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‘Lazarus’...80x40x40, back on track!

Lovely scape Thierry. Well deserving of the placement and testament to your persistence.
Thank you all for your kind words…really appreciate the support! 🙂
Hi there!
This tank is still running, and I think it reached it’s pike…I’m only dosing 3ml all in one soil 3 from masterline 5 times a week and some masterline potassium ,3ml 2 times a week. No more algae since 2/3 months.
Waterchange about 30% every 7-10days depending on my schedule.
Actually running an Aquael ultra 1200, not been cleaned since 2 months now.

I’m not sure why the tank is so clean with such an lazy maintenance? But definitely won’t complain.
The week aqua light has been an awesome performer on this one and I’m getting fire red rotala h’ra and great pearling.

I will probably enjoy it a little more before having the idea of rescaping this, especially because I don’t wanna bother the livestock and the actual balance!

Some pics;

During waterchange
Plants :

Please don’t mind the 2 SAE, they will be rehomed in the 200liters tank from my father at the end of the year, before they get too big 🙂
Really amazing, it's good to see that this tank is still there, even after the contest.
Could you tell me how do you monitor your CO2 in this tank? PH drop, drop checker (which color), bubble counter? (I would like to know how CO2 level is critical with your fert).
Thank you
Really amazing, it's good to see that this tank is still there, even after the contest.
Could you tell me how do you monitor your CO2 in this tank? PH drop, drop checker (which color), bubble counter? (I would like to know how CO2 level is critical with your fert).
Thank you

Hey there and thank you very much!
I use an drop checker, it’s usually light green when the lights come ON.
I’m actually injecting 2bps, starting 4hours before lights and stopping 1hour before the lights come off.
Injecting co2 inline with the co2 art inline diffuser, and then running thru the neo lily pipes with the integrated skimmer on the outlet.
Hope this helps 🙂
Hi there. New to this thread. What is the tank unit. Its exactly the dimensions and style that I'm looking for, to upgrade to.
Think @WiggyH wants to know what tank and cabinet you have @CooKieS . It’s a custom job though right?

Oh I see! Sorry!
Yes tank is optiwhite 8mm glass from an local craftsman, size 80x40x40cm
The cabinet is from an brand called aquatlantis, model is called fusion, cost me about 120€ delivered 😊
Always love seeing this tank 🙂 Do you have a full list of all the stock you have in it? Just for reference, because I know you mentioned somewhere that its a lot, but it never seems very crowded, just a nice bustle of activity.
Lazarus is celebrating his 1 year birthday this month, here’s an quick shot after maintenance today in order to celebrate this! 🙂


Always love seeing this tank 🙂 Do you have a full list of all the stock you have in it? Just for reference, because I know you mentioned somewhere that its a lot, but it never seems very crowded, just a nice bustle of activity.

Thanks a lot mate, here’s the full list of the livestock, it’s an bit crowded now because lots of fishes have been added from my nano setups that has been rescape since, I’ll rehome half of all these fishes in my father’s 200liters tank once I rescape this tank. 😉

25 paracheirodon simulans
6 nemathobrycon palmeri
4 tucanoichthys tucano (from my nano)
2 Dario tiger sp myanmar (from my nano)
6 otocinclus affinis
2 Siamese algae eater (getting out soon into my father’s tank)
4 endler guppys (from my nano)
1 stiphodon semoni (from my nano)

And 5-6 clithon / neritina snails

So quite an mixed group of fish species but they are all doing very well and living in peace together, since I lost one of the 2 males emperor tetra (he jumped out this summer), it’s now more peaceful because the dominant male is alone with 5 females. 👍

I’ll probably keep only the simulans and the otocinclus for my next scape in this tank. Some of the others small fishes will go into my new 45p setup. The others to my father’s tank and some for giveaway.
Makes such a difference to the depth Thierry.
Looks amazing.
Hello ukaps people!

Still running… 🙂

Recently had an issue with some bucephalandras that got holes in older leaves and not so healthy new leaves (small and colorless ), all other plants were perfectly fine but all in all the growth was very slow.
I was dosing 4ml Masterline all in one soil and as my soil is now 14 months old I guess it wasn’t enough.
I switched to Masterline all one one golden , 4ml a day , since one month and the growth doubled, bucephalandra seems better too 🙂

As you know my method is based on plant observation, I am really not interested in the chemistry aspect of this hobby, so I try different things and take notes when it works …or not. There is definitely a lot to learn when you run an ´contest tank’ for more than a year!

Interesting fact, even with dirty filter (I usually clean it once a month or so) and dirty pipes (usually cleaning these once every 6 weeks or so) ,inline diffuser with 14 months old ceramic that as never been cleaned…no algae issues.

The only one I can see are on a wood branch located directly near the outflow, it’s our best friend aka BBA. This one seems to love flow, I found out with this scape that too much flow induce more trouble that benefit, I wonder if that’s why Ada use low flow filters on their tanks (low flow but big media capacity), would love to hear @Geoffrey Rea opinion on this. 😉

In the last 4 weeks I collected some rare rotala (rotala sahyadrica, rotala pearl, rotala macrandra mini type 4 and rotala Florida) in order to propagate them for my next scape, they seem to be doing well for now even if the soil is old and I’m basically feeding them only in water column. Another interesting point!

Last but least, livestock still doing fine, I lost half of my otocinclus in the last weeks but it seems they are just getting old (approx 3 years , is this old for these?), didn’t lost any other fishes, even the tucano tetra are doing awesome in this non black water setup, so that’s great. The only real livestock fail in this tank were the amano shrimps, that got hunted by the emperor tetra…so found them on the floor regularly…lesson learned.

Some pics now;

This one seems to love flow, I found out with this scape that too much flow induce more trouble that benefit, I wonder if that’s why Ada use low flow filters on their tanks (low flow but big media capacity), would love to hear @Geoffrey Rea opinion on this. 😉

It’s a part of a specific system design if understood correctly.

Why have high flow when it serves little to no purpose with the ADA system? What are you distributing that isn’t accommodated for with gentle but thorough flow?

Once an ADA system is on its feet, it’s pretty stable for a year. Doesn’t require huge amounts of flow or turnover.