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  1. dw1305

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Hi all, I think it is a good idea, I'd be surprised if there was much difference, but it would show for sure. Just "some magnesium (Mg)". I think the recommended ratio is 3 : 1 Ca : Mg. That is incredibly pure, you wouldn't necessarily get a value that low from a distillation unit. Cheers Darrel
  2. Fluxtor

    To test or wait?

    Yeah it's a dilemma. Without filter maintenance a water change only takes me about 20 minutes currently but going forward when there's more to do I'm sure it will take a bit longer. I'm only running a 6 hour photoperiod currently from 15:00 -21:00 with the CO2 running from 14:00 - 20:00. this...
  3. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    The TDS is around 3ppm. I dont know if this low enough for clean rain water.
  4. Ady34

    Journal JUNGLE PUDDLE: Dooa Mizukusa wall

    It’s been a few months and the puddle is still going 😃 The Vanda orchid unfortunately has slowly faded and I am now down to a single plant. This is I’m sure down to me not watering sufficiently and insufficient natural humidity. Everything else is still doing well, leaves are now becoming much...
  5. AlemBa

    Aquarium to Terrarium

    Very cool
  6. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    What is in your opinion the right ratio for those elements?
  7. AlemBa

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Thanks. This forum is amazing. The base of knowledge and members are great. I will start the topic on my "comeback " nano tank soon.
  8. Bradders

    First tank

    Agree with Darrel here. If you think about it, every time you buy something, ask yourself the question ‘are they selling this to me for my benefit or theirs’?
  9. Bradders

    To test or wait?

    I actually have a later photoperiod (from 15:00) so I do all my water changes in the morning before C02 comes on. Luckily for me, my inlet goes half way down the tank height so I can do a 50% water change without turning off the filter. (Which is great as I can keep getting oxygen to the closed...
  10. MichaelJ

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Just a random thought; @Sanniejop you say collect the water from a roof with gravel. I think perhaps an easy way to determine if anything leaching off the roof would be to compare the TDS/EC of a sample taken from the water coming off the roof and a sample just collected in a clean glass. If...
  11. Ratvan

    Aquarium to Terrarium

    I have a couple of small Nano/Pico Tanks that I'm using as very very basic Terrariums
  12. Bradders

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    Which makes sense. So, I have tap water at 7.5, tank water at 7.0 due to substrate buffering, and pearling at 6.3 with a lime green drop checker. Considering that a full pH should be 6 using tank water as a reference point, that is my confusion. Is that because the drop checker has a pretty...
  13. BarryH

    Aquarium to Terrarium

    Has anyone ever used an old aquarium to make a terrarium at all please? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Fluxtor

    To test or wait?

    Question, during maintenance (water changes) do you turn of you C02 and filters? I am running inline diffuser so does that make a difference? I'm currently doing daily water changes of around 30% and I usually wait for the C02 to turn off on the timer and turn the filter off as 30% takes the...
  15. Happi

    Remineralizing RO Water

    Aquavitro Mineralize, I Tried replicating this few times and the solubility of Ca Gluconate was very very low in the solution, majority of the Ca and Mg in this product came from Ca and Mg Chloride, both are highly soluble. one can basically just make a stock solution using Ca and Mg Chloride...
  16. Ratvan

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Welcome, this is a great forum with a HUGE wealth of Knowledge Hope you enjoy it as much as I
  17. Zeus.

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    The tank water and the tap water will not have the same degased pH in a planted tank, as the substrate and rocks/wood/ferts etc change the parameters of the tank water. A tank without substrate/rocks etc the tank water and tap water would be the same - until you add anything
  18. Ratvan

    North West stockists

    I've not been in years as I seem to be moving closer and closer to the Lancastrian border but are Paws for Thoughts still on York Road in Leeds? Before Covid and lockdown they supplied me with my Trio of Dwarf Lionfish as well as Corals etc I was always impressed by the amount of Freshwater...
  19. AlemBa

    How/Where did you hear about Ukaps.org?????

    Banner on some site
  20. dw1305

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Hi all, That is it. You often get a <"flush of algae"> appearing if a, formerly, non-available, nutrient becomes plant available. Because algae take nutrients directly through the cell membrane they can respond very quickly to changes in nutrient availability. Diatoms are the slightly strange...
  21. AlemBa

    Jungle in a glass box

    I love yoyr engineering skills and the mail wood is great 👍
  22. hamfist

    500 litre community conversion to planted setup.

    A few of the inhabitants ....... The Leporinus and the acara can be particularly boisterous around the tank, just because they are big, confident fish. Its proving a minor problem with the plants currently, with regular uprootings. They even somehow managed to uproot a large Echinodorus last...
  23. L

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    My understanding is that buffers are molecules dissolved in the water, they are not the substrate itself. The substrate may release a buffer to the water, but the most common thing is that it absorbs the carbonates that buffer the water to a higher pH, reducing their concentration and therefore...
  24. dw1305

    First tank

    Hi all, You shouldn't feel bad about it and<"it really isn't your fault">. In the past (in the days of books) there was a dearth of information, now there is information overload, but much of it either ill-informed or deliberately misleading. My opinion is that it is an industry built on the...
  25. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Since last weekend I have also some duckweed in my tank. Hope to learn some thing from that.
  26. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    You mean something like this? https://www.masterblend.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/2021-Masterblend-pH-Chart-1.jpg I will repeat the water change receipt and wait some weeks to look how it evolves.
  27. Bradders

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    I think that is what is confusing me somewhat. If I vigorously aerate the tank water (pH7), it kind of gets closer to the tap water. (ph7.5+). Which is expected, as the the tap water is 7.5, and the buffer in the water makes it 7 in the tank. I was told it relative to the water in the aquarium...
  28. B

    First tank

    Many thanks Darrel, much appreciated once again. I’ll look into the duckweed method and probably give it a go. Fully understand re the sellers of supplies - I am one of those suckers who thinks I’m doing the right thing by buying all the stuff!
  29. dw1305

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    Hi all, It is underrated as a tourist venue, but you could also call in on industrial Deeside, "the north Cheshire Riviera" while you are there? <"Aqualife Leyland"> would be another possibility, allowing you to enjoy the scenic delights of Burnley, Accrington, Blackburn and Preston on the...
  30. tam

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    I'd be inclined to assume they are appearing in the transition phase, and much like with a new tank setup will probably resolve themselves so wouldn't worry overly about trying to fix them as you might be chasing a problem that isn't one.
  31. L

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    I see comments from people who track their pH profiles in a more precise way than I do, that the tank doesn't fully degas during the lights off period. So I would recommend that you further investigate the base pH of your water, especially since that is very relevant when using the 1pH drop...
  32. dw1305

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    Hi all, Obviously not a CO2 user, but I've had a lot of experience with pH meters and I'd be <"happier to trust the drop checker">. This just means the water is saturated with dissolved oxygen and the "excess oxygen" is outgassing as "pearling" (O2 bubbles). It is a pretty good indication that...
  33. Ratvan

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    Thank you, I'll head back onto the BAND app as well see if I can narrow down any that way as well Failing that I could always take the Mrs for a nice romantic drive to .... Runcorn 😀
  34. castle

    Inflow ball valve position question

    The pipework for the most part is behind 1000kg+ aquarium, so it’s a bit of a mare to ever get behind should it fail. I’ve planned now to add a “rodding” point at the top of the inflow so I can rod down to the T . For sanity I will also add another rodding point after the valve for the drain...
  35. dw1305

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Hi all, Unfortunately we are in <"unknown unknowns"> territory. I'm guessing it isn't the rainwater, but it is purely a guess. A <"lot of mineral nutrients"> are more available at lower pH and alkalinity values, iron (Fe) is the one <"we often encounter">. I've always <"been a rainwater...
  36. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    I was thinking rain water could do no harm, but I was really surprised by the sudden appearance of those diatoms. I never saw them before. Maybe at the start of the tank but that was eight years ago.
  37. dw1305

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    Hi all, I'll be honest, I think you may have dodged a bullet there. I might try putting out feelers to <"Premier Aquatics">, Ste Chesters will know if they are likely to be available, and where you might get them from. A lot of less common fish pass around amongst specialist breeders and...
  38. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    That is an interesting though. Target was also to reach a lower Ph. Can this also play a role in this way of thinking?
  39. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Hi Darrel, thanks for your reply. So they will always be present in the rainwater too? Or maybe there must be a different source for those traces of orthosilicic acid? I used a second hand rain barrel. There were some old leafs in the rain barrel. Also on the roof there are leafs and mosses...
  40. dw1305

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Hi all, A thought occurs that the softer, less alkaline water may have "unlocked" the availability of one of the other mineral nutrients that was limiting diatom growth? cheers Darrel
  41. dw1305

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Hi all, It shouldn't. The quartz (SiO2) in gravel is inert <"Aquarium sand and diatoms...">. You only need the merest trace of orthosilicic acid (Si(OH)4) for diatoms to be able to extract it, diatoms are universal in fresh (and salt) water. In fact they occur everywhere there is liquid water...
  42. dw1305

    Strange new feathery tendrils on plants

    Hi all, Welcome to UKAPS Could be, but I think they may be filamentous diatoms (Synedra (Fragilaria) sp.). If @kw1964 runs them <"between their fingers">, you should be able to tell, <"very slightly gritty = diatoms">. cheers Darrel
  43. dw1305

    First tank

    Hi all, They may do. Some people use <"floating rings"> etc. to keep them in position, I've not needed too try it, but I think it works. Try halving in it? And see what happens. I don't add a set amount of fertiliser, I just use the <"Duckweed Index">. The simple answer is "no" and "no"...
  44. Andy Pierce

    Strange new feathery tendrils on plants

    Looks like green thread algae. Amano shrimp will eat it. 🙂
  45. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Hello all, Our tap water has a KH of 8, so I was thinking to do water changes with 50% tap and 50% rain water to lower the KH. Water change itself is 60L on 185L Total. So to say, I did this once and promptly I saw a brown layer on my anubiases leaves. My oto's are happy to eat it it seems. I...
  46. kw1964

    Strange new feathery tendrils on plants

    Hi there, I am looking after my son's 100L tank whilst he is at uni. I have noticed over the past few days that his plants (I tink they may be java fern but don't know for sure) have started sprouting long feathery filaments from the top of the leaves. Is this normal? I have watched a few YT...
  47. Cazza

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Hello there!
  48. C

    Oase biomaster pre-filter foam dimensions

    Thanks @Bradders and @Maf 2500 it seems like it's too big for my inlet after all
  49. AlemBa

    Mosses that do or don't attach to Hardscapes!

    Wow. Great info
  50. AlemBa

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Thank you 😊
  51. Ratvan

    Low Tech Sumatra Biotope

    Well anyway I have received a refund and email from the store this morning so its safe to assume that these fish are not being delivered today, so looks like i am back to the drawing board regarding livestock for the tank
  52. Courtneybst

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Welcome to UKAPS!
  53. M

    Inflow ball valve position question

    Great point with regards to cleaning. If it helps I used irrigation fittings that screw together to construct my reactor piping. So it’s quite easy to remove, take apart and clean as needed. Perhaps you can find something similar.
  54. castle

    Inflow ball valve position question

    @ian_m i didn’t think of that, and it makes sense. I’ll add one this weekend - annoyingly wasted a bit of pipe but totally right.
  55. Zeus.

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    Dialling in the CO2 injection Rate and CO2 Profiles - worth a read and covers the topic. The rate of the pH drop is out off your control with single injection and is dependant on many factors esp the pH drop itself. One you have a stable pH the time it takes is the time it takes for every tank...
  56. hamfist

    My planted aquarium journey

    Agree for Iain, I think once the plants grow out somewhat it'll really look great. Can I ask what fertilising strategy you are using ?
  57. ian_m

    Inflow ball valve position question

    One thing to take into account is cleaning the pipe work. Every couple of years/months/weeks you may want to be able to completely take out the pipe work for a yearly/monthly/weekly thorough cleaning. Thus having some way of getting all the water out of the pipework and getting the pipe work...
  58. anewbie

    How to get nurii rosen to grow in blackwater

    I'll post an updated picture in a bit;but right now it appears everything recovered (or is showing growth) but the c. Ferruginea Sekadauensis and c. green greco. I"m a bit surprise the c. green greco didn't grow as it came in good condition (there is one spot that might still be showing signs of...
  59. Bradders

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    Out of interest (being new to this) is there a difference between a fast drop to target, verse a slow drop to target? My head tells me it would be the same amount of gas but I think I am not right.
  60. hamfist

    Baby otocinclus porn

    Just as an update, my few fry seem to be happily passing the 2cm size, unlike the experience of one or two others reported here. I think there is little competition for food for them though. The adults have stopped spawning for some reason, so I think I probably only have around 5-7 (max)...
  61. bazz

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    If you're looking for a fast pH1 drop in a 250l tank you're going to use a lot of gas, this is Zeus's 500l tank but you'll get the picture Olympus is Calling.
  62. bazz

    Co2 newbe

    Hi and welcome. First and foremost as with any pressurised gas it needs to be treated with the greatest respect. Luckily though you are in the right place to ask and receive good advice to help you avoid 'making a mess of it'. In the meantime I can only suggest you read up as much as you can on...
  63. MichaelJ

    First tank

    Got it... flow - as in nutrient distribution - is indeed King! ... it really applies equally to low-tech tanks as it does to high-tech (co2 injected) tanks! Give it a few more weeks and then start dosing Specialized again ... btw. for the record, I use Specialized exclusively in one of my 150L...
  64. B

    First tank

    Thank you, that’s very informative and extremely helpful. I replaced the actual filter (see previous posts in this journal) owing to it not providing much flow. I have also added a smaller pump at the opposite side half way down (the main filter has a spray bar just below surface level) of the...
  65. AlemBa

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Thank you 😊
  66. Maf 2500

    Ludwigia identity!

    I am far from an expert on plant identification, but the leaves look to be opposite in the picture. Ludwigia ovalis has alternate leaves which would rule it out. Admittedly it is a bit hard to be certain of the leaf arrangement in the picture as it is not very zoomed in and some of it is blurry...
  67. hypnogogia

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Hello 👋, welcome to UKaps.
  68. MichaelJ

    First tank

    I suppose you mean the filter material ? Either way, no, that wont be necessary in my opinion. You are running a relatively densely planted tank with fast growing plants and thats a very, very good thing when starting up 🏆... The filter, as far as I am concerned merely serves a mechanical...
  69. AlemBa

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Thinks 😊
  70. FrozenShivers

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Welcome to the forum :)
  71. AlemBa

    Office scape

    Great scape for relaxing 😌
  72. M

    Inflow ball valve position question

    I would say you’re overthinking it. There may be some vacuum effect to the left of the T-piece but not at a magnitude even close to exceeding what the valve can handle. In any event all it can do is suck the ball valve more “closed”. My canister has a reactor with 3 ball valves that allow me...
  73. Bradders

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    Inline diffuser. At present, the CO2 comes on 5 hours before the lights do. Moves from a pH of ~7, to a pH of ~6.32 when the lights come on. It then stays pretty steady (6.31 to 6.32). In short, long ramp-up, not quite 1 full pH but steady when the lights come on. To give an idea of...
  74. AlemBa

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Hello everyone! My name is Alem, I’m from Bosnia, and I’ve been passionate about aquariums and aquascaping since I was young. Unfortunately, I’ve been away from the hobby for the past seven years, but my love for it never faded. In the past few months, I’ve been following various YouTube...
  75. B

    First tank

    Thank you Michael. Yes, the tank is three weeks old but I replaced the filter just the other day so should I reset the ‘clock’? Ok, I’ll do 50% water changes twice a week. I have bought some Seachem Prime and I did 50% change yesterday and found it was usable within minutes as you say. As next...
  76. MichaelJ

    First tank

    Hi @BarrWarr, from what I understand your tank is only 3 weeks old. With the Tropica Aquarium Soil you should keep the WC frequency/amount to 50% twice a week for the first 4 weeks. The Tropica soil will leach quite a bit of ammonium and ammonia and other compounds for at least the the initial...
  77. B

    Co2 newbe

    I have a freshwater aquarium and it heavily planted Fish seem very happy and healthy but I'm thinking about co2 injection to improve the plants but am now concerned that I might be taking on more than I can handle The kit I have is co2 fire extinguisher ,co2 art regulator but still not...
  78. N

    Twinstar 900 Light IV

    New details for the S900 IV I've found on a website.. no update to Twinstars website as yet, just upto the 60cm still. Looks like they have revised the light already, with version 4.2 now listed!
  79. castle

    Inflow ball valve position question

    Sorry yes, I’m not a plumber so don’t know the correct flow diagram; i tried to flatten a 3D plan 😅 my question is about having the drain valve closed with the pump valve open would the pump create a vacuum/pressure off the T to the valve in the drain? Or am I overthinking it 👍 Your diagram is...
  80. I

    Aquascaping stores South East?

    I don't want to go into it too much as I don't know the ins and outs but from what I heard from them today: their private water supply (including potable) is being contaminated, they are having to be supplied with bottled by the water company. This means that they have had to stop livestock...
  81. Aqua sobriquet

    Inflow ball valve position question

    I’m not sure what you’re asking but the diagram looks a bit odd?
  82. castle

    Current build status of my nano tree stump

    Will do a water change tomorrow, but not looking too bad. I will be changing the light, hanging one of the old lights I made for the Holes tank. But for now, the cheapy light works, luckily family are happy with it. As this tank will eventually be in our entrance hallway 😬 Wife wants a...
  83. S

    UNS 5N iwagumi-ish

    Got some better pictures while spraying today. It’s probably too soon to tell but so far all the plants are doing fine. They’re all still green and look healthy but growth is a long ways off I recon. The CO2 regulator should arrive tomorrow so I’ll test that out on another tank. Also going...
  84. G H Nelson

    Ludwigia identity!

    Thanks for the reply! I think it could be Ovalis https://www.flowgrow.de/db/aquaticplants/ludwigia-ovalis
  85. ElleDee

    Ludwigia identity!

    It looks consistent with 'Rubin' to me, but there may be even better matches out there I'm unaware of. It's hard to be sure from just a single picture.
  86. B

    First tank

    So, I’ve just used a Salifert Phosphate test and it has come back as absolute zero - is this a problem and possibly the cause of the algae? Does this zero reading mean I need to dose my Tropica specialised nutrition even more but won’t that then cause even more algae? Any help would be much...
  87. L

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    Not reaching the desired pH drop and having an excessively long ramp up indicates to me that you need to add a lot more CO2 and possibly increase surface agitation. Start adding more CO2. If you find that the CO2 keeps ramping up significantly after lights on, then you need more surface...
  88. G

    White spot and temperature for corys

    @PARAGUAY thank you for your advice. I will definitely have a look in to those products. The white spot and fungus treatment saved my last few green neons but I have no idea what happened to the diamond heads other than a bacterial infection I couldn’t see. I still have one diamond head left and...
  89. G

    White spot and temperature for corys

    I definitely agree with this, I am looking in to it for if ever I’m in this situation again.
  90. MichaelJ

    Remineralizing RO Water

    True, but the problem with both CaNO3 and MgNO3 is that you are getting a tremendous amount of NO3 for even a modest amount of Ca or Mg. In case of MgNO3 it is almost 1:6... with CaNO3 the ratio is 1:3... so for instance, if you are targeting 18 ppm of Ca (2.5 dGH) with CaNO3 you get a...
  91. B

    First tank

    Many thanks Darrel. Based on the images of the algae, is this one that is likely to disappear/improve by cutting down the lighting period/intensity (looking back, I’m pretty sure I had way too much lighting in terms of period and intensity - 3 leds strips on for 12 hours)? I was adding 6ml of...
  92. castle

    Inflow ball valve position question

    Hopefully this image helps, the outflow from the aquarium to the pump has a T section where one pipe goes to the pump, the other goes to the drain. After the T both pipes have ball valves to turn off their flow. The drain would be gravity fed, with the pump off. Have I missed anything here?
  93. dw1305

    First tank

    Hi all, Suggests that you have <"plenty of nutrients">. Try reducing the fertiliser addition and see what happens. You can lean dose, as long as you supply all of the nutrients plants need. Don't get too hung up on what the test kit says, <"use plant health as your test kit">. I use a...
  94. FrozenShivers

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    BPS doesn't mean much on it's own as it isn't a calibrated constant across brands, so for example 1BPS across different setups won't equate to the same amount of CO2 being injected. How long does it take for your drop checker to reach green? I think there's around a 1-2 hour delay from real time.
  95. Bradders

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    I don't think I have the problem per se. I seem to have moderate surface agitation and a 5BPS injection rate and still a slow (5 hour) ramp-up and not make it quite to 1pH.
  96. dw1305

    Aquascaping stores South East?

    Hi all, I have to ask ......... What is the issue? Cheers Darrel
  97. Maf 2500

    Oase biomaster pre-filter foam dimensions

    They are approx 55mm diameter x 50mm high with hole diameter of approx 15mm. Edit: too late lol
  98. Bradders

    Oase biomaster pre-filter foam dimensions

    Looks like 6cm diamster for the entire width, and the hole is 1.5cm.
  99. I

    Aquascaping stores South East?

    I want to give a shout out to Crowders in Bordon - easy parking, amazing range of scape materials and especially good quality woods and botanicals which you can mix and match cheaply. Unfortunately the ongoing issue with their water supply means no plants (in vitro may be stocked in the future)...
  100. jameski

    Corydoras cysts

    I've had them around 6 months. I did check with the shop and they don't seem to have had the same issue, but they treat their whole system with Praziquantel every 3 weeks. On closer inspection I think I can see some sort of white parasite attached, so I have also treated with Praziquantel a...