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20l nano cube

I have super glue also but wanted to use that to attach the moss. And plants to wood.
The JBL pro hura ist horrible stuff when on fingers its a nightmare to get clean so if anyone decides you use it be careful,
I really should of brought the hura rapid thats sticks fast next time
So the plants was suposed to turn up yesterday but the shop got in touch with me and said that they would not ship because of the outside temperature but today they will be here will post later when they arrive 😀
Welll the aquarium is planted lets hope it turns out good, wanted to put co2 in the aquarium but my regulator dial thing is broken so i had to order a new one but as back up i did have an unopened dennerle bio co2 kit that was laying in a cupboard
Lets hope the co2 come soon
Well after getting an email the co2 dial that i need is not available, so i had to re order a new set it should be here next week i hope the plants will be ok untill then 🤔 this makes me a little worried
Great start.

You can start fertilising right away, but with new aqua soil it's fine to wait a few weeks as there is plenty in the substrate.

Edit: As your waiting on Co2 i would leave the ferts until that is running.
Hey guys well the post was here today and got some of co2 kit, just waiting for the the bottles of co2 then I can build it in the aquarium, also today I will be doing a 50% water change and testing the water to see where my parameters are at after my coffee i will get to work and i will post a pic and the results
But most of all im happy that some of my orders came 20210301_120051.jpg
So just done my water test
Temp: 20°
KH: 3°dkh
GH: 2°dgh
PH: 6
NH4: 0.05 mg/l
N02: 0.025 mg/l
Cu: 0.05 mg/l
02:10 mg/l
N03: 0.5 mg/l
P04: 0.02 mg/l
Si02: 6.0 mg/l
Fe: 0.3 mg/l
K: 5 mg/l
Mg: 0 mg/l
C02: 🤷‍♂️

I have ordered a drop checker for the co2
So next work is to do thd 50% water change
50% water change and cleaned the glass
The cube looks like its growing in slowly the water is much more clear 20210303_132017.jpg

Over the last few days i have been talking to my local aquascaping shop over emails about fertilizer, he ask me what my parameter are for my tap water so i got in touch with the water supplier for my area which they sent me a report of the parameters which i sent to aquaasbi (Local aquascaping shop) and then they worked out a little plan with the fertilizer and the amounts i should be adding daily.
I think this i great news because i find fertilizing daunting, mainly because i dont have a clue what im doing, anyway over the next few weeks and months i can send them pictures of the aquarium and parameters and the will help me increasing or decreaseing or what other fertilizer is should add
That has taken some large headaches away and at least im learning along the way so next time i have s better understanding

Well have a great week and will post again in a few days stay safe
Hey guys,
well after writing yesterday about my fertilizer plan from aquasabi, todayi got my fertilizer with cool little dropper so I can add drops in the the cube which i think is really cool

Also I got myself a co2 checker


From Monday I will start to dose my fertilzer later i will send the plan and the recommendations