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  1. Hanuman

    DIY Fertilizer Formula Recommendation

    Hello everyone. I have posted this in a facebook group but it doesn't seem to be going anywhere. I am tired of paying outrageous prices for liquid fertilizers so I though of making my own with dry salts. I know, there is a ton of info out there and believe me I have been scavenging the...
  2. Zedan

    Adapting Plants After Dry Start Method

    I'd like to get opinions on this method of adapting plants to life underwater after a dry start. What are your experiences with plants adapting after dry start method? Specifically with Dwarf Hairgrass (acicularis eleocharis sp. mini), anubias, and Ludwigia Mini Super Red. Or otherwise, has...
  3. FJK_12

    Excel Overdose

    Hi all, I've frankly had enough of the hair/brown algae in my tank and despite using every method in the book and reducing light/increase co2 and manual removal, I'm still getting this stuff months on from set up. Although not as bad as it was its incredibly difficult to get rid of from my MC...
  4. Crusader58

    Liquid Carbon???

    Am I mistaken in thinking that carbon can only exist as a liquid if subjected to high pressure and with some forms high temperatures ? Or have they found a way to chemically trap the carbon within a liquid? Are the likes of Seachem Excel and Easy Carbo actually liquid carbon, or are they merely...
  5. Sakij7

    Need advice for ferts and excel dosing

    I wondering how much excel and dry ferts I should be dosing in my tank. I can't afford to change anything in my tank right now, so any recommendations will have to work with what ive got ;). Current setup: 20 gallon tank 55 watt 6500k compact fluorescent, on 8 hours per day, with three hour...
  6. Jaap

    Low Tech EI dosing, Excel & Lights

    Hello, I have a 20L tank with crypts and anubias and 4 rummy noses. It was neglected and now that I moved it in the kitchen it will receive more attention. It has an internal filter and an 11w CFL and clay based gravel. Now I have decided to dose with EI and Excel. 1. What will be my...
  7. Kyle Lambert

    Flourish Excel and inverts...

    so i have a few cherry shrimps and assasins snails in my tank and i was contemplating dosing flourish excel to my tank to give plant growth a big spurt. Is it toxic to the inverts i have in there? or am i ok to go ahead and dose it anyway? I know i cant use liquid fertilizers because of the...