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180l low tech

I have moved the wood forward and replanted some of the clump further back. How does it look? I can’t make my mind up as I am very indecisive over this sort of thing!

The floaters very quickly cover 100% of the surface as you can see, can this cause any issues?

Thanks all.


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i think you need another piece of wood to make it look more dominant. 🙂 the tank looks lovely though :thumbup:, 100% floaters just means less light to the plants beneath, also they can take up nutrients pretty fast, so you should keep them thinned out somewhat.
Funny you should say that Edvert, I had to take one back to the shop as he has been nesting for the last couple of months and terrorising the rest of the tank. The two that are left aren’t as bad but still are a bit aggressive so I will probably get rid of them as well.

They started small but have grown really quickly. I think I might get some honey gouramis instead.

I have tried a few different plants but none of them have taken hold, other than that I have pretty much left the tank to it. It looks a bit overgrown but it is very low maintenance and very stable so I will try and keep it that way!


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Hi all, not posted for a while. Last year I redo the tank fully and the plants took hold really nicely. However in the last few months everything has died off really extremely. Has anyone got any ideas why? I have attached photos of it when I first planted it up. It then all grew really nicely. The last photo is what it looks like now.


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