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  1. Nont

    Help! Broken filter plug

    Hi, I just pulled out an plug of an eheim filter to do some maintenance, and ended up with broken plug prong :( The question is; (Sorry, I have poor knowledge in electric) Is it dangerous if I use it after replacing the wire and the plug? and are there any other way I can fix this without...
  2. Nont

    Priming an Eheim filter

    Hello everyone, I’m looking forward to buying an Eheim classic 250 (mainly because Eheim filter and hoses is dark green, my favorite color :rolleyes:). I’ve heard that it’s hard to prime without sucking the hose and I’m paranoid of getting fish diseases and TB in my mouth, Is there anyway to...
  3. Paulus

    Galaxy paradise 2021 [ADA 120P]

    After a couple of years it was time to get a new tank :cool: (old tank is still running for now). So what upgrade did i make? Setup Tank: ADA 120P Cabinet: Custom made one in the style of ADA Light: Chihiros Wrgb 2 120 Filter: Eheim 4+ 600 (2275) + Eheim classic 2217 (from the previous setup)...
  4. P

    New Filter for 60x40x40

    Hi Everyone! I'm going to buy a new filter for my 96l (60x40x40 cm) tank. Now I use an Eheim 2075 filter, but I'll be selling it on Thursday, because it's 5 years old. I am very happy with the eheim filters so far, so I would like to buy a new Eheim for my next filter as well. What would you...
  5. mooncake

    What media are you using in your Eheim classics?

    Hi all, I'm currently having a bit of a pickle with my Eheim filters. I have a 2213 running on an ADA 45H and there is such little flow. The filter seems to be working OK from what I can tell. At the moment it's packed (bottom to top) with ceramic rings, a coarse sponge, a good 3-4 inches of...
  6. aquacoen

    Small Eheim pump; fish killer?

    For better co2 distribution in my tank I'm looking for a small pump for some extra flow. It needs to be as small as possible so I can hide it behind some driftwood. I also considered buying an active skimmer but these are all too big. Eheim has some nice small pumps but I read something about...
  7. oscarlloydjohn

    Nano heater recommendations?

    I'm looking for a nano style heater for my Mini M, something that is low profile and won't distract from the scape. I was using an Eheim Jager but it's so obtrusive. I have tried both the Fluval Edge heater and Newa Therm Mini 20p but both can't seem to get the tank water over 20C. They both...
  8. oscarlloydjohn

    ADA 60f rock layout

    For my birthday I was lucky enough to receive an ADA 60f and the kit to go along with it. I'll be putting a lot of my savings into this project too. I've been waiting quite a while to set this up, but I had to get my trial exams out the way before I could get going. I made a visit to Aquarium...
  9. N

    Hello from Indonesia

    Hi folks, Nice to meet you all. I had a marine tank long time ago before the internet and I remembered how difficult it was to start and after two years there was a catastrophe and all fishes died. Then I abandoned the hobby. I didn't know about New Tank Syndrome or Old Tank Syndrome back...
  10. Zak Rafik

    Lubricating Eheim O rings and gaskets with ?

    Hi guys, I'm in the midst of setting up a new tank. Yahoooooo! :happy: I have an Eheim 2080 (1200XL) and it has been sitting in my store room empty for the past 1 year plus and now I would like to use it for my new setup. Planning to lubricate the locking lever mechanisms, gaskets and O...
  11. Shinobi

    JBL Cristalprofi 901E - filter media upgrade(?)

    So I'm currently pretty happy with my JBL 901e that i have installed on my 60p. The very low amount of noise, and decent flow seems to fit the tank quite well. However 10+ weeks into the filters life I'm still seeing some pretty high spikes in NO2, despite low feeding and 2x WC weekly with about...
  12. JackMartins

    Canister for a 60x35x35 planted tank

    Good morning all! How are you today? I would like a suggestion on filtration perspective for the tank I´m planning. It will be a planted tank 60x35x35cm(~73.5L / ~19.3 Gallons), running CO2, high LED lighting, ADA substrate and liquid fertilization. Which Canister would be the best cost...
  13. Ryan Young

    Using two filters...

    Hi all, I have a 200L planted tank and am currently using a fluval 306 which I believe is not powerful enough. I managed to grab a bargain on a new eheim ecco pro 2036 and would like to use this alongside the fluval 306 by connecting the 306's outlet to the eheims inlet. As this is a new filter...
  14. Hyoscine

    Eheim MultiBox, a quick review

    Doesn't seem to be anything on the forum, so I thought I'd share my take on it. This thing is, for me, a lifesaver . I keep one aquarium, a thirty litre, heavily planted shrimp tank. It's my first ever, and it's been going for about half a year now. It's simultaneously the most relaxing, and...
  15. Chris Stokes

    30cm Nano Cube Lighting

    Hello to all, First post on the forum, although I've been a fan and follower for the past few months! I'm in the early stages of planning and setting up a 30cm, shrimp only cube and was wondering what would be the best lighting option. The tank with be high tech, and I'll be trying to carpet...
  16. Zak Rafik

    Eheim external filters - stated flow = actual flow?

    Hi guys, I want to know if the stated flow ( litres per hour ) for Eheim external canisters are anywhere near the actual flow. I have asked a few friends working in LFS and I was informed that Eheim filters can be trusted with the stated flow and that they actually test the flow with media...
  17. milanioom

    Eheim skim350 fix - no more death trap

    Hi! After a year of learning, I'm finally in a position to contribute to this great forum. Like many of you i too had a problem with a nasty surface film on my open tank so i went ahead and bought a aforementioned surface skimmer.The little thing works great but from time to time i found my...
  18. Nathaniel Whiteside

    >>Cabinet FINALLY together :)<< 'In my Dreams, I see Palettes of Green'

    Hey Guys, this is my first journal, and so is a big step for me, Into the world of Constant updates :P I've taken some inspiration, and looked at some peoples advice on here closely - thanks! So here we go. My aim is to create a rock based setup, using Ryuoh (sick of typing 'you' then having...
  19. Nathaniel Whiteside

    'Pretty Stream' - CRS tank

    Hello guys, Okay, this is a Journal dedicated to the rescape of my ADA Mini M which can be found here. The rescape has been coming for a long time as I was never really happy with it in comparison to the Raw nature feel I wanted to give it. The Title for this Tank is 'Pretty Stream', and the...
  20. Ian Holdich

    Ehiem micro skimmer 350 review.

    Is this the best £20 I have spent for a while? We all suffer some surface scum from time to time, in high energy tanks this seems to be more of a problem, not wanting to get into the debate why we get this problem, I thought I'd write a small review on the above product. I was supprised to see...
  21. nduli

    Eheim pro2 o-ring replacement

    Had to replace the o-ring on my eheim 2128 this weekend. It's not been 100% successful as its still leaking a little but much less than it was at the weekend. for those that experience leaking from the head unit for all pro2 models (Eheim 2026, 2028, 2126 and 2128) then you can buy a new...