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dragon stone

  1. Tonalscape

    170L/40g, medium energy, dragonstone + spiderwood, island meadow

    I started posting this journal on two other sites and later decided to focus my time on ukaps. This is a full recap, rewrite, and up-to-the-minute report. Let's start with constraints. I decided on a "40 Gallon Breeder", ie. 95x45x40cm, and got a stand with only a small storage cupboard and...
  2. Whitebeard

    Crystal Iwagumi - The Story of an Inspired Scape

    Hi All, Big Fan and a Heartfelt Thank You! I am a great fan of UKAPS and have been following the interesting trials, tribulations and conversations as a mute spectator for a long time. I would like to start with a sincere “Thank You” to all the members of this forum, who have helped planted...
  3. Blueboar

    Critique my aquascape My first hardscape for a 120cm - Dragon Stone

    Hi, this is my first serious attempt to set a hardscape. I set up a 54L tank before, but it was a very minimal effort. The tank is 120cm x 40cm x 50cm (Eheim VivaLed 240L) Main stone: dragon stone Substrate: Seachem flourite black (I ran it out last night, and am waiting for more to have the...
  4. J

    My First Aquascape

    Hey all, So here it is. The beginning of my very first aquascape. I’m using a Fluval Flex 57L, along with a Fluval 95g Co2 kit...I know, not the best Co2 kit but it’s all I can afford for the time being. Will hopefully upgrade to a better kit in the next few months. Here’s the tank so far...
  5. J

    Cleaning dragon stone in kitchen sink?

    i have a bit of dragon stone and I know that it needs cleaning with water but is it safe to clean in my kitchen sink with tap water? im worried about the washing up liquid and soap residue etc... any advice?
  6. Nigel95

    Nigel's 80cm Nature Aquarium Aquascape

    Hey guys! This is my 80cm contest tank for 2019. Results are coming soon so I'm sharing the hardscape now and will update this journal later on. :) Tank Optic white 80 x 40 x 40 cm 128l Light ADA RGB Solar Co2 Co2 art elite regulator + atomizer Aquaflora Plants Rotala Green, Rotala...
  7. Lauris

    Dragons Den

    Hellooo all, It has been a while since I have been here. Due to studies and my job and my time, that I can spare with my family, I had no space for this up till now. 18 months of break with 1 failed DSM (due to no time) in between and I'm back on the track again. Still with the same size of a...
  8. enviroman

    Dennerle 30 litre nano

    Here is my initial hardscape for my nano dennerle tank. I’ve spent ages balancing the rocks, gluing them where necessary and filling in all the gaps to stop the soil getting through to the sand. Have temporarily filled it with water to see if any sloping soil rolls down/filters through gaps ...
  9. Robertus van Tilburg

    New Scape Dragon stones.

    Made a new Scape. Starting the hardscape: Included the details: Ready: Will return after a few weeks growth.
  10. Nigel95

    Nigel's Iwagumi 128L

    Hello welcome to my Iwagumi minimalist journal! Started with the hobby around march 2017 and I really like it so far. This is my second tank, my first tank was a 25L but it was way to small IMO. Specs Tank 80x40x40 cm / 31,49x15,75x15,75" opticwhite 8mm 34 gallon / 128 litre Lighting...
  11. J

    Jagz`s Iwagumi

    So then, i think i should do a journal for this scape so this is the start of it, Ok so i have had a 24x15x15 optiwhite rimless braceless tank for a while now and have only had one scape in it and this is it But i have always wanted to do a iwagumi so guess what, last week i sold all plants...
  12. saifali

    2015 Dragonstone / Driftwood setup - Help

    Hello all , I am new to tanks . I plan on doing a extreme tank setup . I had revamped this tank as before it was filled with colorful gravel , ornaments. I tried a simple look here with rocks ( tried the Iwagumi style ) along with Driftwood log piece and 3 real plants. Now , if any of you...
  13. João Miguel Silva

    The Green Stream - Aquascaping 90L

    Name: The Green Stream Setup Date: 13/03/2015 Description: The Green Stream was born as an idea a few months, the concept was to replicate the underwater image of a river bank with sand bed where the vegetation brings out the transition between the bed and the margin, which is the perspective in...
  14. Stu Worrall

    Stu's 120x45x45 tank sponsored by Tropica

    New tank time! Ive been after a 120cm tank for a while and while I wanted a 50cm deep tank I couldnt quite find anyone out there making decent custom rimless optiwhites so when Dave Spencer kindly mentioned he was selling his I snapped it up. After quite enjoying my last dragon stone tank in...
  15. Bradleyh91

    Signature Puffer Paradise

    Thought it was about time I write a journal for this tank as it has been up and running now for about 4 months so here goes. I decided to put this tank together for my dwarf puffers as they were starting to outgrow the previous home. Details are as follows: Tank TMC Signature 450x450x300...
  16. Reidy

    From Marine to Planted

    OK so today i underwent the 1st stages of the change, i have emptied my tank and had a real good clean out this took nearly 4 hours lol, all algae etc has been removed. After this i have broken down my canister filter (fluval 405), removed all media and carbon etc and all compartments are now...
  17. viktorlantos

    Dragon minimal 90P

    Cheers guys. Not had a journal for a long time, but i hope this isn't a problem if i will post one or 2 around these days. Maybe helpful for some as i also got a lot of inspiration here too. This tank was rescaped a few days ago. 90P opti white 90x45x45 Filter: Eheim 2075, Eheim Skim 350...
  18. Stu Worrall

    Stu's 90x45x45 Apalala Shore - IAPLC 2012 #114 - AGA 2012 #3

    Following on from this last scape which to be honest got too grown in. Final photo for IAPLC 2011 - #577 - The Unknown Valley The Unknown Valley Stu Worrall - 90x45x45c IAPLC 2011 - #577 by Stu Worrall, on Flickr Ive now stripped the tank down and started on a new design. this time its...
  19. Ian Holdich

    A New Adventure (a jungle mess)

    After seeing the quality of Georges TMC signiture, i thought i would treat myself. I sold the old 80cm of earlier in the week, and took delivery of this one this morning. I had planned this one out for a couple of weeks now. I wanted to go for a good old timeless nature aquarium. I am really...
  20. Ady34

    Fluval Studio 900...'Dragons Crypt' Journal finished.

    Hello one and all, after spending many an hour reading and viewing some of the huge number of exceptional planted tank journals on the ukaps forum, i thought it about time i shared my 1st attempt at an aquascape. Having kept fish for about 15 years ive always been in...
  21. Ady34

    Aquanano40 CRShrimp tank....Journal Closed.

    Hello, after my first planted scape and the introduction to the enjoyable antics of shrimp, ive decided to dedicate a tank to them. Looking at various nano set ups i stumbled upon this Aqua One set up, which at 40 x 40 x 40cm, 55l is a little larger than some, but hopefully that should offer...
  22. Ady34

    Fluval Studio 900. Sticks and Stones.

    Hello, following straight on from the brief 'Coastal Erosion' journal, i thought id better begin a new journal for the rescape. After considering a hardscape only set up :eh: .... i came to my senses, and used the plants from coastal erosion to start the tank off. These needed adding to and...
  23. andyh

    Andyh's Journal "Green Beach" Update 01/03/2013

    Hey guys Yes its been a while but i am starting a new journal for my new scape..... I have been busy playing with stones and sand and have got something i am happy with for now :geek: Probably get tweaked a few more times yet. I am using my ADA 60p, combined with Dragon Stone, Sarawak sand...