After learning quite a bit about the golden rules and how to get a 'scape nicely proportioned (see
this thread for lots of examples), did a bit of analysis on this tank. It just isn't right: it doesn't work in terms of 1/3s or diagonals or focus points or anything really.
Have never been happy with it, but analysing it quite strictly in terms of the golden ratio me this helped pinpoint why:
1) Each section of the 1/3s grid should be distinctive and almost make sense on it's own, but work as a whole. That's just not true of this tank. Plant groups overlap too much.
2) Two opposite corners of the central square should be the main focus points for the tank. One should be in the foreground and one back. In this tank the focus points are too far apart, too similar in level, and two similar in terms of depth (they're both at the back of the tank).
3) The tank should lead the eye across three main diagonals. This tank isn't terrible for that, but the bottom right stone cuts across this quite badly (it would be better 'flipped' horizontally), the top right stone doesn't accentuate the diagonal (it should be slightly to the left), and something in the bottom left corner to highlight the top right/bottom left diagonal would have been better.
4) The way the tank draws the eye (red lines below) should give a bit of 'tension' to the grid and the diagonals, and make overall sense. In this tank the main 'eye drawing lines' are too similar and lack an overall shape.

Of course once I'd realised this couldn't live with it any more!
So did a pretty major rescape this weekend using bits and pieces I had lying around. Bit of bubble wrap on the bottom of the major rocks should protect the tank.

And because I wanted to see what happens if you make it easy to stick the golden rules went slightly over the top and taped the tank. You can see how much substrate has slipped over time to the front of the tank, so have consciously designed something that has more 'layers' in it and uses the hardscape more intelligently to hold substrate back.

To be fair, it's pretty hard to stick to these rules even vaguely if you can't see anything in the tank, so don't feel too bad about the OCD tape as was 'scaping the in the dark. (I don't have anywhere to move out the livestock and don't fancy catching millions of shrimp).

Found it really helpful. Have got something I'm now quite pleased with - not perfect but for the first time has real potential. Looks quite 'hardscape heavy' at this point, but is the first time I've done a hardscape while thinking quite hard about which plants will go where to accent different points and think will be able to soften it. All the fish/shrimp seem to have survived, partly thanks to massive water changes just after...