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  1. G

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    You are right it would help a little I've tried it all though. All that is left is to try doing nothing. Seems to be working considering the vallisneria has become NOT dormant after so many years... its odd. Why now? Why not when I was water changing like a lunatic and dosing fertilisers and...
  2. S

    Strike Action - Views

    It’s unfortunate that this has happened but as a former tradesperson myself, strike action was probably inevitable. If you have a skilled trade, you’re valuable to society and some companies artificially keep wages low in these roles. It’s an honourable job keeping people’s homes safe and in...
  3. Andy Pierce

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    I can say with absolute certainty that it is entirely natural causes that make aquariums do badly. That is really good news - when you figure out what the underlying issue is and fix it, you're back in business.
  4. Andy Pierce

    PH level too low?

    Ottos are fragile in the general case even under well-established aquarium conditions, so not the best choice as a first fish into a new tank. What is your source of water - is this tap or RO? If tap, where are you located and what does your water report say? If RO, what are you adding to the...
  5. J

    Strike Action - Views

    Chin up pal, all part of the great trapesstry of life. On a side note, you are the victim of another union strike in the vain of workers rights. Power to the people... I'm not so sure 😕
  6. P

    RO vs Tap

    Thanks everyone. Going through the local water quality reports plus my phosphate measurement kit, my tap water parameters are: I can't find the Potassium value and neither do I have a way of measuring. So if I was to have to add anything to this at WC before considering ferts, what would it...
  7. Bradders

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    If you would not mind posting a few photos, that would help a little.
  8. G

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    Well its just poor plant health no matter what I do. Funnily enough the fish were completely fine until recently. Honestly the Laetacara were spawning and in shining colours a few weeks ago and dropped dead now. Its the same thing as in the pictures I posted when I started this thread. Nothing...
  9. Bradders

    Greetings from Bosnia

    Start a journal for sure! We will all be excited to see progress!
  10. P

    My planted aquarium journey

    I have a base layer of Nutribase. On top of that I put a thin layer of aquatic soil and some crushed API root tabs. I then capped that with the sand. I have been dosing weekly with API Leaf Zone. I went with a dark start which took just over 3 weeks but not sure that did anything useful though...
  11. Bradders

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    I dont know, but I don't think so. I think the two things are unrelated. Why don't you restate your issues and send a few pictures so we can see what you are experiencing?
  12. G

    No idea what to do - poor plant health and algae

    I am really just completely baffled as to why the tanks are doing so poorly. Laetacara recently dropped dead from dropsy. Lots of Cherry barbs too. Water was good and clean and I didn't overfeed. The opposite probably but they weren't emaciated.. Can supernatural causes or so on cause...
  13. Fluxtor

    APT Ferts

    Okay, so I'm looking at the IFC Calculator and one thing on all of the fertilizer blarb that I haven't quite grasped yet is dosing regime or target dose. How do I compare settings or entries on the IFC calculator to what it tells me on the 2hr Aqurist site for APT 3 Complete?
  14. D

    PH level too low?

    Hi Darrel, thanks for the reply! Yes , turned the co2 down a lot for tomorrow (lights and co2 are off now). So the ph which is 6.5 is not too low for the Otto’s and Amano’s? What can I do so I can still keep adding co2 on a level that it’s still beneficial for plants but keeps the water levels...
  15. H

    Fish recommendation

    Just had another brainwave - Pencilfish ! A decent shoal (any of the common species) is a magnificant thing. These chaps are so full of character too. They tend to prefer softer acidic water though - not sure what your chemistry is.
  16. NathanB

    Journal 55L British Rockpool Biotope

    Time for a long overdue update me thinks! Hi all, it's been a long time since I did an update on this tank! And in all honesty, the only thing that has really changed is the size of the Snakelocks Anemones! Some of the larger snails unfortunately got killed by the Hermit Crabs, which I...
  17. Bradders

    PH level too low?

    As @dw1305 says, but also the plants look new, and there is no gas exchange to bring oxygen in.
  18. J

    Fish recommendation

    Those green neons really do look great. Thanks so much for taking the pictures! Y’all are making this choice so hard!!!
  19. G

    Plant wall

    I wonder if you could make a sort of terrarium thing with a waterfall but that is just an idea and obviously not so easy. But I've seen it done on another forum I think?? and it looked really interesting.
  20. dw1305

    PH level too low?

    Hi all It isn't the pH, it is the CO2. I think fish health is your primary objective at the moment. Just turn the CO2 down, it gives you time to think. Cheers Darrel
  21. dw1305

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    Hi all, Quicker than Asellus, but after that I don't really know. Because they are used for aquaculture and as a bioassay organism (as well as being an invasive) I should be able to find some figures. I think they do. Cheers Darrel
  22. Fluxtor

    APT Ferts

    Thanks for the advice. I will start dosing with zero and get some complete ordered. I like the idea of home brews but thought the same about it not being worth it for my tank size. I think my dosage of APT comes to about 1ml daily IIRC although based on your calcs above its more like 1.5.
  23. Zeus.

    APT Ferts

    Out of the two I would go for the complete as it has NO3 and PO4. You may be fine with the Zero at first until you aquasoil gets depleted with NO3 and PO4. They cost about the same as well(or did) The APT range was rather expensive when we looked at all the commercial ferts. TNC complete is the...
  24. Andy Thurston

    High tech or low tech

    I think people see amazing high tech tanks and think I want that so they set up make loads of mistakes and then when they get it right and the tank grows at a ridiculous rate they either abandon cos maintenance is too much or they explore the low tech routes including, like yourself low light...
  25. Andy Thurston

    High tech or low tech

    I agree 100% the speed of growth is controlled by light and nutrients. Co2 is also a nutrient. So basically if you keep the nutrients balanced to the light available you can adjust the growth to suit you. What I was more interested in is where do people prefer to keep their tanks High tech...
  26. D

    PH level too low?

    Hi all, I recently started a new high tech tank (90P / 160 liter, aquasoil, Chihiros wrgb 90 pro, super jet filter 900, and co2 injection). The tank went through a dark start , and water parameters are good. Except for the PH. The tank has 7 hours light period and one hour before light turns on...
  27. MichaelJ

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    Well @megwattscreative , according to this from Google: "In the Amphibia fictional world, toads collect taxes from other amphibians, mainly frogs, to enforce law and order. The native currency of the amphibians is copper." ... so there is that :lol: Cheers, Michael
  28. L

    Removal of co2 system

    I’m shutting down a tank and will be moving the plants to a new tank in two weeks. The current tank is high energy / tech. The new tank will be low energy / tech. I have just removed the co2 system as the cylinder was running out and it is not worth a top up. I have dropped the lights by 30%...
  29. AlemBa

    Greetings from Bosnia

    One question. I have started small nano aquascape 12 days ago. I wonder where to start a thread? Journal or aquascaping?
  30. megwattscreative

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    There should always be a frog tax 😉 I like the red & white gent, reminds me of peppermint butler (but hopefully less evil)
  31. RickyV

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    @dw1305 Do you know their rate of reproduction? Brood sizes and time to reproductive age? I have a bunch of these in my tank at home that I want to use to make a culture for 3000 Liter High Tech Planted Tank I'll probably make a culture connected to the main tank flow like the blackworm...
  32. MichaelJ

    Adding too many shrimp at once?

    Should be ok if you got a decent amount of plants. You could start with a bit less - say 5 RCS and 2 more Amano’s - unlike the Cherry shrimps, the Amanos won’t procreate. Just make sure there will be enough food sources - algae, biofilm and supplements. All they do is eat :) Cheers, Michael
  33. MichaelJ

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    I like those tank dimensions. Nice frogs! Welcome to UKAPS! :) Cheers, Michael
  34. Laoshan

    Strike Action - Views

    Take care Gill! I wish you good luck finding a new and better Job.
  35. megwattscreative

    Fish recommendation

    From my experience, the green neons spend about as much time in open water as they do in the plants - if anything, they probably spend more time in the plants. I can't comment on the others though :) Edit: One thing you could also consider - when you add food, why not add it to the side of the...
  36. J

    Fish recommendation

    So many great options!!! Any guesses on who would enjoy exploring those plants the most?
  37. megwattscreative

    Fish recommendation

    I second this, my green neons are lovely and cohabit well with my smaller chili and axelrodi rasboras. They are both bold and lurky, depending on the time of day/availability of food!! They're not bullies though - in a well planted tank they are quite peaceful, and are even sometimes chased off...
  38. Fluxtor

    APT Ferts

    Hi All, so I'm cycling my new 60ltr tank atm which is running CO2 and moderately planted with mostly slow growing plants. I'vw done a dark start and now I've nearly completed a week of 40% daily water changes. I plan to reduce the water changes to 40% every other day week 2 then I might consider...
  39. megwattscreative

    Strike Action - Views

    Hi Gill, really sorry to hear this situation has been so difficult. I sincerely hope you can find a better, fairer workplace that works for you and your colleagues. I recently left a very stressful, well paying job due to mental & physical health issues that work was worsening - my hair...
  40. A

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    Hi all, Could you do any quick sketch of this set up what is in your head pls?
  41. tam

    Fish recommendation

    Another, slightly weird maybe, suggestion is maybe have a look at threadfin rainbows. They are pretty but subtly coloured and picking up some of the lampchops shades. Very peaceful, not frantic but some interesting behaviour (even their sparing is chilled). Not huge, but not tiny either. They...
  42. J

    Fish recommendation

    Ok, crossing them off my list. This aquarium is my zen place. Off to do research on black phantoms. Not one I had considered. Hmmm, I agree about having fewer species. I actually like the groups that I have now and really hadn’t thought much about adding anyone new. It was only when I realized...
  43. J

    Fish recommendation

    I don’t think the lamb chop and harlequin rasboras are shy - they just tend to stay in a group on the left side of the tank. And the right side is like a dead zone. You may be right about the swimming space. The large sword is sort of the dividing line in the tank. Rasboras to the left; no one...
  44. S

    Time to Grow Up

    Next year , probably around June or so , I intend to set up a 16 gallon bookshelf display tank in the living room . I don’t want to mess around with growing in plants in this tank ; rather my goal is to use plants that are ‘pre grown in’ in a couple of farm tanks in my basement , and transplant...
  45. mort

    Fish recommendation

    A few thoughts I'd consider. The first is diamond tetra can be ugly ducklings in the shops and turn into swans eventually but like swans they can be aggressive with one another and a pain in the bum if you have a peaceful tanks. I like lemon tetra and pristella tetras are a similar species that...
  46. dw1305

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    Hi all, I put another Frogbit plant in, much less noticeably green in the root department, but this was about 10 minutes afterwards. Apologies for the quality of the photos. Cheers Darrel
  47. Zeus.

    Adding too many shrimp at once?

    Only 30 litres but heavily planted and not many shrimp ATM. So IMO you will be fine. I my of had a 500l but had 60++ Ammanos and thousands of RCS at the end, if they have somewhere to hide they will if unsettled. If the amamos aren't happy they will start climbing out if they can. I did have SAE...
  48. dw1305

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    Hi all, I think that Hyalella azteca and Gammarus spp. are a lot more omnivorous than Asellus or Crangonyx, which are detrivores. From - <"https://invasions.si.edu/nemesis/species_summary/95082"> Personally I've not tried Hyalella, and Gammarus ssp. don't last at tropical temperatures. No...
  49. Bradders

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    Get well soon. (Although the forced plant focus might be of some consolation!)
  50. NathanB

    Adding too many shrimp at once?

    Should be more than fine, if you're worried you could just check your parameters if you have a test kit. Would be interesting to know how you get on with that ratio of Amanos and RCS, when I had them together in my old planted tank I started to notice the amanos "bully" the red crystals and act...
  51. NathanB

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    Wow they did a brilliant job, I remember setting up a small native invert tank with some algae covered rocks that I collected from the local stream, I also added some duckweed from my pond that was covered in a few Asellus sp. I watched as some larger "scuds" grabbed a poor little water louse...
  52. Cazza

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    Hello there! Awesome frogs!
  53. dw1305

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    Hi all, I'm going to say ~72 hours, I just meant to leave it in overnight, but my wife and I both have COVID at the moment (unfortunately it is still a "thing") and I just forgot about them. I thought of doing it because I had some Frogbit that has been <"sitting in a bowl and has algae">...
  54. NathanB

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    Beautiful frogs, what species are they?
  55. Ratvan

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    That's a pretty drastic change, over what time period was this?
  56. ElleDee

    Fish recommendation

    Huh, I have lambchop rasboras and haven't found them shy at all, but find they like more swimming space. If they aren't bopping around, I know I really need to trim my stem plants. Maybe add a few more? That said, you've got some great options. I'm planning on diamond tetra myself and possibly...
  57. dw1305

    Crangonyx as an algae eater

    Hi all, I don't think I have any "Northern River Shrimp" Crangonyx - <"Live food culture - Crangonyx pseudogracilis"> left in the <"tanks with fish">, but I have a "spare tank", until it goes to @megwattscreative, with plenty present and I tried putting a Frogbit (Limnobium (Hydrocharis)...
  58. J

    Fish recommendation

    I’ve never seen that fish before and it’s very beautiful. None of my usual places have it in stock and it might be a bit large for what I have in mind. But I’m going to keep it on my list. Thanks for the suggestion.
  59. Spartacus

    Strike Action - Views

    Sorry to hear that Gill - Sounds like it’s there loss and it seemed to be a very difficulty environment. Look after yourself!
  60. Bradders

    Strike Action - Views

    Really and profoundly sorry to hear that Gill.
  61. Ratvan

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    Hello and welcome, beautiful frogs
  62. M

    Adding too many shrimp at once?

    Hi, I have a 30l heavily planted nano tank, currently 6 chili rasbora, 4 amanos, and a nerite. I know the bioload of shrimp are tiny, but I want to add 3-4 more amanos and 10 rcs. For 30 litres would that knock off the bio-load or will I be fine? I've never had a tank so small and had to concern...
  63. Gill

    Strike Action - Views

    Well I was Sacked and given an hr to clear my desk and say my Goodbyes, Oh well, I will find something else and bounce back again somehow.
  64. M

    Will my S Repens be ok??

    I recently moved a shell forwards into my patch of s repens, some of the moss is starting to move into the plants space and I'm worried it'll do harm. Am I being paranoid? Thanks :)
  65. G H Nelson

    Plant recognition help

    Post another image in a few months, giving us a better idea of what it could be!
  66. dw1305

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    Hi all, That is it, it cuts through all the <"unknown unknowns"> whlch @hax47 & @Zeus. have mentioned above. Only gases can cross the air gap and only dissolved CO2 effects the colour of the pH indicator in the drop checker. You only have three components, CO2, pH indicator and 4dKH solution...
  67. Iain Sutherland

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    Welcome, love the frogs 👍
  68. Zeus.

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    Nice colour change which indicates that you have about 30ppm CO2, your pH readings indicate you have a more than a 1.0pH drop which conflicts with the DC. I would put the larger than 1.0pH drop down to the probe not reading the pH accurately. pH probes read the pH by proxy and the logarithmic...
  69. Bradders

    Filter for a 75L Betta tank?

    As others have said, if you are going to plant up the aquarium then that would allow you to worry less about the filter.
  70. Bradders

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    To me, placement is maximizing water flow so that it goes around the aquarium and ends back at an inlet. Trying to picture your setup in my head, you are almost better letting the filter outlet disperse into the water in a baffled way, and let the powerhead drive the water movement from top...
  71. mlgt

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    Hello and welcome :)
  72. bazz

    Week aqua users

    @Wookii is using them on his Remanso project Remanso . . .
  73. FrozenShivers

    Week aqua users

    I haven't tried the T90, meant to be a great light though. I do have two P600's and I have just ordered the new Z250 Pro. I always order them from Aliexpress.
  74. Barbara Turner

    Week aqua users

    Just looking at ordering 3 x TS90 lights and possibly one of the filter buckets, Is everyone ordering through aliexpress? What's the best price people are getting on the TS90 lights?
  75. InNi2010

    Stocking Question

    Thank you all for your advice, I guess the tank will stay as it is, and I'll look towards sending the grown out endlers to my LFS, maybe for free?
  76. bazz

    Filter for a 75L Betta tank?

    For low tech, single Betta and plants, I too would just use the supplied filter. Those corner filters can be pretty well disguised with a few plants and Bettas much prefer low flow anyway.
  77. H

    Tranquility - My low tech 186L journey

    Its a great project, going really nicely ! You have done far better than I ever have at avoiding algae issues in early stages. Impressive. I wondered if you had considered just adding a few little bits of rock/hardscape to break up the clean "island" look you have going on. My eye...
  78. P

    From poison frogs to fish - Hi from London

    Hi everyone, My name is Felix, living in London. I currently keep a few vivaria with poison frogs which I love, but have had aquariums in the past and have just ordered a funky 60cm x 60cm x 30cm (WxDxH) shallow aquarium for my living room! Will take time on this build, potentially add CO2...
  79. FrozenShivers

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    Ahh sorry I didn't think of that as I've never had a braced tank with a lid. Yes I would try both with and without spray bar, as well as trying with spray bar aiming towards the length of the tank, just put powerhead where the flow seems weakest, if it's adjustable then you may need to dial down...
  80. H

    Fish recommendation

    I've really been enjoying my current shoal of 6 scissortail rasboras, which have actually become my favourite larger tank dither/shoal fish. A much larger fish (around 4-4.5" max) than you suggested but 100g is ample space really, and they are not manic at all - the very opposite of a...
  81. MichaelJ

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    No, unless you plan to breed picky soft water species or keep sensitive shrimps, a very gradual change from say 120 to ~200 ppm is not too bad if most of the delta is made up of fertilizers and not just decomposed waste. Natural water ways unless polluted or naturally very mineral rich, will...
  82. A

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    Hi all, The only way to have both inlet and outlet on the same side is to stay with spray-bar. I can not move Outlet on the same side where I have Inlet because Fluval Roma 125l doesn't have really space to place pipes from on one side Inlet and Outlet. In generally buying Fluval Roma 125l it...
  83. FrozenShivers

    Filter for a 75L Betta tank?

    Unless the aesthetics bother her and assuming the stocking isn’t wildly different to what you stated, I don’t see why there is any need to upgrade filtration in an extremely low stocked, mildly planted aquarium with a basic filter.
  84. FrozenShivers

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    I would have both inlet and outlet on the same side, in my experience this is usually the best apart from in more niche scenarios with certain hardscape placement, highly banked substrate or very long tanks. It’s also a creates a very simple circular flow that is easy to monitor :)
  85. Bradders

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    OK, thank you, everyone. I think I have probably wasted a lot of people's time explaining this! But I am grateful for helping me understand the science a little better. And of course, I'll always be ensuring that dop-checker is green, good gas-exchange and will watch the health of livestock.
  86. A

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    Hi all, Thanks guys for your suggestions . I will play around just to see what works best for me. Well, I don't have inlet and outlet on the same side. If we see on the back wall of the aquarium on the left side I have inlet and on the right I have Outlet with spray-bar on the back. I...
  87. H

    Does this feel right for CO2 ramp-up?

    The water from the tap contains CO2. Some tap water contains more, some less. Your degassed tank water also contains some CO2, depending on the time you left it on air, and also on many other things, like the amount of water in your cup, the surface of it, the CO2 in your room... So, whether the...
  88. FrozenShivers

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    Get out of my head! :joyful: I was going to add this but was on my iPad, I agree, swap the spraybar to lily pipe or something similar and run power head on opposite side of the tank. Is your power head adjustable? Then you can dial back if needed.
  89. tam

    Stocking Question

    Yup, I'd agree, that tanks at it's limits. Maybe look at picking up a second hand tank to grow them out... speak to your local fish shop first though - growing them out/summer tubing is going to make more fish so you need a plan for what to do with them. You might be better finding a new home...
  90. Bradders

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    If it were me, I would probably not use the powerhead with the spray bar. I would have a standard outlet/duckbill outlet shooting down the length of the tank (right to left, or left to right) and then have the powerhead at the bottom/front to help continue that circular flow back to the inlet...
  91. G H Nelson

    Plant recognition help

    Could be emersed Rotala Bangladesh or Wallichii.
  92. tam

    Fish recommendation

    I think that black neons are a bit bolder than green neons, but I haven't kept them in the same tank and conditions can effect behaviour. I find youtube can be helpful sometimes - google the fish species and quite often there is someone showing them off in their personal tank and you can see the...
  93. Conort2

    Fish recommendation

    Yes, I think they’d be perfect for that.
  94. Conort2

    Fish recommendation

    They’re very small and timid, ideally they need black water with a low tds too.
  95. FrozenShivers

    Stocking Question

    As above I certainly wouldn’t be looking to add anymore fish to that tank, even more so if it’s introducing another different type.
  96. Sanniejop

    Rain water from gravel roof causing problems?

    Hi @MichaelJ , Thanks for your reply. As I said i am quite new to this. So what is at all a reasonable tds value for life stock and/or plants? Is my tap water already on the high side? Currently my plan was to do 50/50% water/rain water changes of 30%, which will have an average tds of 110...
  97. FrozenShivers

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    This is also how I would do it. Then just play around with different positions if required. Considering the amount of flow you have, with minimal hardscape, in a tank that isn’t particularly long - you shouldn’t have much problem achieving good Fert/CO2 distribution.
  98. A

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    Hi, Well, that is I am asking about your opinions as I am trying to figure it out what options could be best for my tank. For the moment I run CO2 System but I don't really know for how long, as in my area is very difficult to refill CO2 Bottle. Capacity of CO2 cylinder is 3kg. I am using...
  99. MichaelJ

    Positioning Wavemaker at the right place

    Personally I like to have these internal filters on the side to provide a longer range before the flow gets obstructed and to get them out of the way (visually). What location technically provides the most optimal flow I can't say, and I am not a CO2 user, but I do care a lot about...