water. Also a nightmare to glue with superglue - just wouldn't stick.
Might use a metal sieve next time.
...using a jigsaw to cut a series of lines in the pipe - my newest ruse and looks most similar to the ADA style. By my calculations, 8 * 1mm cuts half way across any tube would give the same surface area as a cross section - so maybe 10 are needed or fewer if they go more than half way across.
(Need to seal the end - just heat and push together with pliers - before cutting, otherwise it all sags... This one was a bit of an experiment, will do neater next time and file the bits right. Have to say the extreme close up is a bit unflattering!
7. Bish bash bosh:
On both sides. Mounted to the wall (for reasons that will become clear) with tool clips (covered in felt so no scratches) so they're easy to slide up and down.