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  1. RudeDogg1

    Small tropical lilly

    Thanks I really like the curved front 2 corners
  2. RudeDogg1

    Small tropical lilly

    It’s a Aqua one 130 nano with built in sump filter
  3. RudeDogg1

    Small tropical lilly

    What are them banana Lilly’s like size wise?
  4. RudeDogg1

    Small tropical lilly

    Unfortunately still a similar sized leaf to a lotus
  5. RudeDogg1

    Small tropical lilly

    Hi guys, Im sure ive posted this before but I cant find the thread. Are there any small lillys suitable for tropical tanks? While I like lotus's I feel the leaves get way to big for my 130L nano
  6. RudeDogg1

    Fish delivery disasters

    name the seller Ive had bad experiences from 2 on ebay
  7. RudeDogg1

    JBL proflora reg problems

    They do operate over 2.5 bar you just have to adjust the Allen key nut on the front even tells u in the instructions. It’s just set to 2-2.5 from the factory
  8. RudeDogg1

    JBL Regulator Help!

    I hope someone can help me out. I ran out of Co2 today and went to swap my tanks over same as I always do. Screwed on the reg and gradually turned it on but no matter what I do co2 gushes from the tiny vent hole in the bottom of the reg next to the thread. Any ideas before I end up wasting a...
  9. RudeDogg1

    Midground Plant Recomendations

    Hi Guys, Can anyone recomend a nice midground plant that is nice and bushy and gets to a max of 15 - 20 cm high. Can be a hard or easy plant.
  10. RudeDogg1

    Background Plant Suggestions

    Hi Guys, A couple months ago I bought a Echinodorus Rubra for my 130L tank because it was meant to stay quite small at 20-30 cm high. Well its got alot taller to the point the leaves are bending over at the surface, its got that big around they are also touching the front glass lol. Shame I...
  11. RudeDogg1

    Dechlorinator with RO water

    Well my in-line one and handheld one show the same results
  12. RudeDogg1

    Dechlorinator with RO water

    Odd mines always been zero (I’m not complaining lol)
  13. RudeDogg1

    Dechlorinator with RO water

    Are you buying it already remineralised or is that meant to be plain ro? In which case they need to replace their membrane
  14. RudeDogg1

    Dechlorinator with RO water

    DI is just a final polish I get zero TDS without a DI which is overkill for fresh water anyway
  15. RudeDogg1

    Dechlorinator with RO water

    No the whole idea of ro is it strips everything out of the water
  16. RudeDogg1

    Small Plec

    Thanks I will have a look failing that it will prob be ottos lol
  17. RudeDogg1

    Small Plec

    Looks like otos or garas then lol
  18. RudeDogg1

    Small Plec

    Shame they are quite pretty Quite like them mustard dot ones
  19. RudeDogg1

    Small Plec

    They used to burrow through the sand and soil under a big bit of bog wood making a right mess
  20. RudeDogg1

    Small Plec

    Was also thinking about otos but read conflicting info that they only eat biofilm not algae
  21. RudeDogg1

    Small Plec

    Is that the same as gold nugget plecs? They need bog wood to nibble I’ve only got a couple redmoor roots which I don’t really want eating lol
  22. RudeDogg1

    Small Plec

    They trashed my old tank with constant digging so won’t be getting one of them lol
  23. RudeDogg1

    Small Plec

    Does anyone know of any plecs that remain quite small, eat algae, don’t uproot plants and dig?
  24. RudeDogg1

    Missing tetras!

    There lies your problem your tank hasn’t cycled
  25. RudeDogg1

    Missing tetras!

    I expect they died and the bristle nose ate them
  26. RudeDogg1

    Rimless tank options post-EA?

    Complete aquatics are a bloody nightmare they don’t have most the stuff they have for sale in stock despite the website saying otherwise. If u look on their feedback a lot of people say the same. I ordered my tank from them because they were the only place that said in stock. Took months then...
  27. RudeDogg1

    Call me old fashioned... pH controller

    I don’t think many people use them I’m sure I read they can make it fluctuate to much with it constantly trying to change the ph to whatever it’s set to
  28. RudeDogg1

    New tank Co2 checker

    You can turn the operating pressure up on ur reg there is an Allen key adjustment behind the little rubber bung in the front. I normally have mine on 2-2.5 bar
  29. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    I take that back it’s just this second turned up
  30. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    Blackwells supposedly dispatched mine last week still no sign of it tho
  31. RudeDogg1

    seed shrimp

    Just found this place they sell them https://www.sciento.co.uk/catalog/aquatic-invertebrates
  32. RudeDogg1

    seed shrimp

    Actually I was wrong it was a scud culture I saw. But have a look on mangroves and more or Zebrafish Management Ltd fish food, brine shrimp, and equipment they may be able to help u
  33. RudeDogg1

    seed shrimp

    I was just doing a search for aquarium live food
  34. RudeDogg1

    seed shrimp

    There’s some seed shrimp for sale on eBay saw them earlier
  35. RudeDogg1

    Random idea

    I already have pothos just starting was just thinking of another similar thing to add
  36. RudeDogg1

    Random idea

    Ah ok that answered that then lol. I tried growing it in my pond once and the buggers just ate it straight away. I might try some in the top of the waterfall tho once I turn it back on
  37. RudeDogg1

    Random idea

    Oh I didn’t want to eat I just thought it might be beneficial. Plus even if I did want to eat it I can’t see how it would be any different than the farmed stuff which is fed from streams and rivers
  38. RudeDogg1

    Random idea

    Ok guys hear me out lol, has anyone tried growing watercress in built in filter compartment or floating in their tank? I know people grow it in ponds and pond filters and it’s great for removing excess stuff from the water. Or would it be to warm that’s my only concern
  39. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    Blimey I only ordered last week
  40. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    Blackwells had 10 in stock still when I reordered through them
  41. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    Anyone that has it ordered with Amazon I’d cancel and get it elsewhere that’s what I did and it’s now been dispatched
  42. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    just canceled mine and went with blackwells
  43. RudeDogg1


    Just a friendly word of caution to not use this joker on ebay. First I ordered 10 cherry shrimp and 4 amanos from him. The cherries turned up nice and healthy and a nice deep red but they hadnt sent the amanos. So i contacted him he blamed someone else for not packing them no real apology. I...
  44. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    Mine was meant to arrive today but I got a msg from Amazon saying they are still having difficulty sourcing it
  45. RudeDogg1

    Looking for Seiryu Stone here in the UK

    Have u tried aqua essentials?
  46. RudeDogg1

    Looking for Seiryu Stone here in the UK

    Be warned using them they are buggers for selling items they don’t actually have in stock . They leave u hanging until you chase it up. Nearly all their reviews say the same. I ordered my tank from them it took months. Ended up being out of stock everywhere so I hung on. Then when it came they...
  47. RudeDogg1

    Looking for Seiryu Stone here in the UK

    No it’s not down I had plants from them last week
  48. RudeDogg1

    Local breeders of Discus in Norwich

    I got a cute lil pair of trifasciata apistos the other week already seen them courting even tho I think they are to small to do anything yet
  49. RudeDogg1

    Local breeders of Discus in Norwich

    Couldnt of said it all better myself
  50. RudeDogg1

    Local breeders of Discus in Norwich

    How big is the tank? 3 isn’t a good number for discus
  51. RudeDogg1

    Local breeders of Discus in Norwich

    You could always order online and get them delivered. I used to use devotedly discus. First lot I collected myself then I just got them delivered
  52. RudeDogg1

    Without Co2

    Scratch that back to ur suggestion. Had the crappy spare set up which was abit iffy had to readjust the bubble count twice. So just went to check up on it and it was hissing so giving up on that I can wait for the new one. Wasted so much co2 lately. My first 500g lasted 5.5 weeks and that was...
  53. RudeDogg1

    Without Co2

    Sok I remembered I had a crappy spare one so got that to tide me over. Thanks
  54. RudeDogg1

    Without Co2

    My reg has a dodgy needle valve which i believe its also leaking from. Will my tank be ok without Co2 for a couple days while I wait for a new reg to arive?
  55. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    Yep my comment still stands pay £15 or £30+
  56. RudeDogg1

    Zebra Nerite Snails

    Sounds like the same seller I used. Bought 6 different ones they were all alive when they arrived only 2 are alive now the others either never even stuck there heads out and eventually died or moved a couple cm and eventually died. I really want a horned nerite but refuse to pay the £9 eBay is...
  57. RudeDogg1

    Co2 refillable bottles

    Mine will be for sale when my 1kg turns up this week
  58. RudeDogg1

    Co2 refillable bottles

    I’ve been using a company I found on eBay for refills due to currently not being able to get refills locally. You just have to post the empties to them they are called www.grabner.co.uk
  59. RudeDogg1

    Co2 refillable bottles

    I will have a empty refillable JBl 500g bottle for sale in a few days
  60. RudeDogg1

    My fish are dying slowly

    have you tested for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?
  61. RudeDogg1

    Phosphate levels

    Its genrally 6.5 but sometimes its 6.6 before lights on. I have it come on 2 hours before lights on and off 1 hour before off. Co2 has always been stable but the carpets always looked poo. Its only the last week or so the co2 has been abit unstable after i must of knocked the dial when I swopped...
  62. RudeDogg1

    Phosphate levels

    Yes I did a profile goes from 6.4-6.6
  63. RudeDogg1

    Phosphate levels

    Yes tbh I’m on the verge of yanking it out and planting something else it looks horrible
  64. RudeDogg1

    Phosphate levels

    Although my drop checker is lime green and there’s loads of flow you can see the low plants moving? [emoji53]
  65. RudeDogg1

    Phosphate levels

    No an api test kit
  66. RudeDogg1

    Phosphate levels

    Thanks, the only probs I Have really is with hc and I think that may be down to when I had to turn the lights down to clear an algae issue when it was first cycling. So it’s ended up looking like this
  67. RudeDogg1

    Phosphate levels

    But what is the level it should be ie is mine to low which is kinda what I’m asking. In my old tank it was to high because I was using a hma filter and my tap water has really high phosphate so I was getting bad hair algae.
  68. RudeDogg1

    Phosphate levels

    What level of phosphate should we be aiming for? I use remineralised RO and dose AIO and fairly heavily planted my level is always around 0-0.25.
  69. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    I’d rather wait than pay twice the price tbh
  70. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

  71. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    12th of feb mine says
  72. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy HC Cuba

    Hi guys, Not having much luck getting a carpet. Before I pull this up and try something else do you think it will recover or am I wasting my time? I add co2, use a twinstar light, plenty of flow and dose AIO daily
  73. RudeDogg1

    George Farmers Book

    Was that from Amazon? If so they don’t seem to be sending them out very fairly I ordered mine nov 6 and still waiting
  74. RudeDogg1

    Nirite Snails sulking

    Is it normal for new nirites to sulk? Not had them before, other snails ive had over the years have never been fazed when they are added. My 3 are alive but barely moving 2 have been stuck to the glass in the same place since yestersay and the tird has moved about 1cm on a rock all day lol
  75. RudeDogg1

    What other hobby's do you have?

    Pinball machines owning, playing, restoring and customising. Building garage kits (resin movie monsters and the like which are generally low run and limited)
  76. RudeDogg1

    Nertile snails with yoyo and kulli loach?

    I’d say nerites are much to big for the majority of loaches to eat
  77. RudeDogg1

    Nertile snails with yoyo and kulli loach?

    Rather than yoyo’s polka dot loaches (botia kobotai) are a much better choice. I kept them with discus fine a lot more peaceful than yoyo’s and destroy pest snails.
  78. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    The nitrite kit don’t work as said above I got another one today and I do have a nitrite reading and nitrate as said above, cheers might try some safe start to be on the “safe side”
  79. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    As if by magic the nitrate test started working today and pretty much matched the tetra test. Nitrite one still not working tho. I did contact API and they just deny there could be anything wrong with their tests. It’s just users that aren’t happy with the results being quick to blame API. Lol...
  80. RudeDogg1

    Twinstar 900e, not 900mm...???

    Imperial mm [emoji1787]
  81. RudeDogg1

    Help! I Damaged My Tank!

    If the light is anything like the one that came with my aqua one aquanano 80 it will be pretty blahblahblahblah
  82. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Yeah that’s my plan just waiting for a few bits so I can connect my new ro up rather than buy it from Maidenhead
  83. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Pretty good had to trim one lot of stem plants back about 6 inches yesterday. Notice some of my hc melting abit dunno unless that’s because it’s emersed now? Here’s a quick pic abit dark because the lights have nearly ramped down Still going through the ugly diatom stage. I did put the lights...
  84. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    I’m happy to leave it for another couple weeks just wandered if it would be safe to add some amanos and a couple snails to battle the diatoms?
  85. RudeDogg1

    Help! I Damaged My Tank!

    Hasn’t it just chipped a sliver of glass off tho? Doesn’t look like it’s damaged the seal. I’d be inclined to smear abit of silicone on the inside of that corner and the outside
  86. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    I did a dry start for 6 weeks with all the plants and I’m on my 4th week flooded
  87. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Thanks Darrel, Just read through that I will stop adding ammonia. But how do I know when I can start adding a clean up crew and fish?
  88. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Yes I have been adding ammonia which has been going in 48 hours
  89. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Well I tested some rain water today and that also came out as zero nitrite and 5 nitrate so I’d say they are duff. I have contacted api see what they say
  90. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Hmm doesn’t expire until 2024 may have to complain to api
  91. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Fishless cycling which is taking ages haven’t had any reading for nitrite yet
  92. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Yes I did I did put it in my post but it seems to have missed it. The tetra one said the tap water was 12.5 and the tank was 100 [emoji53]
  93. RudeDogg1


    Sighs I was expecting something cute with ferrets lol
  94. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Well I tested the tap water as I’m using ro it wouldn’t resemble what is in the tank
  95. RudeDogg1

    Bleddy Nitrate test kits!

    Hi guys Ive been using a API master set which expires in 2024 Im not convinced my nitrate kit is working. Yeah I know they need alot of shaking Ive even been using my paint vortext mixer / shaker so they are more than shaken well. Everytime I test my tank it says its 5.0 ppm which it has done...
  96. RudeDogg1

    Critique my aquascape My First Iwagumi Scape

    Yeah testing few times a week
  97. RudeDogg1

    Critique my aquascape My First Iwagumi Scape

    I’ve also been using stability I don’t believe it does anything and ea pure aquarium jelly balls in with the media
  98. RudeDogg1

    Critique my aquascape My First Iwagumi Scape

    How have u managed to start cycling after 3 days? I did a 6 week dry start and I’m on my 3rd week of it being flooded and nitrites and nitrates haven’t budged but the plants keep taking the ammonia
  99. RudeDogg1

    DIY Project Jerry can auto shut off

    Hi all Thought this may be helpful for some people. I just made an auto shut off for when filling my Jerry cans with RO. No need to drill the can, just the lid. All u need is a float switch, a 1/4” push-fit bulkhead, about an inch of pipe, and 2 1/4” elbows. Drill a hole in the middle of the...