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  1. Jwilliams0487

    Balancing Lighting and no Algae

    Hi For a few months I've had the following set up with no algae issues what so ever. I use the Juwel HeliaLux Spectrum LED on my 240 litre aquarium with the following light settings (in photos) Mon - Fri - (Juwel Bedroom) Sat - (Amazonas) Sun - (Aquascape) Water temperature is 24-25°c...
  2. V

    Help choose a chihiros light

    Hi all , Planning to convert my Malawi tank into high tech planted tank. Dimensions are 120*60*50 cm (L*W*H) . Ideally i would like to have a full coverage and power to have flexibility on the type of scape I can make. I was thinking about buying a wrgb2 120 and hang it to get full coverage of...
  3. Nont

    Accidentally dropped the light in to the tank

    Hi guys, I accidentally dropped Chihiros light into the tank while doing the maintenance this morning. The water gets inside and I can’t find the smallest allen key to disassemble the light and let it dry. Is there any other ways to get the water out?
  4. Nont

    Is Chihiros A501 enough for 60cm low-tech?

    my high-tech 60p tank (3 inches substrate) have carpet of H. tenellum and some small E. cordifolius. I want to convert it to low-tech, low-light tank, do you think the plants would thrive with Chihiros A-series A501 ?
  5. jaypeecee

    Does Blue Light Shrink Aquatic Plants?

    Hi Everyone, Since first seeing a YouTube video by Dr Bruce Bugbee of Apogee Instruments, I have often wondered if blue light shrinks aquatic plants? Please take a look at the following: Fast forward the video to around 4 mins 45 secs and watch from there. Now, it may be that what Dr Bugbee...
  6. algae_connoisseur

    Can you ever completely eradicate algae?

    I was wondering if it is possible to create a completely ‘algae free’ set up? Is it just equilibrium to have algae as part of the balance? Every tank iv ever seen has it somewhere to the naked eye, so what are your views Andy
  7. T

    Budget/midrange LED for medium lighting 60cm tank

    Hi I want to upgrade the lighting on my 70 L tank (61x31x44 cm) so I can grow stem plants etc. For this I believe that I need 'medium lighting' Does anyone have any suggestions on lights that don't cost too much (preferably under £70) that would accomplish this? The cheaper the better really...
  8. jaypeecee

    i-Phos Budget Spectrometer

    Hi Folks, For those people who would like to know more about the spectrum of light being emitted from whatever aquarium lighting you own, the i-Phos Spectrometer is a great piece of kit. I've been using one of these for about a year and I wouldn't be without it. This is it...
  9. jaypeecee

    (Free) Lighting Tool

    Hi Folks, I'd like to suggest an easy way to get an idea of the RGB balance and colour temperature of aquarium lighting. It may even suggest the dominant wavelength of the light being emitted from your lighting. All that's needed is a white piece of paper and one of many phone apps that are...
  10. T

    Light, Monte Carlo and Moss balls - Picture added

    Hi New member, first post. I have setup a new 30L tank and in it I am having monte carlo, dwarf hairgrass and Marimo Moss balls. I have opened out the moss balls and glued them on to the top of half coconuts and they look pretty good! My plan was to grow a monte carlo carpet around these so...
  11. jaypeecee

    PAR Measurement

    Hi Folks, Although I have a spectrometer, which enables me to check freshwater aquarium lighting spectra, I do not have a PAR sensor/meter. And I don't like guesswork. So, I'd like to hire/borrow/purchase a decent PAR sensor/meter. The Apogee range looks interesting. I am drawn to the Apogee...
  12. Crazy_Walrus

    adding more lights?

    So I currently run an interpet trispec on my tank which is running co" and daily ferts. I want a warmer colour ( which ive been told i need more red LEDS) to make my colour plants pop a bit more. If I was to add a cheap light for example fluval aquasky and set it to red, would this help with...
  13. O

    Lighting for a blackwater aquarium

    Hi guys, first post. I'm currently in the first stages of planning my next aquarium. I'm thinking of going for an aquarium of unusual dimensions : 1 meter long, 90 cm wide and 60 cm high (100x90x60) to fit under my mezzanine bed. The idea is that wider tanks with a large footprint are a better...
  14. Aqua Hero

    First month of an aquascape

    So you've planted a bunch of in-virto plants and have flooded the tank. You got the co2 running, lights on and filter flowing. Now what? Currently with my tank, some of the plants are melting back (which is to be expected), the light is on the lowest setting running for 6 hours and co2 is on...
  15. RoXSaida

    Suggestion of plants with this light ?

    Hello ! First of all Happy new year to everyone ! I'm launching a new tank of 40L and I want to create my first real aquascape, but my budget is not enought to buy a good light, and I saw on the internet a lot of beautiful aquarium using led bulb light. I bought one (Full spectrum, 6500K, 500L...
  16. Conort2

    Twinstar s series

    Hi Thinking about upgrading my chihiros rgb and getting a twinstar s series. Before I go spend a load on a new light just wanted to hear people's feed back who already have this light. Is the colour rendition really as good as the videos and pics show? How is the spread? That's the main issue...
  17. Goose157

    Brown algae/light period advice ?

    Hi, After reading on the forums about light periods i decided to shorten my light period to 8 hrs a day from 10 and after everything looking ok now on the second week i have started to notice brown spotty/dusty algae on the tips of older leaves!!! Oh no!....should i just increase the light...
  18. J

    Any help. Planted tank.

    hello all, I have the following bulbs on my tank. 2x40w fluval aqua-glo t8 1x54w colour hi-light t5 1x54w nature hi-light t5 The lights are on from 10-7pm Also feeding TNC complete 20ml a week and halfway through the week TNC light also at 10ml on third day and dosing co2 for 8 hours at one...
  19. Shinobi

    Calling all Twinstar light users!

    Hey Ukaps. I'm considering changing my chihiros A-series plus for a RGB light for some nicer color renditions. Would like to hear some first-hand impressions of the Twinstar light pros and cons - and whether you guys think it will be sufficient for keeping a HC carpet Etc. in a 60p Other...
  20. N

    Suggestions for my setup

    Hello, I'm setting up a 32x32x45h cm tank for high demanding plants. I was looking forward to this configuration: 1x Chihiros A 301 Plus 1x Chihiros RGB30 I made this choice because I read the A plus series gives a huge amount of light compared with the RGB series, which otherwise offer a...
  21. Zak Rafik

    ADA AquaSoil - Amazonia LIGHT - have you heard of this NEW product?

    Hi Guys, Just saw this on the net. ADA is launching a light version of it very popular Aquasoil Amazonia. It seems that this type of soil is targeted at beginners to planted tank. I wonder what they mean by "LIGHT". Maybe it won't leach out too much ammonia and hence it will be easier to start...
  22. DannyH

    Low tech lighting solution required

    Hi folks, I've been running a low tech tank for a few months now. The lighting was never meant to be permenant as it is intended for a high tech setup I'm working towards. Time escaped me and as a result algae is becoming a real pain. Its time to change for something more suitable. The tank is...
  23. Kezzab

    Is 200+ PAR causing problem?

    Despite doing just about everything that i've read to address this, i'm persistently getting staghorn algae and some GBA. The staghorn is mainly affecting Juncus Repens, and to a lesser extent the Weeping Moss. It is not touching the Rotala or Hydocolyte or Crypts. Trying to pick it off with...
  24. Aqua Hero

    Beamswork Green Element EVO plant LED vs Beamswork Hi Lumen Planted Version

    Beamswork Green Element EVO plant LED vs Beamswork Hi Lumen Planted Version im currently using a dual T5HO fixture which is working wonders for me but having to buy T5 bulbs every year is costly compared to LED units. i have been searching around and i found these two LED light units from...
  25. Laurie Dear

    UK version of buildmyled.com

    Hi, I have recently acquired a 30litre (38cm x29cm x 28cm tank) to replace a fluval chi. A 30cm beamwork LED light was supplied with it (which does not fit length ways across the tank annoyingly) but from what i've read is underpowered due to the 0.5W emitters fitted. I have heard of the...
  26. C

    Arcadia OT2 luminare

    Hi im selling my 600mm Arcadia Ot2 luminare with 4x 25w t5 Giesmann plant bulbs. Its all in good condition. Im looking for £200 email chriskent86@hotmail.com
  27. M

    Suggestions for a 60x30x45cm (WxDxH) on a £150 budget

    Hi all, This will be my first planted tank and I am looking for a suitable light to go above my lidless tank. I am currently looking at a Wave Point 24" twin T5, however have not been able to find any reviews on it. Will 2 T5 bulbs be enough to grow the Tropica 1-2 grow advanced plants? And...
  28. N

    Lamp length vs aquarium length‏?

    Hi guys I am wondering if you could help me choosing the right length of a lamp based on my information and your guidelines and knowledge. My problem is that I am a first timer with an open aquarium, and I am a bit lost when it comes to choosing the right hanging lamp. For example I haven't...
  29. Pedro Viveiros

    Estimative Index and Light

    Hello everyone, This is my first tank, as described below. Recently I had some Stag Horn algae, and diatoms, I tested the NO3, that was 0 ppm, and made some “emergency” fertilization, noticing improvement in plants... After that, I decided to initiate the EI method, but I’m confused about the EI...
  30. golino

    help chosse my new light

    hi my new friends from uk i have to start my new aquarium in my life and i choose it to be planted and after i buy soil and seeds from china now its time to choose lights 4 my tank ,its a 25 gallons 60*40*40 cm so how much light i need by watt and what about T5 and Halida lights or something...
  31. Jason Blake

    Advice needed for a 60 Litre Planted Aquarium

    Hi, I an new to this forum and forums in general, so my apologies if my etiquette is not quite right. I have been given an Aquael Hexaset 60 litre aquarium. It is hexagonal shaped (which is proving to be a very difficult shape!) holding 60 litres roughly 15 gallons of water. I would like...
  32. John P Coates

    Fundamentals of Aquatic Lighting

    Hi Folks, When we are trying to decide on the suitability of a particular lighting fixture for use in a planted tank including fish, what should we consider? Some of the factors I can think of are as follows: 1 Light spectrum 2 Total light output in PAR 3 Ability to control light intensity 4...
  33. J

    Changing to open top

    Lo all! Thinking of changing from an enclosed hood with inbuilt lighting to an open top. Obviously this will require a new lighting infrastructure. It's a decent sized tank, 330L, 120cm across and 70cm deep. Don't want to break the bank - Has anyone heard / or used this brand before, it...
  34. michael woods

    Lighting and Co2

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice...I'm running a 64l tank with 2 standard daylight 15w bulbs and 1 15w pro grow t8 bulb (6500 k). I run the pro glow 9-12 and 3-8 whilst the two daylight bulbs run 10-12 and 3-7...little siesta during the day and smallish photoperiod as I...
  35. M

    lighting for 35l and headaches

    Hello all, I'm brand new to the world of freshwater and have been researching planted tanks for a little while now. I'm wanting to run a low-tech heavily planted 35l and I've been reading so much conflicting information on lighting that my head hurts. I have bought a light after reading Sudeep...
  36. LukeDaly

    A few nooby lighting questions!

    Hey guys! Again im still wondering what lighting options to go for on this Scapers tank of mine, I can get the 24W scapers light for £80 but tmy question is what makes it so special? Would there be much of a growth difference if I was to have say 3x Dennerle 11W lights? (Have one) and...
  37. Kyle Lambert

    Would this be good enough for a 12" deep 60l tank?

    I am just wondering as im looking to make my tank look 'cleaner' and want to replace the tubes i have. This is the item in question Aquarium Fish Tank Clip Clamp Lamp 96 LED Light White Blue Lighting | eBay If it is good enough what would you think the max price should be for it? cheers
  38. Kyle Lambert

    Stag Algae possibly? Need help.

    So i have very minor problems with algae in my tank for the most part. I get brown diatoms every few weeks for about 2 days and then they disappear again (testing is still inconclusive here as to why it happens) and apart from what i believe to be stag algae thats the only problem i really get...