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  1. K

    Classroom shallow tank

    Hi! I've been a long time lurker and infrequent poster here on ukaps for a while now, and I think it's about time I made a journal. I work as a teacher in middle school, and for a few years now I've had a low tech betta tank in my classroom. The scape and equipment has changed a few times, but...
  2. S

    Shallow, long tank inspiration

    Hi all, New member (but not new to aquascaping)! I'm going to get a custom shallow, long tank soon, but I was wondering if any of you have any inspo and pictures of similar tanks? I'm going for something 4ft long (maybe longer) but not looking at more than 18" deep, and semi-heavily planted. If...
  3. doylecolmdoyle

    5ft Blackwater Shallow Stream

    Tank - Fire Aqua 1500 x 210 x 240, 10mm low iron glass. 20G / 75 ltr Stand - Ikea Kallax bookshelf's as stand, with extra soild wood top. Filter - 1 x 1400lph canister filters (eheim copy) Light - MML LED Tube on a Cade hanging kit Hardscape - Bog wood / random wood Substrate - Gravel Plants -...
  4. oscarlloydjohn

    ADA 60f rock layout

    For my birthday I was lucky enough to receive an ADA 60f and the kit to go along with it. I'll be putting a lot of my savings into this project too. I've been waiting quite a while to set this up, but I had to get my trial exams out the way before I could get going. I made a visit to Aquarium...
  5. williak

    Green Shallows... 80g/300L rimless frag/shallow

    This aquarium build was began in mid 2017. It may seem like I'm playing catchup in these first few posts :) (My initial posts keep getting flagged as spam, trying to post so many links to catch the journal up to current. I will have to do multiple small posts to get back up to current date :) )...
  6. MrHidley

    James Shallow Build

    Here is my diy shallow tank, it has the same dimensions as the ADA 60-F except it's made from acrylic and only cost just over £20 to make. Initial thoughts are that this is going to be low tech with a carpet of lilaeopsis brasiliensis covering most of the tank. Not sure what's going to go up...
  7. DannyH

    Low tech lighting solution required

    Hi folks, I've been running a low tech tank for a few months now. The lighting was never meant to be permenant as it is intended for a high tech setup I'm working towards. Time escaped me and as a result algae is becoming a real pain. Its time to change for something more suitable. The tank is...
  8. hitmanx

    The Celestial Swamp - A voyage through a flooded forest fringe (Shallow Riparium)

    Well one year into planted tanks, I felt that I had to build a riparium after seeing some spectacular examples over the years by people on both sides of the pond... My first attempt has been very successful and has been a great learning experience, but it's diminutive size is lacking in the awe...
  9. Jake101

    Box of Dreams. Seriously, I have seen dreams about it.

    I have been waiting this moment for two long years. After giving up on my last larger-than-nano tank, there has not been a single week without a thought about the next one. I started planning this project last February. First I couldn't make my mind about anything, since the number of...
  10. Khuulio

    Teenage budgets and great expectations [45 Gallon Shallow Cube]

    Hi all, thanks for peeping into my build thread Ever since a child, I was never allowed a pet cat or dog due to space limitations and allergies (yay!), thus I looked to the next best pet; Fish. I first kept a small goldfish bowl, then a ten gallon, which now houses a few neon tetras in a...
  11. callmephathead

    Lily pipes for shallow tanks

    Hi, I am in the process of setting up a shallow tank, only 30cm high without substrate so probably 25cm from top of substrate to top of the tank. I have been looking for a lily pipe with a diameter of 17mm for a 16/22 pipe that is less than 25cm long, and it has proved very difficult to...
  12. George Farmer

    George's TMC Signature

    Hi all, I'm really excited to be aquascaping again for the first time since May last year. I have a TMC Signature 60x45x30cm (clear silicone) with gloss white cabinet. I need to cut out a half moon in the cabinet side for the filter hoses because unfortunately they're not pre-cut. I did...