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“A Little Unconventional” - Bucephalandra & Hakkai - Custom All In One

Nice picture of the Betta:

View attachment 226525

I looked in to the stiphodon gobies but they like high light, fast flowing tanks so unfortunately not right for me.

I’m already struggling to get enough biofilm for the shrimp, the rocks refuse to get particularly slimy hence re adding more floating plants to prepare for them.
I currently have a trio of the Stiphodon gobies, i am not convinced that the fast flow part in particular is correct.
Yes the flow seems to help with growing the algae/biofilm that they consume but mine seem to constantly be in areas of little to no flow.
I have however added a airstone to my tank/filtration compartment to aid in additional oxygenation

Just my 2 pence
Just been musing on the critter movement in the tank.

The Amanos are just so fast / active they sort of make the Zebra shrimp look lethargic.
I got the Amanos as an attempt to force more scale, to make the zebras look even smaller.
They definitely accomplish this but I’m not sure the jarring movement comparison is worth it.

Will see if the Zebras become more active over time (they seem healthy but always stay roughly in the same area as opposed to travelling around the tank). If not, will sell off the Amanos.
I think my smaller 30l tank is too small for 4 Amanos and it already has a lot of isopods / critters.
The betta started harassing the shrimp. Quite uncharacteristic of him as was with shrimp for a year with no issues. Non stop flaring and an occasional dart towards them for a few hours.
So I popped the Betta in the spare tank (35 liter).
He is now murdering all the critters in there (daphnia, copepods, crangonyx etc…).
Not sure why the personality change but I boiled some botanicals and added them, additionally have the light set to low.

I got some Pygmy corys for this main tank and they are adorable so that’s a silver lining.
